Commit dev to main to release 0.3.2.
Working towards release 0.3.2
- Fixed some formatting in documentation
- Updated operational pathways graphic
- Working through release tasks
Working towards release 0.3.2
- Documentation cleanup for gridutils.extendGrid()
- RTD is working!
- Remove pip requirements that snuck into
. - Modify
to mandate netcdf4 or netcdf3. Do not fall back topyroms
. - Remove
from requirements.txt; this triggers a lot of dependency checks. Include in user installation instructions that a combination of conda, pip and manual installation ofcartopy
might be necessary. - The RTD installation does not need to be fully functional. It only needs to be able
to load the modules by import. The
has been pared down to a minimal installation to be overlaid by therequirements.txt
file using pip. - RTD with conda performs a two stage install:
conda env create --quiet --name stable --file conda/gridTools_export-linux-64-RTD.yml
python -m pip install -U -r requirements.txt
- Current failure is in the first stage.
- Try to rebuild with a minimal RTD stack.
- Current conda configuration has a peak memory footprint of 1489580 kB
- Just python=3 uses 409452 kB
- Remove
from software stack.
Testing for release 0.3.2
- RTD is failing. We need to shift some items out of
and into requirements.txt. Try:/usr/bin/time -v conda env create --quiet --name stable --file conda/gridTools_export-linux-64-RTD.yml
- Writing release documentation; need to check on RTD.
- Testing completed on chinook node
- Updated README for examples directory
- Show i vertex in yellow for python script example 5a and 6.
- Testing on chinook node
- Update API for Example 3 for computeBathymetricRoughness()
Testing for release 0.3.2
- Tested app at
- Update API for python script 7 for computeBathymetricRoughness(); add informational message to say if REusing an existing bathymetry.
- Begin testing on aarch64 platform
- Fix GitHub CI (currently passes)
- Completed testing on local Ubuntu node with 64GB
- Python script example 3 and 8 now demonstrates use of an extended grid with the function regridTopo() to eliminate grid artifacts.
- Fix grid axis for generation of IBCAO grid in python script for Example 5 and 5a. Show expected answers for grid corners.
Working towards release 0.3.2, testing examples:
- Show how to fix the artifact using extended grids with the function regridTopo() in example 3.
- Update meshutils.writeLandMask() and meshutils.writeOceanMask() to search for x and y coordinates if not provided by the supplied variable.
- Further fix to updateGridMetadata().
- Notebook example 7a and 7b did not save an example land and ocean mask. They should now work independently of the python script example 7 now.
- Scan all examples for API call change to computeBathymetricRoughness()
- FixByOverlapQHGridShift => useQHGridShift, useOverlap
- Example 7 should create three separate sets of example files.
- Create another example 07b that demonstrates extending the grid for use in the bathymetric roughness routine.
- API update for computing metrics for mkGridsExmaple04a. Set i grid lines yellow to show grid orientation.
- Fix variable axis in mkGridsExample04 to match the gridtools library. Results are the same.
- Adjust stereographic southern hemisphere example in mkGridItereative.
- Gridtools app would not launch with IP. It comes up with IP= and browsing to IP.
Gridtools updates working towards release 0.3.2
- Finished initial update to global metadata attributes.
- Implement showGridPoints keyword attribute for plotGrid().
Progress on global metadata updates.
Work towards release 0.3.2 with current fixes and improvements.
- Work on adding or appending to history global variable.
- Move to generic routine for adding/appending/updating global variables.
- Global
values are separated by a\n
according to netCDF kitchen sink tools.
- Finally fixed the "stereographic" grid generation. The grids cannot be rotated yet, but patterns for doing so are emerging.
- Developed some examples showing grid generation in available projections. Additional examples should be created for other projections.
- gridtools applications do not display properly when
jupyter is started with
- Adding support for different variable output types for FMS/MOM6 grid files. The FMS coupler will die if the integer part of the mosaic tile files contain 64-bit integers. Reducing that size to 32-bit (i4/int32).
- First implementation of ice-9 algorithm derived from example software written by Alistair Adcroft and Niki Zadeh. Added as bathyutils.ice9().
- Added citations for ice-9 algorithm as best we have them for now.
- Software development around subsetting existing grids.
- Upgrades to computeBathymetricRoughness() to allow it to diagnose roughness using serveral grid options. Reworking options to useSupergrid, useOverlap and useQHGridShift replacing prior options.
- Add more important documentation links from matplotlib.
- Noted that original ROMS to MOM6 conversion script uses a different default earth radius.
- Save the global projection attribute only if available.
- If the global projection attribute is not set, try to set it from the projection grid parameters. Use the global projection attribute, if it is available.
- When computing grid metrics, clamp
to zero as is done in the original convertion from ROMS to MOM6 code.
- Develop gridutils.subsetGrid() to allow subsetting of grids evenly divisble by the specified scale factor.
- Fix a few spellings of vertices and note the singular of "vertices" is "vertex".
- Spherical grid fix (rel 0.3.1) for southern hemisphere broke the northern hemispheric grids. Need to further investigate creation and extension of various spherical grids.
- Start marking i vertex lines as yellow in examples to ensure proper grid generation.
