diff --git a/script.js b/script.js
index bbe8a293..babdb018 100644
--- a/script.js
+++ b/script.js
@@ -1,4 +1,125 @@
-var main = function (input) {
- var myOutputValue = 'hello world';
- return myOutputValue;
+var gameState = GAME_STATE_DICE_ROLL;
+var currentPlayerRolls = [];
+var currentPlayer = 1;
+var allPlayersScore = [];
+var rollDice = function(){
+ console.log('Control flow: start of rollDice()')
+ var randomInteger = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 6);
+ console.log('rollDice output, randomInteger:', randomInteger);
+ return randomInteger;
+var rollDiceForPlayer = function(){
+ console.log('Control flow: start of rollDiceForPlayer()');
+ var counter = 0;
+ while (counter < 2){
+ currentPlayerRolls.push(rollDice());
+ counter = counter + 1;
+ }
+ console.log('rollDiceForPLayer changes, currentPlayerRolls:', currentPlayerRolls);
+ return "Welcome, Player "+ currentPlayer + "
You rolled:
Dice 1:" + currentPlayerRolls[0] + "| Dice 2:" + currentPlayerRolls[1] + ".
Now, please input either '1' or '2' to choose the corresponding dice to be used as the first digit of your final value."
+var getPlayerScore = function(playerInput){
+ var playerScore;
+ if(playerInput != 1 && playerInput != 2){
+ console.log('Control flow: input validation, valid input... Not 1 & not 2');
+ return"Error! Please only input '1' or '2' to choose which dice to use as the first digit.
Your dice rolls are:
Dice 1: " + currentPlayerRolls[0] + "| Dice 2: " + currentPlayerRolls[1] + ".";
+ }
+ if(playerInput == 1){
+ var playerScore = Number(String(currentPlayerRolls[0]) + String(currentPlayerRolls[1]));
+ return "Your chosen value is:" + playerScore;
+ }
+ if(playerInput == 2){
+ var playerScore = Number(String(currentPlayerRolls[1]) + String(currentPlayerRolls[0]));
+ allPlayersScore.push(playerScore);
+ curren = [];
+ return "Player "+ currentPlayer + ", your chosen value is: " + playerScore;
+ }
+//Need to check this function
+var comparePlayersScores = function(){
+ var compareMessage = "Player 1 score:" + allPlayersScore[0] + "
Player 2 score: " + allPlayersScore[1];
+ if(allPlayersScore[0] > allPlayersScore[1]){
+ compareMessage = compareMessage + "
Player 1 wins.";
+ }
+ if(allPlayersScore[0] < allPlayersScore[1]){
+ compareMessage = compareMessage + "
Player 2 wins.";
+ }
+ if(allPlayersScore[0] == allPlayersScore[1]){
+ compareMessage = compareMessage + "
It is a tie.";
+ }
+ return compareMessage;
+var resetGame = function(){
+ currentPlayer = 1;
+ allPlayersScore = [];
+var main = function (input) {
+ console.log('Checking game state on submit click:', gameState);
+ console.log('Checking currentPlayer on submit click:', currentPlayer);
+ var outputMessage = '';
+ if(gameState == GAME_STATE_DICE_ROLL){
+ console.log ('Control flow: gameState == GAME_STATE_DICE_ROLL');
+ outputMessage = rollDiceForPlayer();
+ return outputMessage;
+ }
+ console.log('Control flow: gameState == GAME_STATE_CHOOSE_DICE_ROLL');
+ outputMessage = getPlayerScore(input);
+ if(currentPlayer == 1){
+ console.log("Control flow: end of player 1's turn, now player 2's turn");
+ currentPlayer = 2;
+ return outputMessage + "
It is now player 2's turn!";
+ }
+ if(currentPlayer == 2){
+ console.log("Control flow: end of player 2's turn, Next submit click will calculate score.");
+ return outputMessage + "
Press submit to calculate scores.";
+ }
+ }
+ console.log('Control flow: gameState == GAME_STATE_COMPARE_SCORES');
+ outputMessage = comparePlayersScores();
+ resetGame();
+ console.log("Current player after reset: ", currentPlayer);
+ console.log("Game state after reset:", gameState);
+ console.log("allPlayersScore array: ", allPlayersScore);
+ return outputMessage;
+ }
\ No newline at end of file