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RingCentral Voicemail AI Bot

This project contains the code and resources needed for developers to build and deploy a voicemail assistant bot on top of the RingCentral Glip messaging platform. The bot contained within this framework can, with a user's permission, monitor a user's voicemail for incoming messages, and then alert the user via a Glip message of a new voicemail. In addition, it can interface with Google's speech-to-text APIs to transcribe the incoming message, analysis with Google's cloud AI(Cloud Natural Language API) and post the text and result to user as well.

The bot contained within is meant to be used in conjunction with a detailed tutorial on building bots on Glip. As a result, the bot intentionally lacks some functionality that ideally developers would implement by completing the corresponding tutorial.



The bot provided by this project is capable of responding to the following command:

  • monitor - enable monitoring of the current user's voicemail messages.

When a voicemail is received, the bot will post a transcript of the voicemail to the user, along with some high-level analysis of the contents of the voicemail.

Future Framework

This bot is includes core bot features that are intended to be extracted to a Glip bot framework that seeks to eliminate the need to develop a lot of the mundane functions necessary to support a bot that is easily deployed, and authorized to access a user's account. Here are some of the functions this framework will provide to developers:

  • Implements an OAuth flow for adding bots to a Glip organization.
  • Implements an OAuth flow for prompting users to grant the bot permission to access their RingCentral account data.
  • Automatically refreshes event subscriptions before they expire.
  • Provides a simple framework for developers to implement new commands and functionality.
  • Persists and manages authentication tokens for users of the bot.

Setup and Installation

A detailed guide for getting the bot up and running is provided in the bot's tutorial. For those developers more familiar with RingCentral wishing to dive right in, the following instructions will help:


  • Node.js >= 8.10
  • Yarn
  • a Google API account with a saved Google credentials file, note that you can still run local demo to see how it works without Google account/credential, but with fake demo data.

Setup the Project

git clone
cd ringcentral-ai-bot
yarn install

Create Your Proxy

If you are developing on your local machine, you may need to create a proxy/tunnel to the outside world so that your bot can receive webhooks properly. You can do this easily by executing the following command in a separate terminal:

cd ringcentral-ai-bot
yarn proxy

Make note of the ngrok HTTPS URL for use later.

Create the Apps

Login to and create two different apps using the parameters below.

Server/Bot App

  • General Settings
    • Choose a name and description you prefer.
  • App Type and Platform
    • Application Type: Public
    • Platform Type: Server/Bot
    • Carrier: accept the default values
  • OAuth Settings
    • Permissions Needed: All of them (ReadContacts, ReadMessages, ReadPresence, Contacts, ReadAccounts, SMS, InternalMessages, ReadCallLog, ReadCallRecording, WebhookSubscrip
      tions, Glip)
    • OAuth Redirect URI: Using your ngrok HTTPS URL from above, enter in the following value:

Web-based App

  • General Settings
    • Choose a name and description you prefer.
  • App Type and Platform
    • Application Type: Public
    • Platform Type: Browser-based
    • Carrier: accept the default values
  • OAuth Settings
    • Permissions Needed: All of them (ReadContacts, ReadMessages, ReadPresence, Contacts, ReadAccounts, SMS, InternalMessages, ReadCallLog, ReadCallRecording, WebhookSubscriptions, Glip)
    • OAuth Redirect URI: Using your ngrok HTTPS URL from above, enter in the following value:

Edit Your Config File

Make a copy of the sample .env file.

cp .sample.env .env

Then edit the .env file and populate it with the parameters unique to your install.

Start the Server

Finally, start the server:

yarn dev

Test the Bot

Login to, find the bot by searching its name. Talk to the bot, and follow the its instructions.

Building and Running Your Bot in Production

# install pm2 first if you wanna use pm2
yarn global add pm2
# or `npm i -g pm2`

# build
yarn build

# run production server
yarn prod-server

# use pm2
pm2 start bin/pm2.yml

Building and Deploying to AWS Lambda

AWS Lambda with API Gateway and DynamoDB would give us a flexible way to deploy the bot.

Be aware that AWS Lambda ONLY works in linux on an x64 architecture. Therefore, some dependencies will need to be prebuilt and uploaded to Lambda on a linux x64 instance. You could do this in ci or any linux server/destop env.

Get an AWS account, create aws_access_key_id and aws_secret_access_key and place them in ~/.aws/credentials, like this:

aws_access_key_id = <your aws_access_key_id>
aws_secret_access_key = <your aws_secret_access_key>

For more information, refer to

cp lambda/serverless.sample.yml lambda/serverless.yml

Edit lambda/serverless.yml, and make sure you set the proper name and required env.

# you can define service wide environment variables here
    NODE_ENV: production
    # ringcentral apps

    ## bots

    ## user

    ## common

    ## for google cloud api crendential path
    GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS: path/to/google-credential.json

    # db
    DB_TYPE: dynamodb
    DYNAMODB_REGION: us-east-1

Deploy to AWS Lambda with yarn deploy

# Run this cmd to deploy to AWS Lambda, full build, may take more time
yarn deploy

## watch Lambda server log
yarn watch

## update function
yarn update

## update without build, fast update, no rebuild
yarn u
  • Create API Gateway for your Lambda function, shape as{action+}
  • Make sure your Lambda function role has permission to read/write dynamodb(Set this from AWS IAM roles, could simply attach AmazonDynamoDBFullAccess and AWSLambdaRole policies to Lambda function's role)
  • Make sure your Lambda function's timeout more than 5 minutes
  • Do not forget to set your RingCentral app's redirect URL to Lambda's API Gateway URL, for bot app, for user app.

Editing This Tutorial

This repo also serves as a tutorial that can be viewed online at If you would like to contribute to the documentation effort, clone this repository and run the documentation server locally via the following commands:

# install deps

# start local docs server
yarn docs

Then visit http://localhost:8888 to check the tutorial

You can edit docs/tutorial/index.jade, docs will auto update docs/index.html, refresh http://localhost:8888 to see the change.


Documents & Reference




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