This directory was taken from the ComplianceasCode project.
To recreate the build and linux_os directories seen here, use this procedure.
export PROJECT_ID=my-project
gcloud compute --project=${PROJECT_ID} \
instances create rhel7-cac-1 \
--machine-type=n1-standard-4 \
--image=rhel-7-drawfork-v20191004 \
--image-project=eip-images \
--boot-disk-size=100GB \
gcloud compute ssh rhel7-cac-1
sudo su -
yum install -y cmake make openscap-utils PyYAML python-jinja2 git ShellCheck yamllint ansible-lint ninja-build wget
tar xvzf v0.1.47.tar.gz
cd content-0.1.47/build
cmake ../
make -j4
cd ..
tar cvzf /var/tmp/cac.tar.gz build/bash linux_os LICENSE