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Run script raspberry-pi-server-install
from repository root from Raspberry Pi
pi@raspberrypi:~$ ./raspberry-pi-server-install
Local configuration is used on a Raspberry Pi connected with a keyboard and a screen, making changes directly to the server
Run script raspi-local-auto
from local machine
pi@raspberrypi:~$ bash raspi-local-auto
Warning: this is a risky option and has been removed
Run script raspi-local-manual
from local machine
pi@raspberrypi:~$ bash raspi-local-manual
Remote configuration is used on a Raspberry Pi connected to local network through ssh, making changes remotely to the server
Run script raspi-remote-auto
from remote machine
pi@raspberrypi:~$ bash raspi-remote-auto
Warning: this is a risky option and has been removed
Run script raspi-remote-manual
from remote machine
pi@raspberrypi:~$ bash raspi-remote-manual