This project repo contains a set of ArgoCD manifests used to bootstrap a Openshift Cluster v4.x using GitOps approach. The produced environment is intended for Developer workflows demo.
It uses the ArgoCD App of Apps pattern to pre-install and configure a set of Openshift Operators to support Developer Workflows.
The following components should be provisioned by ArgoCD in your cluster:
- Openshift Pipelines
- Container Security Operator
- Crunchy Postgres Operator
- Openshift Devspaces
- Load Driver Operator
- Kubernetes Image Puller Operator
- Openshift Serverless (Knative Serving)
- Patch Operator
- Service Binding Operator (SBO)
- Sonatype Nexus
- ... (this list keeps growing as I need to add new components to my demos)
If you got a "naked cluster" with just the kubeadmin
system user. You can start by enabling the htpasswd
auth provider and creating the admin
user by using the bootstrap-scripts/
This script will create the admin
user as cluster-admin
and 5 other regular (non-admin) users.
You can choose to install Openshift GitOps Operator manually from the Operator Hub using the Openshift Console (Administrator Perspective) or you can
- Authenticate as a
on your cluster and execute
oc apply -f ./openshift-gitops-install/operator.yaml
#wait until the Gitops operators is ready
oc wait pods -n openshift-operators -l control-plane=controller-manager --for condition=Ready
#now create an argocd instance
oc apply -f ./openshift-gitops-install/argocd.yaml
- Apply additional
to ArgoCD Controller Service Accounts
oc apply -f ./openshift-gitops-install/rbac.yaml
IMPORTANT: Make your cluster admin(s) ArgoCD Admins (already done if you use the
oc adm groups new cluster-admins <your admin username here>
After installing Openshift GitOps you can go ahead and create the Argo Apps of Apps using
oc apply -f root-app/app-of-apps.yaml
After applying this manifest go to the ArgoCD web console and watch the provisioning.
IMPORTANT: It will take a while to have all components provisioned and in healthy state. The provisioning happens in "waves". You may have to refresh od sync come apps in case they remain in unhealthy state.
I use this repo to bootstrap an Openshift Cluster to showcase Openshift Dev Tooling and Developer workflows on top of Openshift Platform. For this I like to integrate Openshift and Openshift DevSpaces with Github.
To enable github users to authenticate on Openshift and DevSpaces using their Github accounts you need to configure Github oAuth.
- Go to and create a new Github Personal Org"
- Fill the fields with:
- Organization Account Name: 'my-openshift-dev-team'
- Contact email: 'your email address'
- Check 'My personal account' for the Organization type
IMPORTANT: After creating your Personal Org, make sure you add members to it (including yourself) Go to and invite/add members
- Now go to and create a new GitHub app
- Fill the fields with:
- Application Name:
Red Hat Openshift oAuth provider
- Homepage URL:
- Authorization callback URL:
- Application Name:
IMPORTANT: Remember to copy the Client Id and the Client Secret values
- Now go to and create another GitHub app (now for DevSpaces)
- Fill the fields with:
- Application Name:
Openshift DevSpaces oAuth provider
- Homepage URL:
- Authorization callback URL:
- Application Name:
IMPORTANT: Remember to copy the Client Id and the Client Secret values
With the Github Org and oAuth Apps properly created, now is time to apply the required configuration in your cluster.
To make things easy I created a script to guide you in this configuration. Just execute the bootstrap-scripts/
and follow the instructions.
NOTE: After you create the github secrets the Patch Operator will catch the secret
(should be present in theopenshift-config
namespaces) and automatically configure the Cluster oAuth resource for you.
In a couple of seconds you should be able to access the cluster using Github as an Identity Provider.