jupyter | ||||||||||||||||||||||
This is a Python version of the Mathematica notebook, YCombinator005.nb, with PDF File. The primary difference between the Mathematica and Python versions is that we can write static types in Python. Static types afford the hope of compilation to fast machine code.
Though Python does not actually check static types, various tools like mypy and PyCharm check them and produce warnings on errors.
The code in this notebook passes PyCharm's type-checking. It has two errors under mypy for two cyclic (recursive) type definitions. I do not know a way around this, but I don't consider it serious. After all, the entire topic is "recursion." PyCharm's type checker evidently tolerates my recursive types. Also, there are new typing services in Python 3.10 that I might try later.
I present the dynamically-typed theory, like the original Mathematica, then follow up with static types that can be compiled, say by LPython.
Imagine a simplistic Python server that lets us evaluate expressions one at a time, but does not let us define functions or global variables. Why such restrictions? So that users can't fill up server memory with definitions in a putative denial-of-service attack.
For an example, I'd like to compute the factorial of a certain number, say 6, but the server doesn't offer a built-in for factorial. If I could define functions, I'd first send up
def factorial_recursive(n: int) -> int:
result = 1 if (n < 1) else n * factorial_recursive(n - 1)
return result
and then, later, send up
But that's two shots, and I only get one shot. Am I out of luck? No. In fact, the following does the trick, as this article explains:
((lambda d:
(lambda g: g(g))
(lambda sf: # <~~~ square root of 'f'
d(lambda m: (sf(sf))(m)))) # <~~~ ... sf squared
(lambda f:
(lambda n: # v~~~ f at work
1 if n < 1 else n * f(n - 1))))(6) # <~~~ business end
That's a flurry of symbols, I know, but this article makes it clear, I promise. See the business end, where, seemingly magically, f
has become the recursive function factorial? f
is the "square" of the "square root" sf
of factorial, where "squaring a function" means "applying the function to itself."
As a bonus, I show how to memoize [sic] anonymous recursive functions to reduce their run-time complexity. Memoizing is a kind of dynamic programming.
We already know how to define anonymous functions: Python's lambda expressions. Here is one that computes its argument x
times its argument plus 1, (x + 1)
(lambda x: x * (x + 1))
In the expression above, x
is a formal parameter. It gets the value of its actual argument through function application, as follows, with the argument following the lambda in parentheses or round brackets:
(lambda x: x * (x + 1))(6)
In the following, script letters like
(lambda d:
(lambda g: g(g))
(lambda sf:
d(lambda m: (sf(sf))(m))))
That's a literal, denotable expression that we send to the server as part of other expressions. But it's too much to look at while thinking, so we just call it sf
into domain code d
for application. It pulls the square root magically out of a hat.
We want fact
, but the server doesn't let us define or name fact
. But the server does give us temporary names that go away in one shot: formal parameters of lambda expressions. So if we can name fact
More generally, for any function sf
. In the body of
Turns out we can easily compute fact
and fib
as examples, then generalize. As a bonus, we speed up fib
with a reusable technique.
To get the square root of factorial, just assume it exists and has a name, sf
, in the only allowed place, as the parameter of a lambda expression. Notionally, call the lambda expression sf(sf)
, the square of sf
, wherever you want factorial, sf
? Just
((lambda sf: (lambda n: 1 if n < 1 else n * sf(sf)(n - 1)))
(lambda sf: (lambda n: 1 if n < 1 else n * sf(sf)(n - 1))))(6)
The technique of assuming something exists and then reasoning about its properties is as old as Pythagoras. The Pythagoreans discovered that
$\sqrt{2}$ , while the length of the hypotenuse of a right triangle with unit legs, is not a rational number, and they denied its existence, yet knowing its square. They were so appalled by this discovery that they instituted the death penalty for revealing it. It's possible that they executed Hippasus for revealing it. Similar stories surround the discoveries of 0, negative numbers, transcendental numbers, imaginary numbers, quaternions, and more. These were all disturbing violations of the prior known rules that only made sense through their implications.
