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prophetuneR: Parallelized Cross-validation and Hyperparameter Tuning for prophet

Author: Arif Setyawan


This package provides a convenient method to perform cross-validation testing in parallel, also hyperparameter tuning via grid search using parallelized cross-validation.

Since there is no built-in function to do hyperparameter tuning in R version of prophet (when this package was created), the function tune_prophet() will come in handy. Also, parallel processing using par_cross_validation() is applied to speed up the tuning works. This package depends on the original prophet, so make sure you install it before using this package.

Learn about prophet forecasting tool, here.



You need to install devtools and prophet package prior to install prophetuneR. If you haven’t, run the code below


Then you can run this code


Loading the package



  • It was reported that the installation of devtools might fail on R version under 4.2.0. Hence, it is preferred to use R version >4.2.0 to ensure the installation ran smoothly.
  • Make sure to have RTools installed, click here if you haven’t.

Parallel cross validation par_cross_validation()

Parallelized version of cross_validation() from prophet forecasting tool


  period = NULL,
  initial = NULL,
  cutoffs = NULL, = -1L


  • model: Fitted Prophet model.
  • horizon: Integer size of the horizon.
  • units: String unit of the horizon, e.g., “days”, “secs”.
  • period: Integer amount of time between cutoff dates. Same units as horizon. If not provided, 0.5 * horizon is used.
  • initial: Integer size of the first training period. If not provided, 3 * horizon is used. Same units as horizon.
  • cutoffs: Vector of cutoff dates to be used during cross-validation. If not provided works beginning from (end - horizon), works backwards making cutoffs with a spacing of period until initial is reached.
  • (New) Number of cores to run in parallel, if -1 all available cores are used (default is -1)


A dataframe with the forecast, actual value, and cutoff date.


df <- read.csv('')
m <- prophet(df)
cv <- par_cross_validation(
  model = m,
  horizon = 365,
  units = 'days', = 4
y ds yhat yhat_lower yhat_upper cutoff
8.4092 2011-01-22 9.1468 8.5940 9.6660 2011-01-21
8.9731 2011-01-23 9.5353 9.0161 10.0888 2011-01-21
9.5503 2011-01-24 9.8276 9.3399 10.3604 2011-01-21
8.7863 2011-01-25 9.6632 9.1623 10.1803 2011-01-21
8.6081 2011-01-26 9.4929 8.9542 10.0157 2011-01-21
8.4949 2011-01-27 9.4760 8.9166 9.9810 2011-01-21

Hyperparameter tuning tune_prophet()

Hyperparameter tuning for prophet model via grid search algorithm using parallelized cross-validation to shorten tuning time.


tune_prophet(df, horizon, units, args.list, ...)


  • df: Dataframe containing the history. Must have columns ds (date type) and y, the time series. If growth is logistic, then df must also have a column cap that specifies the capacity at each ds. If not provided, then the model object will be instantiated but not fit; use fit.prophet(m, df) to fit the model.
  • horizon: Integer size of the horizon.
  • units: String unit of the horizon, e.g., “days”, “secs”.
  • args.list: List of parameters values to be evaluated. Based on prophet official documentation, parameters that can be tuned including: changepoint.prior.scale, seasonality.prior.scale, holidays.prior.scale, seasonality.mode, and changepoint.range.
  • ...: Additional arguments, passed to par_cross_validation().


A dataframe with the parameters and their performance metrics.


df <- read.csv('')
tuning_result <- tune_prophet(
  df = df,
  horizon = 365,
  units = 'days',
  args.list = list(
    changepoint.prior.scale = c(0.001, 0.01, 0.1, 0.5),
    seasonality.prior.scale = c(0.01, 0.1, 1.0, 10.0)