- Add option to plotGrid to allow plotting of one or more specified grid points.
- Initial clipping code added to extendGrid function.
- Example 12 shows mercator, lambert conformal conic and stereographic grid extensions.
- Finished generation of extended grid. Need to finish clipping of grid back to requested size.
- Added support for extending sterographic grids.
- Grid extension development. Keeping routine very simple. Initial implementation was somewhat more complex.
- Extending lat/lon grids works.
- Found a bug in gridutils.findLineFromPoints(), off by one error for computing new points.
- Spurious breakpoint() in gridutils.readGrid() with no documentation. Seems to be a condition with reading ROMS grids.
- Add a reference for Niki Zadah's grid generation tools.
- Continue grid extension development.
- Auto detect method and projection for grid to extend.
- Fix return in function (CI:113)
- BUG: app: fix latitude range for grid center. Range should be -90 to +90 instead of 0 to 90. The 0 to 90 range would be important if we chose to stick with two separate hemispheric projections. Dealing with a separate southern hemisphere would introduce additional complications. Resolves #12.
- Begin work on grid extension for spherical and lat/lon based grids. Create example 12 to exercise new features.
- Finish task of creating a roughness field from an extended MOM6 grid so we have useful data for the entire grid.
- Example 07 formatting.
change argument from useSupergrid to useOverlap to better reflect technique being used.undo_break_array_to_blocks
the grid returned is the untrimmed grid for useOverlap.computeBathymetricRoughness
add extendedGrid option to tell the routine that an extended grid is being used. When this is true, the grid shift is skipped if used with useFixByOverlapQHGridShift.computeBathymetricRoughness
add more user messages indicating what it is doing based on specified options.- add
needs to be improved to allow specification of additional points on the grid.
- Add a southern hemispheric example to
. - BUG in
, the INVERSE should use (xx,yy) NOT (yy,xx). Thanks to the bug report from Olga Sergienko.
- Begin exp/rel032 branch
- Fix gridtools pydoc/ref for computeBathymetricRoughness()
- Begin release cycle for 0.3.1
- Add github templates
- Fix links in
- Update tutorial to point to in example directory for maintained list of example descriptions.
- General code update to resolve issue #1
- Binder tests are ok
- Script tests on triton ok
- Add contributors to release notes
- Example 3 is broken
- xarray=0.19.0
- seems to require unpacking of variable via .data prior to establishing a a new variable in a Dataset. See: Issue #1
- Update conda configs: xarray=0.19.0
- binder:
cp ../conda/gridTools_export-linux-64.yml environment.yml
- binder:
- Confirmed: upgrading to xarray from 0.18.2 to 0.19.0 breaks gridtools
- Thanks to bug reports from Angus Gibson and Olga Sergienko a root cause may have been identified. See PR#11. A recent upgrade to xarray to version 0.19.0 breaks some examples in gridtools. Now is a good time for 0.3.1.
- Expand example 3 for gridtools and FRE-NCtools comparison.
- Add a guide to the API manual for the gridtools and FRE-NCtools comparison which is partially complete.
- PR#11 can be applied via merge of remote branch, proceeding with 0.3.1 update
- PyCNAL: Grabbing a copy of SODA 3.3.1/1980 for OBC/IC work
- PyCNAL: Grabbing a copy of WOA13 for OBC/IC work
- Looking at how to apply PR#11
- Example 07a; note that the selection of the 1000 meter depth is arbitrary for demonstration purposes. Remove gdb import.
- Firm up the development of example 03 for comparison between gridtools and FRE-NCtools.
- Add isAvailable function to gridutils for checking for executables in the PATH.
- Create dataset subset/preparer for
- Remove unneeded import from example 09b
- Documentation updates
- Mask editor sometimes does not show up when the jupyter notebook is run. Restart jupyter session worked in this case.
- BUG: Fixed drawing of grid edges; grid was clipped on high side of x and y grid
- BUG: Fixed recentering of grid subset area. Have to check the clicked point and bring that back to model grid area first before doing additional bounds checks.
- In xarray dataset .sel statements, slice requires the shape location and the dimension wants the array location.
- Documentation updates
- Add some borders to the grid editor. Have to work on the 4th side.
- Continue with documentation
- Large files take a long time to save. Makes the application appear hung or unresponsive.
- Fixed "Remote Files" grid loading in application.
- Move loaded message to end of try block to make sure the grid loading is successful in grid generation app.
- BUG: Unable to plot loaded MOM6 grids using "Remote Files".
- Allow plotting of the supergrid for MOM6 model grids.
- Fix grid gen app Plot Style: make control titles consistent.
- Continue with documentation updates to RTD.
- Fixed RTD by moving import gridtools after adding ".." to path.
- Adding RTD documentation about the grid generation application.
- Learned how to add page breaks in rst for latex/PDF.
- Change the bgColor for WARNINGS in latex/PDF.
- Use the gridtools generated version number for RTD.
- Fix message for detached logging from application.
- Add missing last section to RTD tutorial.
- Add references from GridUtils to bathyutils functions.
- Fix citation tags for pyroms references.