Before the final actual argument, 6
, there is a lambda expression (lambda sf: ...)
of one parameter sf
. That lambda expression is
applied to a cut-and-paste copy of its whole self. That self-application,
((lambda sf: ...)(lambda sf: ...))
squares (... if ... else ...)
-- there is a similar self-application, sf(sf)
, applied to a numerical argument, n - 1
. The external squaring, ((lambda sf: ...)(lambda sf: ...))
produces the same result as the internal squaring sf(sf)
That's it!
Stop here if all you care about is a programming pattern for anonymousa recursive functions: just replace the business part -- (... if ... else ...))
-- in both copies where it occurs, with your desired business code, and call your recursive function via the reusable self-application syntax sf(sf)
However, there are worthwhile improvements. We can automate the programming pattern. We can write a general function
Let's make a combinator (a function of a function) that can convert any function into a new function that receives its self application, f=sf(sf)
, as its first argument. This is a twist on the prior development. We want sf(sf)
as the value of the first parameter f
. We want to write ((...)(lambda f: (lambda n: ...))(6)
in our example, with (lambda f: (lambda n: ...))
as the domain function sf(sf)
and (lambda n: ...)
as the business function. Solve for (...)
First, start with the prior development, in which sf
is the parameter in a cut-and-paste squaring of sf(sf)
by the parameter f
of that new anonymous function of f
, the domain function. Apply the new anonymous function of f
to sf(sf)
In general, abstraction means replacing an expression
$\mathscr{E}$ with a parametere
of a new anonymous function, then applying that new anonymous function to$\mathscr{E}$ as an actual argument, which becomes the value of the parametere
$\ldots\mathscr{E}\ldots\rightsquigarrow\texttt{(lambda e :}\ldots\texttt{e}\ldots\texttt{)}(\mathscr{E})$
This is how, in general, you give actual but temporary names like
in your programming language to notional objects like$\mathscr{E}$ -- things you can write down spelled out in the programming language but can't give a name to, directly.
Second, abstract the domain code into a parameter d
of the final, general combinator
Here are all the improvements, spelled out for factorial:
The fragment on each line, below, is the new abstracted function of f
applied to sf(sf)
. However, this new abstraction fails to terminate even before applied to a numerical argument:
((lambda sf: (lambda f: (lambda n: 1 if n < 1 else n * f(n - 1)))(sf(sf)))
(lambda sf: (lambda f: (lambda n: 1 if n < 1 else n * f(n - 1)))(sf(sf))))
Why? Let's calculate. Let sf
that binds sf(sf)
to the parameter f
𝓈ℱ = ( lambda sf: (lambda f: (lambda n: 1 if n < 1 else n * f(n - 1)))(sf(sf)) )
So far, so good, no blowing up! Apply sf
-- to a copy of itself exactly as before:
This can't work. The argument sf(sf)
is evaluated to f
, but there we go evaluating sf(sf)
again before knowing what it is!
That is applicative-order evaluation or call-by-value -- evaluate arguments before applying the function. It's the norm in most practical programming languages like Mathematica, Scheme, Python, C/C++, etc. It's too early for this job.
This unbounded recursion has nothing to do with the business code inside (lambda f: ...)
; we never get there. The following has trivial business code and also blows up:
((lambda sf: (lambda f: (lambda n: 0))(sf(sf)))
(lambda sf: (lambda f: (lambda n: 0))(sf(sf))))
Delay evaluation of sf(sf)
by redefining f
to the numerical argument n - 1
(lambda m: sf(sf)(m))
as follows:
(lambda sf:
(lambda f:
(lambda n: 1 if n < 1 else n * f(n - 1)))\
(lambda m: sf(sf)(m)))
(lambda m: sf(sf)(m))
at different times. In the first case, sf(sf)
is evaluated later when (lambda m: sf(sf)(m))
is applied to lambda
means "evaluate my guts later, when things might be better defined." In the second case, sf(sf)
is evaluated first, before being applied to
A general technique for delaying the application of any function: replace the application with a new function of some (any) parameter.
$f(n)\rightsquigarrow\left(\texttt{lambda m : }f(m)\right)\left(n\right)$
In lazy languages like Haskell, this step is automatic and implicit -- we don't write it -- because evaluation is always delayed. That's similar to normal-order evaluation, maybe even equivalent.
