Nuxt.js Storyblok Starter Website is a project template for building Websites on top of the popular Storyblok CMS, TailwindCSS 2, PostCSS and many more. This starter template is using the Nujek framework which allows you to build Storyblok websites fast and easy.
npx degit regenrek/nuxt-storyblok-starter my-website
- Nujek Nujek Framework
- Nuxt.js
- Storyblok CMS Ready
- TailwindCSS 2.0 (nuxt-tailwindcss)
- @nuxtjs/color-mode
- @nuxtjs/google-fonts
- @nuxtjs/tailwindcss
- tailwindcss/typography
- Aspect Ratio plugin for images and other HTML elements
This starter Website template is using Nujek Framework which is a collection of powerful nuxt modules for storyblok including a reusable ui library.