Tuning result

changepoint.prior.scale seasonality.prior.scale mse rmse mae mape mdape smape coverage
0.001 0.01 0.5442 0.7377 0.6015 0.0737 0.0678 0.0716 0.5906
0.010 0.01 0.4664 0.6829 0.5018 0.0596 0.0472 0.0592 0.7076
0.100 0.01 0.6428 0.8017 0.6204 0.0740 0.0639 0.0733 0.6687
0.500 0.01 0.9141 0.9561 0.7043 0.0832 0.0643 0.0825 0.8105
0.001 0.10 0.5267 0.7258 0.5883 0.0719 0.0667 0.0700 0.6164
0.010 0.10 0.4677 0.6839 0.5023 0.0597 0.0471 0.0593 0.7073
0.100 0.10 0.5692 0.7544 0.5770 0.0688 0.0595 0.0682 0.6990
0.500 0.10 0.4815 0.6939 0.5059 0.0593 0.0485 0.0600 0.8968
0.001 1.00 0.5323 0.7296 0.5920 0.0724 0.0667 0.0704 0.6093
0.010 1.00 0.4632 0.6806 0.4994 0.0593 0.0468 0.0589 0.7097
0.100 1.00 0.5661 0.7524 0.5743 0.0684 0.0591 0.0679 0.7021
0.500 1.00 0.4811 0.6936 0.5045 0.0592 0.0487 0.0598 0.8983
0.001 10.00 0.5355 0.7318 0.5928 0.0724 0.0668 0.0705 0.6121
0.010 10.00 0.4664 0.6829 0.5017 0.0596 0.0472 0.0592 0.7116
0.100 10.00 0.5672 0.7531 0.5758 0.0686 0.0593 0.0681 0.7076
0.500 10.00 0.4875 0.6982 0.5099 0.0599 0.0493 0.0605 0.8990

Optimal parameter by MAPE

optimal_tuning <- dplyr::slice_min(tuning_result[c('changepoint.prior.scale', 'seasonality.prior.scale', 'mape')], mape)
changepoint.prior.scale seasonality.prior.scale mape
0.5 1 0.0591812


Software and system specification to do performance and scalability testing.


## [1] "R version 4.3.1 (2023-06-16 ucrt)"
## $vendor_id
## [1] "GenuineIntel"
## $model_name
## [1] "11th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-1165G7 @ 2.80GHz"
## $no_of_cores
## [1] 8
## 17 GB


Using microbenchmark package.


df <- read.csv('')
m <- prophet(df)
result <- microbenchmark(
  serial = cross_validation(
    model = m,
    horizon = 365,
    units = 'days'
  parallel = par_cross_validation(
    model = m,
    horizon = 365,
    units = 'days', = 4
  times = 10

The results show that par_cross_validation() with 4 cores performs $\sim 53\%$ better than the original cross_validation() ($12.16s \rightarrow 7.93s$) on average aggregated from 10 runs.


Run using all available cores on my machine.

try_period <- c(365,180,90,30,14,7)

result_serial <- lapply(try_period, function(period) {
  run_duration <- system.time({
    cv <- cross_validation(
      model = m,
      horizon = 365,
      period = period,
      units = 'days'
  result <- data.frame(
    period = period,
    iteration = length(unique(cv$cutoff)),
    elapsed = unname(run_duration)
result_serial <-, result_serial)

result_parallel <- lapply(try_period, function(period) {
  run_duration <- system.time({
    cv <- par_cross_validation(
      model = m,
      horizon = 365,
      period = period,
      units = 'days', = -1L
  result <- data.frame(
    period = period,
    iteration = length(unique(cv$cutoff)),
    elapsed = unname(run_duration)
result_parallel <-, result_parallel)

On the scalability test, par_cross_validation() performs much better on higher iteration count (fewer period means more forecasts need to be calculated), at the weekly period (7 days) the run time remains around 100 seconds. On the other hand, cross_validation poorly performs as the iteration count rise, its run time exponentially rose to more than 300 seconds which means 3 times slower than parallel cross validation. Since grid search-based hyperparameter tuning is an exhaustive algorithm, a faster approach is always favorable.

Future development

  • Since the current tune_prophet() is quite chatty, a switch-like argument to suppress those log messages is possibly needed.
  • Implementation of alternative hyperparameter tuning algorithms such as Halving Grid Search and Bayesian Optimization.