Let's back off and write our very first original self-application with (lambda m: sf(sf)(m))
manually in place of f
((lambda sf:
(lambda n: 1 if n < 1 else n * (lambda m: sf(sf)(m))(n - 1)))
(lambda sf:
(lambda n: 1 if n < 1 else n * (lambda m: sf(sf)(m))(n - 1))))(6)
the result does not spin forever because evaluation of sf(sf)
is delayed until needed on the argument
Now, as before, abstract (lambda m: sf(sf)(m)
, merely a delayed version of sf(sf)
, into a parameter f
of a new lambda, the domain function:
((lambda sf:
(lambda f:
(lambda n: 1 if n < 1 else n * f(n - 1)))
(lambda m: sf(sf)(m)))
(lambda sf:
(lambda f:
(lambda n: 1 if n < 1 else n * f(n - 1)))
(lambda m: sf(sf)(m))))(6)
The abstraction on f
now completely and minimally encloses the domain code :
𝒟 = (lambda f: (lambda n: 1 if n < 1 else n * f(n - 1)))
- Write a new function
$\mathscr{H}$ of a parameterd
... - ... with a body that replaces
$\mathscr{D}$ , the old function off
, withd
. - Apply
$\mathscr{H}$ ofd
((lambda d: # this is the new ℋ(d)
(lambda sf: d(lambda m: sf(sf)(m)))
(lambda sf: d(lambda m: sf(sf)(m))))
(lambda f: # this is the old 𝒟
(lambda n: 1 if n < 1 else n * f(n - 1))))(6)
We still have some copy-paste repetion. Let's get rid of it ...
... by abstraction again! Write a function (lambda g: g(g))
that just self-applies any other function. Replace the self-application
(lambda sf: d(lambda m: sf(sf)(m)))
(lambda sf: d(lambda m: sf(sf)(m)))
with an application of (lambda g: g(g))
to (lambda sf: d(lambda m: sf(sf)(m)))
((lambda d:
(lambda g: g(g))
(lambda sf:
d(lambda m: sf(sf)(m))))
(lambda f: # this is 𝒟
(lambda n:
1 if n < 1 else n * f(n - 1))))(6)
We're done! That's the same expression we had in cell no. 3 up top.
Try the outer combinator -- which always stays the same -- on some new domain code, which we only write once. This is slow Fibonacci, as we shall see:
((lambda d: (lambda g: g(g))
(lambda sf:
d(lambda m: sf(sf)(m))))
(lambda f: # this is 𝒟
(lambda n:
1 if n < 2 else f(n - 1) + f(n - 2))))(6)
Package the outer combinator as a notional function
𝒴 = (lambda d: (lambda g: g(g))
(lambda sf: d(lambda m: sf(sf)(m))))
and test on our two examples
𝒴(lambda f:
(lambda n:
1 if n < 1 else n * f(n - 1)))(6)
𝒴(lambda f:
(lambda n:
1 if n < 2 else f(n - 1) + f(n - 2)))(6)
Let's write static types. Why? Because a compiler might generate fast code if it knew the types; and, because it's interesting. We leave the world of lambdas and enter the world of def
, so we must temporarily forget about the one-shot server.
The busines code for factorial, (lambda n: 1 if n < 1 ...)
, is a function from an integer n
to an integer, a type that we call FI2I
from typing import Callable
FI2I = Callable[[int], int] # int -> int
Type aliases might improve on the technique in this article.
The input to f
. We have already deduced that f
must be FI2I
. FI2I
, f
, and returns the business function, also of type FI2I
. FI2I
. Here is
def factorial_domain_code(factorial: FI2I) -> FI2I:
"""Supply a FI2I factorial and return a FI2I."""
def fn(n: int) -> int:
"""My type is FI2I."""
return 1 if n < 1 else n * factorial(n - 1)
return fn
Just to confirm that
Here is
def fibonacci_slow_domain_code(fib_slow: FI2I) -> FI2I:
"""Supply a FI2I Fibonacci and return a FI2I."""
def fn(n: int) -> int:
"""My type is FI2I."""
