diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 571ca582..20b8f6b7 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -1,12 +1,26 @@ -# awesome-github-profiles +

Awesome Github Profiles

+ +
+ [![All Contributors](https://img.shields.io/badge/all_contributors-1-orange.svg?style=flat-square)](#contributors-) +Stars Badge +Forks Badge +Pull Requests Badge +Issues Badge +GitHub contributors +License Badge -Creating a list of awesome github profiles under one roof +A list of awesome GitHub Profiles under one roof +
+ +# Add Your Profile -## Contributors ✨ +1. create an issue [here](https://github.com/recodehive/awesome-github-profiles/issues) +2. comment ```@all-contributors please add @ for ``` +- (refer [here](https://allcontributors.org/docs/en/emoji-key) for contribution types) -Thanks goes to these wonderful people ([emoji key](https://allcontributors.org/docs/en/emoji-key)): +## Profiles ✨ @@ -18,10 +32,86 @@ Thanks goes to these wonderful people ([emoji key](https://allcontributors.org/d - - -This project follows the [all-contributors](https://github.com/all-contributors/all-contributors) specification. Contributions of any kind welcome! \ No newline at end of file +## Tools +- [Todoist Stats in Readme](https://github.com/abhisheknaiidu/todoist-readme) - Daily Todoist Stats on your Profile Readme +- [Visitor Badge](https://visitor-badge.glitch.me/#docs) - Count visitors for your README.md, Issues, PRs in GitHub +- [1990s style Visitor Counter](https://twitter.com/ryanlanciaux/status/1283755637126705152) - Add a 1990s style visitor counter with one line of markdown. +- [Vistor Count](https://pufler.dev/git-badges/) - Count visitors for README.md that can be used with shields.io +- [Shields Project](https://shields.io/) - Use Shields to create profile badges, compatible with Simple Icons +- [Github Readme Stats](https://github.com/anuraghazra/github-readme-stats) - Get dynamically generated GitHub stats on your readmes +- [Github Contributor Stats](https://github.com/HwangTaehyun/github-contributor-stats) - :fire: Get dynamically generated Github Contributor stats (repositories you really committed) on your readmes +- [GitHub Streak Stats](https://github.com/DenverCoder1/github-readme-streak-stats) - 🔥 Stay motivated and show off your contribution streak! 🌟 Display your total contributions, current streak, and longest streak on your GitHub profile README +- [Simple Icons](https://github.com/simple-icons/simple-icons#cdn-usage) - SVG icons for popular brands for your README.md files +- [Laravel GitHub Profile Visit Counter](https://github.com/caneco/laravel-github-profile-view-counter) - Add on your Laravel project a quick-badge to count your profile visits. +- [Dev Metrics in Readme](https://github.com/athul/waka-readme) - [WakaTime](https://wakatime.com/) Weekly Metrics on your Profile Readme +- [Profile Activity Generator](https://github.com/omidnikrah/profile-activity-generator) - Generate custom profile activity for your profile README +- [Current UTC time](https://github.com/jojoee/jojoee) - Example code of server that can serve dynamic content on GitHub profile +- [Github Activity in README](https://github.com/jamesgeorge007/github-activity-readme) - Updates `README.md` with the recent GitHub activity of a user +- [Github Profile README Generator](https://github.com/rahuldkjain/github-profile-readme-generator) - This tool provides an easy way to create github profile readme with latest addons like `visitors count`, `github stats` etc. +- [Dynamic Profile Page On Github](https://github.com/umutphp/github-action-dynamic-profile-page) - Get dynamically generated list of your commits (of the repositories that the action is configured) on GitHub profile readme. +- [npm package downloads](https://github.com/maddhruv/github-readme-npm-downloads) - Show all of your npm packages and their total downloads +- [All Dev Stats in Readme](https://github.com/anmol098/waka-readme-stats) - Are you an early 🐤 or a night 🦉? When are you most productive during the day? What languages you code in? And other stuff... Let's check out in your readme! +- [Feedparser](https://pythonhosted.org/feedparser/) - Convenient processing of RSS files +- [Profile README Widgets](https://github.com/marketplace/actions/profile-readme) - Add simple widgets to your profile readme. +- [Spotify now playing card generator](https://github.com/kittinan/spotify-github-profile) - Generate your Spotify now playing card for your GitHub profile +- [Markdown Badges](https://github.com/Ileriayo/markdown-badges) - Add badges to your profile. +- [Latest Blog Posts and StackOverflow activity in readme](https://github.com/gautamkrishnar/blog-post-workflow) - Show your latest blog posts from any sources or StackOverflow activity on your GitHub profile/project readme automatically using the RSS feed using this Github Action +- [GitHub Readme LinkedIn](https://github.com/soroushchehresa/github-readme-linkedin) - Get dynamically generated images from your LinkedIn profile on your GitHub readmes +- [GitHub Readme Medium](https://github.com/omidnikrah/github-readme-medium) - Show your latest Medium article on your readmes! +- [GitHub Readme StackOverflow](https://github.com/omidnikrah/github-readme-stackoverflow) - Dynamically generated your StackOverflow profile status on your GitHub readmes! +- [StackOverflow Stats Badge](https://github.com/claytonjhamilton/stackoverflow-badge) - Display your stats with this Unique StackOverflow Badge! +- [Github Profile README Generator](https://github.com/arturssmirnovs/github-profile-readme-generator) - This project allows you to create nice and simple github profile readme files. +- [Profile Readme Stats](https://github.com/marketplace/actions/profile-readme-stats) - [Github Action] Showcase your github stats on your profile README.md +- [README Jokes](https://github.com/ABSphreak/readme-jokes) - Random dev jokes in your GitHub README. +- [GitHub Profile Trophy](https://github.com/ryo-ma/github-profile-trophy) - 🏆 Add dynamically generated GitHub Trophy on your readme +- [Github Readme Twitter](https://github.com/gazf/github-readme-twitter) - Show your latest tweet on your readmes. +- [Random Dev Memes](https://github.com/techytushar/random-memer) - Random dev memes to display on your GitHub README. +- [GitHub Readme Quotes](https://github.com/PiyushSuthar/github-readme-quotes) - Dev quotes on your GitHub Profile Readme. +- [GitHub Profilinator](https://github.com/rishavanand/github-profilinator) - This tool contains small GUI components that you can hook together to generate markdown for your perfect readme. +- [PageSpeed score](https://github.com/ankurparihar/readme-pagespeed-insights) - Generate website's PageSpeed score in animated svg form which can be used in GitHub README +- [Gitwar Profile Score](https://github.com/iampavangandhi/Gitwar) - Add your Github Profile Score in README. +- [Header Images for Github Profile READMEs](https://github.com/khalby786/REHeader) - Generate header images for your GitHub profile READMEs with custom content +- [YouTube Channel Stats](https://github.com/DenverCoder1/github-readme-youtube-stats) - 📺 Display number of subscribers on YouTube and/or your channel's view count as a badge +- [Current Book Status from GoodReads](https://github.com/theFr1nge/goodreads-readme) - Add a card of the current book you are reading that automatically syncs with GoodReads to display your progress. +- [Readme Typing SVG](https://github.com/DenverCoder1/readme-typing-svg) - :zap: Dynamically generated, customizable SVG that gives the appearance of typing and deleting text + +## Articles +- ["How To Create A GitHub Profile README"](https://www.aboutmonica.com/blog/how-to-create-a-github-profile-readme) - *Monica