- Update bathyutils.computeBathymetricRoughness to allow specification
of the depth variable via
. - Fix two documentation references to functions.
- Add function to detach logging from embedded Jupyter notebook.
- Greatly expanded ReadtheDocs documentation.
- Nearly completed a tutorial showing how to create and edit a MOM6 model grid.
- Discovered we can manually force showing a figure using display(figure).
- Started a broad tutorial for creating and modifying a grid in Jupyter.
- Started some work on syncing MD files into source directory for sphinx. Might have to rethink this a bit.
- Updates to html documentation; working towards an operational tutorial using examples 7 and 9a.
- FRE-NCtools requires a vertical ocean grid before using
see FRE-NCtools test 13. Still need to increase MAXXGRID to 1e8 increate_xgrid.h
to succeed with using GEBCO 2020.
- Working through deployment checklist.
- Fix a spelling mistake in release notes.
- For UAF/chinook with old glibc, it is best to bootstrap with python and geoviews up front and then load all the other packages. All examples and editors work.
- Example 8: Update plot parameter
- Example 3: fix a bug; change log file name
- Update docs/conda/
- Begin testing on chinook@UAF.
- Chinook has an older glibc that requires a different set of packages for gridtools.
- Try to save an artifact to github actions: conda dump
- All examples are functional on aarch64
- Clear all outputs in notebooks again
- Fix title bar on pylab plot
- conda vs pip: pyqt vs PyQt5
- ROMS grid writing is confirmed operational
- Added coastline plotting to pylab grid editor.
- CI failed with added pyqt requirement.
- Fix example 9 for projection parameter in use instead of crs.
- Need to debug/test further on our big node.
- For the aarch64 platform, the virtualenv (venv) cannot be used due to missing pyqt support for pylab. The conda package manager provides sufficient pyqt support.
- Rename a few of the examples so they sort nicely in UNIX
. - Hashes match between github
. Good! - Change pytest grid example to match Example 1 for platform comparisons (LLC grid tilt 30 degrees).
- Cause an error if a ROMS gridid.txt file cannot be found.
- Ocean and land masks did not have a hash created. Added to meshutils functions.
- FRE-NCtools does not like
. Will try ETOPO1 and ETOPO2. - Change Example3 to Mercator so we can work up an example comparing gridtools with FRE-NCtools.
- Change an information message in the change debug level to avoid confusion.
- Include platform and python version in software list for saved netCDF files.
- The warnings for gridResolution parameters do not make sense if some are properly defined. Revised.
- Add to favorite shortcuts to jupyter.
- Update jupyter MD notes.
- Fix CI as we changed the source of the requirements file in binder which is also used by github Actions.
- Fix spelling of notebook in bokeh.
- Update the in examples.
- RT: Bugs in mkGridIterative notebook. Refactoring software metadata discovery.
- Packages versions are typically seen only at the root element, so optimize on that.
- Rework sysinfo and utils modules to allow more flexible software and detection in different environments.
- RTD is fixed.
- Add roms modules to RTD docs.
- Create release/ to begin a release cycle.
- Update template; includes RTD fix
- RTD: point environment to
- Remove pip entries and nodejs from
to fix RTD usinggridTools_export-linux-64-RTD.yml
- In conda, rename
- RTD(dev) is broken; unresolvable nodejs
- Xarray items have to have consistent dimensions and coordinates work smoothly.
- In bathyutils, after applying mask to correct ocean points, check the depths
against the
for points that need to be capped as well. - Update some MOM6 notes about bathymetry and related parameters.
- Set undefined depth of ocean to -99999.0
- Refactor codes to use utils.sha256sum()
- Apply
to ocean points in bathyutils.applyExistingLandmask() and bathyutils.applyExistingOceanmask(). - Make sure we write hashes for files created by gridutils.makeSoloMosaic().
- Create a utility function: utils.sha256sum() for all objects
- Include variable coord as variables to ignore in gridutils.removeFillValueAttributes()
- Handle single variables passed to gridutils.removeFillValueAttributes()
- Change test for data in gridutils.removeFillValueAttributes()
- Revising mask modification for bathyutils.applyExistingLandmask() and bathyutils.applyExistingOceanmask().
- MOM6 PR#1428
may be unspecified or shallower thanMINIMUM_DEPTH
. - Allow modification of a MOM6 grid.
- Now need to work on save and application of edited grid.
- Continue configuration of jupyter mask editer.
- Integration of ROMS grids into openGrid/readGrid infrastructure.
- Rename variable
. - Move to more generic keywarg arguments to openDataset, openGrid and readGrid.
- Add controls to jupyter mask editor
- Jupyter mask editor is now wrapped in a class
- create two more classes in gridtools: maskEditor() and maskEditorPylab()
- Performing integration of mask editors into gridtools.
- Before use of pylab class in jupyter, a user must have a cell
that calls
first. - fix typo in example for gridutils.plotGrid()
- map() does not work well with numpy/xarray
- pyplot will require a rewrite to optimize speed; the full map is rendered and underlying data is changed and requested to redraw on update.
- need to add a control to jupyter editor to enable/disable mask edits but still allow moving the subgrid on each click.