return 1 if n < 2 else fib_slow(n - 1) + fib_slow(n - 2)
return fn
"Slow Fibonacci" implies we have a fast version, and we'll get to it. But, for now, check:
We've established that FI2I
. Let's call that FI2I2FI2I
FI2I2FI2I = Callable[[FI2I], FI2I] # (int -> int) -> (int -> int)
, returns an int
, so FI2I
and FI2I2FI2I
. We're at the end of the road, so we don't need a name for FI2I2FI2I
, but let's write out the pieces of
First, we need a type for the square root of factorial. Factorial is a FI2I
, and its square root is a function that, given a square root, returns a FI2I
SQRT_FI2I = Callable[["SQRT_FI2I"], FI2I] # *a -> (int -> int)
This is the type that gives mypy some trouble, but not PyCharm. Mypy is presumably weak for recursively defined types: the type SQRT_FI2I
is equal to the type SQRT_FI2I
to FI2I
Conceptually, however, I see no difficulty. SQRT_FI2I
, then, is the type of lookup tables that have instances of SQRT_FI2I
as keys and corresponding instances of FI2I
as values. In practice, we'd hash the keys so that we don't have key slots containing copies of the entire lookup table, an infinite telescope.
I don't think there is even any theoretical problem: I can't think of a Russel's Paradox or a Gödel construction, either of which would lead to real trouble. In any event, we move on without worrying more about it.
, which we earlier wrote as (lambda g: g(g))
, must take a SQRT_FI2I
and return a FI2I
. It is both of type SQRT_FI2I
and of type SQRT_FI2I
def self_apply(g: SQRT_FI2I) -> FI2I:
"""Square the square root of an int->int function by
self-applying it."""
result: FI2I = g(g)
return result
We have the habit of assigning return values to typed variables, then returning the value of those variables, as in lines 4 and 5 above. This habit helps with two things (1) gives a place for debugger breakpoints (2) gives type checkers one more chance.
The delayed
function, which we previously wrote as (lambda m: sf(sf)(m))
, takes an int
and returns an int
, so is of type FI2I
. However, it refers to sf
(it's a closure that closes over sf
), so we can't write it until we have a scope in which sf
is defined. delayed
can't take sf
as a second parameter because all our functions take one parameter -- that's been an unwritten rule all along.
One says that functions that take exactly one parameter are Curried, after Haskell Curry, the famous logician who gave his name to much of what we're talking about.
Therefore, delayed
must be defined inside another function that takes sf
as a parameter. We've seen that function many times, but never given it a name (obviously). But now we must give it a name because we want to give it a type. Let's call it lsf
for lambda of sf
. Without types, it looks like domain code applied to the generic delayed
(lambda sf: d(lambda m: sf(sf)(m)))
, domain code, has type FI2I
, and delayed
has type FI2I
, so the output type of lsf
must be FI2I
. Its input type is SQRT_FI2I
, so we now have both lsf
and delayed
Just as delayed
closes over sf
(the square root), lsf
closes over the domain code d
. We must actually write fsf
inside yc
, which takes d
def yc(d: FI2I2FI2I) -> FI2I:
"""I am the redoubtable Y Combinator of one parameter. Return
a FI2I given a FI2I2FI2I, which is a FI2I -> FI2I."""
def lsf(sf: SQRT_FI2I) -> FI2I:
"""Lambda of the square root of a FI2I. Return domain code d
applied to a delayed square of the square root sf, d(delayed).
My type is SQRT_FI2I -> FI2I, which is the same as
def delayed(m: int) -> int:
"""My type is FI2I. Give me an int and I'll give you an int.
I know all about sf because I'm also a closure over the
environment that contains the parameter of lsf."""
result_delay: int = (sf(sf))(m)
return result_delay
# d takes a FI2I and returns a FI2I
result_lsf: FI2I = d(delayed)
return result_lsf
result_yc: FI2I = self_apply(lsf)
return result_yc
Check it:
We're not done yet, though.
Recursive Fibonacci is a schoolbook example of a recursive function done wrong. Our paranoid expression server certainly will not let us run for a whole second, which is what it takes to compute Fibonacci on 30.