Powell* +- ["How to Stand Out on Github with Profile READMEs"](https://medium.com/better-programming/how-to-stand-out-on-github-with-profile-readmes-dfd2102a3490?source=friends_link&sk=61df9c4b63b329ad95528b8d7c00061f) - *Jessica Lim* +- ["What's on your GitHub Profile"](https://dev.to/waylonwalker/what-s-on-your-github-profile-40p3) - *Waylon Walker* +- ["3 Ways to Spice up your Github Profile README 🔥"](https://dev.to/jayehernandez/3-ways-to-spice-up-your-github-profile-readme-1276) - *Jaye Hernandez* +- ["Dynamically Generated Github Stats For Your Profile ReadMe"](https://dev.to/anuraghazra/dynamically-generated-github-stats-for-your-profile-readme-o4g) - *Anurag Hazra* +- ["How to create an awesome GIF for your GitHub Profile README"](https://dev.to/satvikchachra/how-to-add-an-awesome-readme-to-your-github-profile-361n) - *Satvik Chachra* +- ["Create a special repository in your GitHub Profile 🔨, supported and unsupported features"](https://torrocus.com/blog/special-github-repository/) - *Alex Malaszkiewicz* +- ["How to create a Github Profile README with Dynamic Github Stats"](https://codewithghazi.com/how-to-create-a-github-profile-readme-with-dynamic-github-stats/) - *Ghazi Khan* +- ["How I Built A Self-Updating README On My Github Profile"](https://www.mokkapps.de/blog/how-i-built-a-self-updating-readme-on-my-git-hub-profile/) - *Michael Hoffmann (Mokkapps)* +- ["Building a self-updating profile README for GitHub"](https://simonwillison.net/2020/Jul/10/self-updating-profile-readme/) - *Simon Willison* +- ["How to create an interactive README for your GitHub profile"](https://kavishhukmani.me/github-profile-interactive-readme-tutorial/) - *Kavish Hukmani* +- ["什么?Github 居然可以这么玩?"](https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/161705999) - *Tw93* +- ["Getting started with Markdown Badges"](https://dev.to/ileriayo/mardown-badges-2og0) - *Ileriayo Adebiyi* +- ["Show your latest dev.to posts automatically on your GitHub profile readme"](https://dev.to/gautamkrishnar/show-your-latest-dev-to-posts-automatically-in-your-github-profile-readme-3nk8) - *Gautam krishna R* +- ["How I Built A Self-Updating README by Webhooks and Netlify Functions"](https://github.com/RaoHai/RaoHai/blob/master/How-I-Built-A-Self-Updating-README-by-Webhooks-and-Netlify-Functions.md/) - *Rao Hai* +- ["Build a Stunning README For Your GitHub Profile"](https://towardsdatascience.com/build-a-stunning-readme-for-your-github-profile-9b80434fe5d7) - *Martin Heinz* +- ["How I added my Spotify statistics to my GitHub readme 📜"](https://dev.to/gargakshit/how-i-added-my-spotify-statistics-to-my-github-readme-4jdd) - *Akshit Garg* +- ["Static Readme Regeneration"](https://dev.to/aralroca/static-readme-regeneration-4pf2) - *Aral Roca* +- ["How to Create a Self-Updating README.md for Your GitHub Profile"](https://medium.com/@th.guibert/how-to-create-a-self-updating-readme-md-for-your-github-profile-f8b05744ca91) - *Thomas Guibert* +- ["一文玩转github主页"](https://blog.holic-x.com/wv-blog/post/7ad96a5d.html) - *holic-x* + +## Tutorials +- ["Create Impressive GitHub Portfolio"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dkE4mVhwMB4) - *MTECHVIRAL* +- ["How To Create a Github Profile ReadMe"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DOiGs2NiDbU) - *James Q Quick* +- ["How to create a GitHub profile README"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vND_UY7xk24) - *Code With Confidence* +- ["How To Create A GitHub Profile README"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y1z7_GfEPiE) - *Program With Erik* +- ["Next Level GitHub Profile README"](https://youtu.be/ECuqb5Tv9qI) - *codeSTACKr* + +## Contribute + +Contributions are always welcome! +Please read the [contribution guidelines](contributing.md) first. + +## Special Thanks 🙇 +- [Dinesh Talwadker](https://github.com/dinxsh) for making the amazing site for this repo!