- Working on trying to get jupyter and pyplot displays to be more similar to each other.
- Added an adaptive method to the mask editor. User can specify size of grid subset. Subset grid is centered over the last mouse click.
- Mask value is toggled between 1 and 0.
- With 2D lon, lat grids we have to resort to a great circle calcuation of all the points to find our clicked grid point. This computation is fast. The rendering of many points is slow.
- Make sure to reset the kernel and wipe out any cells on notebooks to keep the repository size down.
- Experimenting with hvplot quadmesh. With a large grid, it takes a long time. May want to consider partitioning the grid for plotting? Sliding views?
- Add note to README
- Additional package requirements: geoviews, hvplot, nodejs, pooch, owslib
- May be able to use jupyter for the editor
- Return references to the created plot object or the event hooks go away.
- The coordinate system is a little different in cartopy. Found a reference that helped fix the issue.
- Copied needed modules from pyroms and made some modifications
- Added new modules to
for grids module - Added (object) to all current classes
- Starting ipython and pasting code from mkGridsExample9 will launch a window
- editing only works via
ipython --pylab
- a plot shows up but the transformations are off
- investigating replacement for Basemap() for conversion of (lon, lat) to (x, y)
- branch exp/maskeditorV1 opened
- consolidate credits and citations
- fix more main links
- Updated pyroms install information for the brave
- bibtex authors are separated by and and not commas
- Add citation for pyroms
- PR#8 submitted to main. Making final checks of CI, RTD and mybinder.
- Add more environment infomation
- Show stdout for pytests (-rA)
- Add dev and main branches for CI testing
- Add a pytest to show some initial hashes to check in CI output
- Add reference for numpypi. Need to add URL to original and latestURL if updates were made.
- Updated workaround information dropping datashader and updating xesmf information.
- Add
to repo as they are needed for sphinx. - Pinned git repo version for datashader no longer needed
can be replaced withbreakpoint()
and the import pdb is no longer needed.- BUG: RTD: bullet items not rendered, use "conda install docutils=0.16"
- Verified python script examples are still operational.
- Updated some documentation in the sanity module.
- Add reference to
- Add keyword arguments to GridUtils.plotGrid() for control over plotting elements.
- Add dpi control to GridUtils.newFigure() and add 100.0 dpi to defaults.
- Bump version to 0.2.0
- Jupyter notebooks pass initial testing towards release 0.2.0
- Jupyter notebooks require: %matplotlib inline for showing figures
- Fix code fetching version tag
- reformat TODOs to shorter columns
- sysinfo: needed some self prefixes on a few objects
- sysinfo: stdout/stderr needed to be decoded() from bytes
- sysinfo: fix capture of returncode
- Add a common wrkDir and inputDir for examples to easier set paths to files, etc.
- Add default tileName of
to examples. - Replace temporary
placeholder. - Begin running tests to work on Release 0.2.0
- Fix dpi at a default value (100.0). It can magically change between Figure() calls.
- xarray plot wants coordinate variables. For MOM6, add
to coordinates before plotting. - xarray tutorial data requires python module pooch
- Create mkGridsExample7a notebook to experiment with xarray plotting methods.
- Add generic plotting demonstration to Example 7. Will add more options in later releases. Not quite working yet.
- Add sanity module to documentation.
- New goals and milestones defined. Older milestones archived.
- Add
access toconvert_ROMS_to_MOM6
function. - ROMS2MOM6: Mask depths to
instead of a hard coded zero(0). Use xarray instead of numpy. - Deployment plan firming up for generic plotting.
- Add default tileName to example 7.
- Update documentation about file specifications.
- Basic testing has increased confidence code that grid generation and conversion is somewhat operational.
- NOTE: **kwargs is not updatable within function calls
- Update utils routine to use generic command callout function to fix extranious warnings to be output when a git repo may not be present.
- Conversion routine ROMS_to_MOM6 did not update the kwargs topographyGrid which is used later when writing out the topography and masking files.
- Add a sanity check module instead of repeating code.
- Add
specified options to metadata for topography and masking files. - Restructure plotGrid to enable plotting of model grid or other variables.
- conda export environments should not include special pip packages
- Remove pip definitions from binder/environment.yml
- Document build failing: adding sphinxcontrib.bibtex
- Indexing across xarray and numpy is hard; need to move more numpy items toward xarray.
- Add makeSoloMosaic to 20x30 test grid Example7
- Rename LandMask to Landmask
- Rename OceanMask to Oceanmask
- Adopt use of colorama for optional coloring of text output
- Debug gridtools.grids.mom6
- Debug gridtools.grids.roms
- Fixes for at least when git commands fail attempting to grab git related information.
- Initial coding of ROMS to MOM6 converter and writing out a solo mosaic for a new grid is complete. Now to begin testing.
- Reformat keyword arguments.
- MOM6 default tileName = tile1
- Add grid geometry type to tile variable: cartesian or spherical
- Add proper string encoding to gridutils.removeFillValueAttributes.
- Continue adding routines to mom6 and roms modules.
- Replace {} with dict()
- Porting of ROMS to MOM6 grids will go hand in hand with general solo mosaic creation routines.