I ran a few samples, finding that adding 25 to the input number increases the run time of slow Fibonacci by a factor of a million. Slow Fibonacci of 125 would not complete in
x = [5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30]
y = [6.72, 75.2, 841, 9_360, 102_000, 1_140_000]
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.xlabel('fibonacci input')
plt.ylabel('log base 10 run time in microseconds')
from math import log
plt.plot(x, list(map((lambda p: log(p, 10)), y)), '-o', color='black');
Again we ask, "are we out of luck" for one-shot fast Fibonacci? Again we answer, "No!"
Slow Fibonacci is slow because it recursively computes the same values over and over again. fib(6)
has 24 sub-computations: fib(5)
once, fib(4)
twice, fib(3)
thrice, fib(2)
five times, fib(1)
nine times, fib(0)
five times. fib(7)
has a copy of fib(6)
-- 24 sub-calls -- and a copy of fib(5)
-- 15 sub-calls. fib(125)
has around
fib(6) +- fib(5) +- fib(4) +- fib(3) +- fib(2) +- fib(1) -- 1
| | | | - fib(0) -- 1 | | |
fib(1) -- 1
| | fib(2) +- fib(1) -- 1 | |
- fib(0) -- 1
| | fib(1) -- 1
| fib(3) +- fib(2) +- fib(1) -- 1 | |
- fib(0) -- 1
| fib(1) -- 1
fib(4) +- fib(3) +- fib(2) +- fib(1) -- 1
| | - fib(0) -- 1 |
fib(1) -- 1
fib(2) +- fib(1) -- 1
- fib(0) -- 1
Let's replace repeated evaluations with table lookups, approximately constant time. We'll need a a
-- for "assoc" -- and the numerical argument n
Currying makes it trivial to extend non-typed
(lambda d:
(lambda g: g(g))
(lambda sf:
d(lambda m:
(lambda n: # <~~~ pile on more arguments
(sf(sf))(m)(n))))) # <~~~ call on them here
(lambda f: # <~~~ domain function of ...
(lambda m: # <~~~ ... the first argument and ...
(lambda n: # <~~~ ... more arguments
-- business code that depends on f, m, n --
Writing types for lookup tables is more delicate. In a reversal of the prior development, we do the typed version first, then the untyped version.
from typing import Dict, Tuple
be the type of the lookup table. We'll pass instances of this type to the parameter m
for MEMO
, paired with int
ASSOC = Dict[int, int]
MEMO = Tuple[ASSOC, int]
The rest of the types are
, function from integer to memo -
, function from assocA
$\rightarrow$ MEMO
, function from aFAFIMEMO
, function fromSQRT_FAFIMEMO
FIMEMO = Callable[[int], MEMO]
Except for the types, this is straightforward. It first checks the memo tables a
and a1
for presence of keys n - 1
and n - 2
, via in
expressions, then calls the recursive function f
only when lookup fails. In that case, it updates the tables with new values so that recursive calls already on the stack can just look up results. It's best to analyze the types from the inside out, convincing ourselves that they can't be anything else.
def ff(f: FAFIMEMO) -> FAFIMEMO:
"""My type is FAFIM2FAFIM."""
def fa(a: ASSOC) -> FIMEMO:
"""My type is FAFIMEMO."""
def fn(n: int) -> MEMO:
"""My type is FIMEMO."""
if n < 2:
return a, 1
if n - 1 in a:
a1 = a
r1 = a[n - 1]
a1, r1 = f(a)(n - 1)
a1[n - 1] = r1
if n - 2 in a1:
a2 = a1
r2 = a1[n - 2]
a2, r2 = f(a1)(n - 2)
a2[n - 2] = r2
result_fn: MEMO = (a2, r1 + r2)
return result_fn
result_fa: FIMEMO = fn
return result_fa
result_ff: FAFIMEMO = fa
return result_ff
... is the same as one-argument self apply due to Currying, except for the types:
def self_apply_2(g: SQRT_FAFIMEMO) -> FAFIMEMO:
result_gg: FAFIMEMO = g(g)
return result_gg
Again, except for the types, this is no different than the type-free version at the top of this section.