- Created ROMS and MOM6 specific classes for dealing with their own grids
- Add sphinxcontrib-bibtex to requirements.txt file to see if we fix RTD build failure
- Add reference to FRE-nctools.
- Add a generic utils module for generic functions.
- gridutils.readGrid() does not need to do anything but note the grid type in gridInfo['type'].
- urllib.parse: double slash denotes the next argument is a network specification. We can use file:/filename for absolute and relative paths. We need to rework documentation so we can specify data sources more explicitly. These are equivalent (ds:/GEBCO_2020) = (ds:///GEBCO_2020). A relative path would be ds:GEBCO_2020. It would be an implementation decision if ds:/GEBCO_2020 == ds:GEBCO_2020.
- Simplify Example 8 a little bit with file spec discovery.
- Add remaining modules to RTD documentation.
- RTD docstrings:
- Fix all the current documentation warnings.
- Fix some latex math. Use double slash in math expressions.
- Add sysinfo.runCommand() to consolidate the ability to capture output from running commands from the library.
- sysinfo.sysInfo() class has a grd= argument that allows connecting the logging portion of the library.
- Ongoing expansion of documentation.
- Add bibtex to sphinx documentation process.
- bibliography.rst: Sample entry for a paper and a github repo.
- computeGridMetrics comes in two forms: spherical and cartesian.
- Begin construction of makeSoloMosaic that does similar work to
. - Attempts to build FRE-nctools on chinook have failed so far.
- Numpy has a method to access the indexes that match grid points for any value test.
- BUG: Relative paths do not work in the new filespec scheme.
- Remove old file.
- Do not install the binary TeX environment or the glibc anywhere near the conda gridTools environment. The environment became tainted and began to segfault. Only activate TeX when a PDF is needed.
- Markdown file processing is problematic. A module m2r2 needs some work to do things the way we want. Leaving it disabled for now.
- Add configuration file for ReadtheDocs site
- Fix Example8 to set periodic=False
- Initial sphinx setup is complete; need to test linkage to ReadTheDocs.
- Adding to docs/development.
- Sphinx requires a fully operational software stack to generate documentation.
- Adding sphinx/doxygen to documentation proceedures. The documentation will utilize a separate enviornmnet to keep things simple.
- More TODOs.
- Added Example8 to demonstrate construction of depth/ocean mask grid through gridtools library with new topoutils regridding method.
- Fix masking names for Example7. ROMS to MOM6 calls the masking fields
. If they are in the same file, we will have to put a prefix on the field. - Initial construction of topoutils.TopoUtils.regridTopo() is done. Needs testing.
- Found a way to get the prior function caller to assist debugging. It introduces a performance hit so we need to be careful about turning it on.
- Log an ERROR if we fail to evaluate any fields for a data source.
- Add a note about using ... in python. Cute!
- Rework Example7 with a common work directory.
- Adding contribution from James to
- Bug in xesmf requires temporary reference to a git repo.
- Be sure to rehash the new 'depth' field in bathyutils.applyExistingLandMask()
- Add a MOM6 message indicating diagnosed maximum ocean depth.
- gridtools.openDataset() can now open a catalog data source or file or OpenDAP end point. Completely rewrote this routine again.
- Adopt prefixes for file specs. See doc/development/ No filespec prefix is assumed to be filenames. Things should work if regular filenames are used. The only thing that will break is the data source catalog references. A / must be prefixed on the entries. We can do a soft ignore in the future to allow plain names to work too.
- Add a fileutils library for generic gridtools operations that are not field or grid based.
- Allow chunks option to be passed for grid and data sources.
- openGrid now uses openDataset again
- Implement saving of ocean and land masks using a specified
. - Adding bathyutils.applyExistingLandMask()
- There is a better way to use complex expressions in xarray.where(). Bookmark to gist added to important information.
- Add various TODOs.
- Example 7 works. It should be cleaned up and Example 7a should be created to demonstrate using existing files created by Example 7.
- gridutils.removeFillValueAttributes() add a data= parameter to allow use outside of grids.
- gridutils: Add more comments to allow searching of large sections of code
- Add meshutils for generic routines that we do not really have a good place for at the moment. The first routines are writing a land and ocean mask file based on a supplied field.
- Integration of bathymetric roughness to allow for internal tide parameterization to be used in a model run.
- Add a data catalogging system in the grid tools library. The catalog system can point to physical files or remote files.
- Move generic dataset operations into data source operations
- Keep grid operations separate from data source operations
- openDataset() for grids is now openGrid() followed by readGrid()
- We should keep better track of assembled code to reduce hours of rediscovery should we to totally rewrite this library.
- Add a hook to enable passing a chunks argument to
for grids and data sources. - Implement applying an existing land mask after getting the roughness field instead of being combined with this function.
- Plotting of created fields will be done separately.
- Application of the ice9 algorithm will also be done separately.
defines the land mask for MOM6. All depths shallower thanMINIMUM_DEPTH
but deeper thanMASKING_DEPTH
are rounded toMINIMUM_DEPTH
. When the FMS coupler is involved, a separate land mask is stored in the exchange grids.- TODO: Create several routines for checking/updating masks.
- Collecting lots of TODOs for bathymetric roughness code.
- Using chunks with eval works but is not numpy fancy indexable.
- Delay evaluation of depth until the end to support chunks.
- variableMap will remap variables; evalMap will perform calculations after the fact. In our example, elevation was remapped to the needed depth variable for input, then we invert the sign after processing.
- Add similar to MOM6
- Noted quirk for xesmf
- Release 0.1.1
- Installation and tutorial (PR#3)
- Start use of github action workflows
- Start implementation of some pytests
- Add stub
- Update main
- Gridtools library is now installable via pip
- Move all materials into a binder directory
- Add the quiet flag to postBuild pip install
- Add
for use with conda on Raspberry Pi - Remove mkGridInteractive.ipynb from root tree
- Move tutorials into doc folder and update to link to them
- Update tutorial links so they will work after publication to main branch
- Update todos
- Consolidate requirements lists again
- github CI: use quiet mode for conda and pip to make output less verbose
- We have a complete python venv build for UAF:chinook cluster
- numba requires a modern compiler
- A couple of dependencies require openssl: nodejs particularly
- libtiff is required by proj
- Do not use python this is a legacy installation method
- The answer is use python -m pip; do not use python
- Revamped requirements for possibly a two stage install for pip?
- python develop mostly works; still some workarounds needed
- Providing install info for specific compute clusters: python3 -m venv on UAF:chinook
- Fixes for: python -m pip install .
- Add numba to gridTools conda environment and removed as TBB was old on UAF:chinook due to ancient compiler
- Add other dependencies: dask, colorcet and datashape
- Add a hack for supporting differences in package requirements for pip vs.
- Fix remote saving to correct directory as shown in the application
- Improve gridtools metadata output; add hashes to certain variables
- For pip installs, if jupyterlab<3.0.0 is required, require: jupyter labextension install @pyviz/jupyterlab_pyviz
- In gridutils, was overwriting the app() function; changed to self.applicationObj
- Add a couple more try blocks on a machine without conda
- Add example #7 demonstrating grid generation of bathymetric roughness(h2) and other bathymetric or other general field options.
- Add hashlib to gridutils
- Add package requirements to and requirements.txt
- Begin construction of based on ocean_model_topog_generator
- Begin construction of that will manage data sources
- Add netCDF4 to gridTools.yml base packages; xarray needs it to read netcdf version 4 files
- Add a few informational links
- Update to push exp/bathyV1
- Add info on running dask in a cluster environment
- Delete duplicate conda/docs directory; not sure how that got there
- Create exp/bathyV1 branch
- Merge ESMG#1
- Finish out documentation updates for PR#1
- Merge updates (PR#2)
- Add netcdf metadata: grid*, conda_env, package_versions and software_version.
- Redefining gridTools.yml. Attempting to combine panel, xesmf and xgcm packages.
- Currently defined gridTools loads xesmf(0.5.3) and xgcm(0.5.1) for x86_64.
- Indicate some pitfalls in maintaining exported configurations for conda
- Resync binder/environment.yml with conda/gridTools_export.yml
- Aggregate into its binder directory to further clean up the repository
- Add numpypi to for automatic installation
- Update binder to only install gridtools(+datashader+numpypi)
- Delete conda/xesmfTest.yml; this used for testing a conda install environment for the reworked repo
- Start on continuous integration (CI) and testing of repo code to help check for inadvertant bugs
- Add a contributing stub.
- Modify initial workflow to do some basic sluthing.
- Pare down gridTools environment
- Remove netCDF4 module from since we have xarray
- Add pytest and some tests; try in CI
- Update conda README with update instructions with explicit
- Found key to getting conda environment working
- Each step needs conda activate
- Update pytest tests with expected failures
- Add gridtool module import tests
- Add a couple more tests (incomplete)
- Add datashader dependency to
- Remove duplicate logging example
- Update examples to use refactored installable library
- Update to see if that still works with refactored library
- Refactored library: from gridutils import GridUtils becomes from gridtools.gridutils import GridUtils, etc
- Add .swp to .gitignore
- Move installable library to 0.2 milestones
- Remove LIBROOT dependency for library
- installs the datashader requirement
- Update documentation for installation and use
- Fix detection in application
- Fix installation paths
- Finish out 0.1 milestones
- Add more TODOs including reproducibility goals
- Create a exp/pipInstaller branch for testing
- Refactor repo (again) to support pip install of library
- Copied a versioning method from the sphinx project
- Removed warning handling
- Removed xgcm from (not sure why it was working either)
- Had to change how imports packages at its own level to enable from gridtools import * to work
- Add a pyproject.toml file template; had to delete build-backend for pip install -e . to work
- Modify setuptools import to model that of the sphinx
- Refactoring likely broke a lot of stuff...have to check
- Establish 0.2 milestones
- BUG(app): Stereographic grid generation does not work when dx/dy is not evenly divisible by grid resolution. TODO
- IBCAO grid exhausts memory on
- Try to implement dask features in Example4a (incomplete)
- Updated grid center text in application
- Rename an example script to conform to mkGrids
- Remove mkMapInteractive.ipynb
- Fix metadata for IBCAO grid in Example 5 and 5a
- Add jupyter-resource-usage to conda:xesmfTools
- BUG(app): Add missing self on plotTitle FIXED
- Add information to examples/
- BUG(app): x/y color and line controls are swapped FIXED
- app: adjusted grid resolution to take larger numbers.