def yc2(domain_code: FAFIM2FAFIM) -> FAFIMEMO:
def dmn(m: ASSOC) -> FIMEMO:
"""My type is FAFIMEMO."""
def dn(n: int) -> MEMO:
"""My type is FIMEMO."""
result_dn: MEMO = (sf(sf))(m)(n)
return result_dn
result_dm: FIMEMO = dn
return result_dm
result_lsf: FAFIMEMO = domain_code(dmn)
return result_lsf
result_y2c: FAFIMEMO = self_apply_2(lsf)
return result_y2c
Check it:
Chop off the final dictionary:
Try it on an absurdly large argument (don't worry, it's instantaneous). The slow version would not complete in
Python cannot optimize tail calls, so it runs out of execution stack at yc2(ff)({})(500)
. The type-free version, below, runs out at around 250 because it has more internal functions to replace the statement logic in the business code ff.fa.fn
We'll show it at work, first, then explain how we derived it.
((lambda d: # This is yc2; d is the domain code.
(lambda g: g(g)) # self-apply-2
(lambda sf: # square root of recursion
d(lambda m: # Call the domain code with the buesiness code,
(lambda n: # which is Curried over two arguments.
((lambda f: # ordinary signature of domain code
(lambda a: # two-argument business code ...
(lambda n: # ...
(a, 1) if n < 2 else # early escapt
((lambda n_1:
(a, a[n_1]) if n_1 in a else # check the memo's assoc
((lambda fim1: # function from integer to memo
((lambda m1: # memo = (assoc, int)
((lambda r1: # int
((lambda a1: # assoc
((lambda n_2: # DRY
(a1, r1 + a1[n_2]) if n_2 in a1 else # check memo
((lambda fim2: # function from integer to memo
((lambda m2: # memo = (assoc, int)
((lambda r2: # int
((lambda a2: # assoc
(a2, r1 + r2)) # final answer
(m2[0] | {n_2: r2}))) # merge the assoc
(m2[1]))) # fetch an int from the memo
(fim2(n_2)))) # compute memo from int
(f(a1)))) # compute fim2 from assoc 1
(n - 2))) # DRY
(m1[0] | {n_1: r1}))) # merge the assoc
(m1[1]))) # fetch an int from the memo
(fim1(n_1)))) # compute memo from int
(f(a)))) # compute fim1 from input assoc {}
(n - 1) # DRY
Ok, I hope you're laughing at me, now. However, this is exactly the kind of expression we'd expect to see inside a Python compiler that converted the statement logic of ff.fa.fn
into expressions. It's NOT just an intellectual exercise! It's a torture test for compilers.
However, it's practically impossible to get this absurd expression right with fingers on the keyboard, without some kind of mechanical help. For that help, I went to Clojure and Emacs which balances parentheses easily. I hope you'll see that the following Clojure domain code is a straight transcription of the Python ff.fa.fn
above. It was easy to write, though a little unnatural because of the Currying. I won't walk through it, but I'll show how it unpacks into the monster above.
(def dafib
(fn [f]
(fn [a] ;; an ASSOC :: int -> int
(fn [n] ;; :: int
(if (< n 2N)
[a, 1N] ;; :: MEMO = [ASSOC, Integer]
(let [n-1 (- n 1N)]
(if (a n-1) ;; membership check
[a, (a n-1)] ;; early return
(let [fim1 (f a)
m1 (fim1 n-1)
r1 (m1 1) ;; pick element 1 of m1
a1 (merge (m1 0) {n-1 r1})
n-2 (- n 2)]
(if (a1 n-2) ;; membership check
[a1, (+ r1 (a1 n-2))] ;; early return
(let [fim2 (f a1)
m2 (fim2 n-2)
r2 (m2 1) ;; pick elt. 1 of m2
a2 (merge (m2 0) {n-2 r2})]
[a2, (+ r1 r2)]))))))))))
Python has no let (except, see this gist). But (let [x V] E)
is precisely ((lambda x: E)(V))
, and that's it, that's how we get all the nested lambdas.
The "mechanical help" that balances parentheses in Emacs is a nearly-miraculous thing called paredit. I know of nothing even close elsewhere. I consider it sufficient reason to learn Emacs.