- app: erase debug cell at the bottom of mkGridInteractive.ipynb
- publish to ESMG:dev branch and test
- This day in history. SpaceX launches and lands starship prototype number 15.
- Add wish list task for delta method import of boundary conditions and forcing fields.
- Add/update documentation for the application.
Merge PR#1 into robTest
- Provide user with more descriptive plotting failure whether it is due to a non-existent grid or really a plotting error.
- Add errorNoGridFigure().
- Move coordinates of existing message on plot.
- Add self.gridMode flag to GridUtils()
- Upon use of saveGrid() adjust x in grids from 0,360 to -180,+180
Still some rough edges to clean up.
- One more pass at the application and application documentation
Application changes:
- Adjust projection parameters depending on selected projection in make_plot and make_grid
- allow projection center to be separate from grid center
- define more controls for plot and grid to match recent API changes to GridUtils
- Ellipsoid for grids and plotting set to WGS84
- Add a grid "Center" tab
- Expand ranges of dx, dy, gridResolutionX and gridResolutionY to also support meters
- WARNING: This commit leaves the Application broken (temporarily).
- Created grid generation function for spherical units given in meters and degrees.
- Add warning when grid generation fails.
- Add informational message when grid metrics are not computed.
- Check for lat_0 of +90 or -90 for spherical projection plots.
- Example mkGridsExample4.ipynb complete
- Checked operation of
- Checked operation of and
- Issue a warning for grids that might not be conformal.
- Update app:make_plot for various projection inputs
- Remove an unneeded string expansion for Mercator.
- Performing parameter checks upfront and converting some to float for use later.
- Update mercator with Niki's routine to allow users to specify tilt.
- Define _default_availableGridTypes
- Add ensureEvenI flag for MOM6 grids
- Whitespace cleanup
- Begin to leverage args and kwargs in python functions. This will allow us to use developed math functions for use with other grid types that might require different options.
- Adding code guards for MOM6 specific operations.
- Move generic API demonstrations into so it does not detract from specific grid generation demonstrations in mkGridsIterative.ipynb.
- API CHANGES (incomplete)
- Enforce grid center parameters: centerX, centerY, centerUnits.
- mkGridsInterative.ipynb (incomplete)
- Add Niki's example of a Stereographic grid
- Add Niki's example of a rotated Mercator grid
- Added more of Niki's functions for Mercator grid generation
- NOTE: Grid generation techniques sometimes require projection information and sometimes grid generation techniques change projection information. All details should be specifically documented.
- gridResolution is now units based instead of scale based as Niki defined it in his notebook example.
- gridutils
- Enforce degrees as units for Mercator and Lambert Conformal Conic.
- TODO: Niki performs some clipping of points along the j direction. This should be an expanded feature to warn the user about grids with odd number of points in the i and j direction and offer an expansion or clipping method. For supercomputing, it is easier to decompose a grid with even amounts of points.
- Plotting: follow proj convention, when lat_ts is missing, attempt to use lat_0.
- Plottind defaults: follow proj defaults.
- drop "+units" from Mercator proj string
- add lat_ts to Stereographic proj string if available
- fix proj string bug for Lambert Conformal Conic
- Allow users to set the verbose Level by name instead of by number
- makeGrid() refactoring: use a flag to track when a new grid is created and then compute grid metrics after attempting to establish a proj string. Creating a proj string too early did not work for the delayed information from the Lambert Conformal Conic grid. Now we compute the proj string at the latest possible moment. This would break the Spherical grid generator for units in meters. This routine will have to construct the proj string early.
- Build out of Spherical grid generator begins (not complete)
- Unify user manual. The user manual will hold the bulk of the operational details. Application details will be a small subset enough to explain the operational details of the graphical user interface.
- Merge NorthPolarStero and SouthPolarStereo to Sterographic in which grid generation will need to pay attention to lat_0 defined for the projection.
- Update application to merge North and South polar stereographic to Stereographic.
- TODO: grab github revision used by each specific instance
- User can specify ellipsoid (ellps) and earth radius (R) through projection options to grid and plot.
- Do not forecast milestones past the next logical one; put other major milestones into a generic X milestone.
- We assume the user is familiar with the python programming language. We will point the user to helpful materials when appropriate.
- Implementation requires vetting application and examples for proper operation
- Change user specification of grid center to "centerX" and "centerY" and specify those units in "centerUnits".
- BUG: Updating grid or plot parameter nested arguments will get clobbered. Queued to be fixed later.
- Raphael pointed us code he wrote that allows conversion from XY to LATLON over a 2D field. It was exactly what we needed to get the IBCAO grid working in the polar projection.
- Unify MOM6/proj defaults for grid generation
- Default radius is 6.378137e6
- Default ellipse is GRS80
- Add warnings to various areas where we create the projection string
- Add warnings to determiniation of the radius of the earth to use
- Add three examples on how to create the IBCAO grid. One example shows how things change when a slightly different radius is specified for WGS84.
- Move some milestones around with polar grids now possibly working
- Keep milestones under 1.0 for now
- Add datetime and pyproj to gridutils imports
- Return a version number for gridutils library
- Better metadata for xarray/netCDF structures
- Determine earth radius based on projection string on the fly
- Move construction of proj string into a function so it will work for grid and plot projections as needed
- TODO: improve documentation for grid and plot parameters and finish implementation work for all projections. For now, keep the grid construction simplified.
- Added a plotting demo for illustrating unstructured grid interpolation and differences between using grid edges and grid center points for plotting.
- Avoid use of xesmf 0.5.2
- split xesmfTools environment and move xgcm into its own environment
- Add xgcmTools environment
- Remapping an ice field using xesmf regridder
- Begin rework field flood algorythm that pyroms utilizes
- Added more bookmarks and sorted them
- Added xesmf to pangeo environment
-; updates
- Add appropriate spacing between items
- If tilt is zero, remove it from any message or title
- Split refine into two arguments
- Update message if regular lat lon grid is being built on the equator or not
- Move into pyroms directory
- The supergrid plotting would fail if grid type was two(2) and resolution was 0.5. When multiplied together, it results in 1.0 which confused the current system.
- Add simple mercator grid generation method
- Add a couple of bathy examples to debug a masking issue. We can use xarray to display a GEBCO 2020 figure and a ROMS figure with bathymetry.
- Add xmap examples that almost work
- Fix some spacing in some gridutils functions
- Update metadata for NEP7 grid in README
- Disable mercator tilt
- Separate refine inputs to grid functions that use gridResolution and gridMode
- Update some messaging
- Shore up messaging and debugging code in GridUtils(). A lot of missing level= in 2nd arguments calls to printMsg and debugMsg.
- Add a TODO to refactor messaging and debugging into its own package/module.
- Add an example on how to work with logging levels and debug levels.
- Add showPlotParameters function.
- Add more explanation to example1.
- Testing NSIDC's grid generation software: mapx
- Learn how to read binary and reshape a numpy array after reading a mapx binary grid file
- FIX: GridUtils: Reformat lon > 180
- lcc_grid.gpd almost replicates Niki's example grid; degress vs meters
- Create a 3rd example that generates a 1x1 grid for testing
- Fix warning in GridUtils.plotGrid()
- Change warnings to logging.WARNING messages
- Moved all print statements to printMsg calls
- Fix printing to STDOUT when msgBox is not defined
- Add a function that allows tweaking of noisy python modules that send information to the log.
- Add Manual documentation
- Add application Setup tab for other obscure toolset options; add setter and getter methods in GridUtils()
- Use numpypi: True/False
- Enable logging: True/False
- Specify logfile: "filename"
- Specify logging level
- Specify verbose level
- Specify debug level
- Log erase button
- Update some important references
- We can add to any control to trigger events when certain things happen.
- We also learned that a lot of python modules leverage the logging module and that some of those modules are very verbose. We setup a function to reduce some of that noise.
- Once a logger is created, it cannot be deleted. It can be enabled and disabled.
- Add a small program example to show all available loggers after a GridUtils object is created.
- TODO: Creating more small program examples to demonstrate logging and debugging techniques.
- Use the setter functions in mkGridScripts and examples instead of setting the object variables directly.
- TODO: consider moving important variables to private/hidden variables.
- Experimentation with panel.pane.HTML did not work pan out. No great control over width and height. Text updates did not automatically resize the window. The TextAreaInput automatically adds a scrollbar to the box when enough lines are added to the window.
- Fixed up documentation of Grid Representation in the app manual.
- Panel markdown honors the usage of options after a link. Ex: MOM6 User Manual{target="_blank"}
- Testing of new printMsg facility is working.
- Added a clear information button to clear the inforamtion window.
- Move to to match coding standards
- Use R from GridUtils class in spherical
- BUG: add ccrs.SouthPolarStereo() to projCarto
- Remove plotExtentX0,X1 checks for lon>180
- Moving the boilerplate into its own module works
- BUG(migration): makeGrid() contained a small bug, parallels were not updating; missing self
- reworked the way we start the app via show() and display()
- BUG(migration): Plot button stopped working; missing self
- BUG(migration): Saving local files are fixed
- BUG(migration): Call the showManual method with ()
- combined xgcmTools with xecmfTools configuration
- added nbserverproxy to xecmfTools
- moved documentation around
- merge code updates from James
- proj; applied application changes into gridutils so it is available to all
- applied widget clean up for local file selection
- add todos: LCC limitations; consider numpypi code
- initial move to hide application boilerplate; help diff/debugging
- discovered how to suppress xarray _FillValue attributes
- created to demonstrate command line/ipython use
- more documentation needed
- document how numpypi and datashader should be installed
- update extent display to show -180 to +180
- most spinner widgets updated to numeric values instead of integer
- establish a global for the defaultGridFilename
- still need to understand how libraries, modules and packages are handled in python
- migration of mkMap to mkGrid filename; we started with maps but have moved onto grids