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Saras-CC - Finite difference solver

Cell-centered version of the SARAS solver. This repository is under active development. Please visit the GitHub page of the original SARAS solver for installation instructions.

Installing SARAS-CC

To install SARAS-CC, you need to first clone the git repository into your local machine

git clone

On LINUX systems which use the Bash shell, SARAS can be compiled by simply running the shell script in the compile/ folder, as below


The first few lines of the script can be used to set certain compilation parameters and flags:

  • PROC - Number of processors to be used when running SARAS. This parameter is used only if the EXECUTE_AFTER_COMPILE parameter is uncommented.
  • REAL_TYPE - SARAS supports computations with both double and single precision floating point values. This parameter must be either SINGLE or DOUBLE
  • PLANAR - This parameter has to be enabled to use the SARAS executable for 2D simulations.
  • POST_RUN - Compiles SARAS to perform post-processing runs on solution data.
  • EXECUTE_AFTER_COMPILE - The script automatically runs the executable by issuing the mpirun command. This flag is enabled mainly during development for quickly compiling and running the solver.

Before compilation, a few dependencies have to installed first.

  • blitz - All array manipulations are performed using the Blitz++ library
  • cmake - Necessary to make the executable from the source files
  • mpich - The compiler used is mpic++
  • yaml - The input parameters are stored in the parameters.yaml file which needs the yaml-cpp library to parse.
  • hdf5 - The output files are written in HDF5 format

Please visit the GitHub page of the original SARAS solver for instructions on installing these dependencies.

Running SARAS

SARAS can be executed by issuing the mpirun command at the root folder of the solver (assuming that MPICH is installed as mentioned above).

mpirun -np <number_of_processors> ./saras

It is essential to set the parameters appropriately with the parameters.yaml file in the input/ folder of the solver. The number of processors specified to the mpirun command should be equal to the product of X Number of Procs, Y Number of Procs, and Z Number of Procs options within the Parallel sub-section of parameters.yaml. Please check the parameters.yaml file for the full list of options specifiable to the solver, and their explanations (in comments).

For more information please refer to the SARAS documentation.

Testing SARAS

SARAS offers a few automated tests to validate the solver after installation. The relevant test scripts can be found in the tests/ folder of the solver. For instance, executing the Bash shell script, will compile SARAS, and run it with a pre-defined set of parameters. We use the benchmark results on 2D lid-driven cavity (LDC) performed by Ghia et al (1982) for this test. The test can be executed by running the following command within the tests/ folder.


The test uses 4 cores and takes about 12 minutes to complete on an Intel workstation. At the end of the test, the Python script, found in tests/ldcTest/ reads the output from SARAS, and plots the velocity profiles along with the data from Ghia et al's result. At the end of the test, a plot of the x and y velocity profiles is shown to the user and saved as ldc_validation.png in the folder tests/ldcTest/.

Other tests currently available in SARAS are:

  • testPoisson - Test the convergence of multigrid solver of SARAS and compare with analytical result.
  • testChannel - Test SARAS to obtain laminar profile for channel flow and compare with analytical result.

The following Python modules are necessary for the test scripts to execute successfully

  • numpy
  • scipy
  • matplotlib
  • h5py
  • yaml

Setting up a new case in SARAS

2D and 3D cases require separate executables of SARAS. Once the dimensionality of the case is decided, SARAS has to compiled with appropriate compilation flags. The executable file may then be shifted to a work folder where it will be run.

Get the executable file

Users on UNIX systems are encouraged to use the BASH script,, in the ./compile/ folder to compile SARAS. Immediately below the license header at the top of the script, there are 6 flags which the user can enable/disable. A flag can be enabled or disabled by uncommenting or commenting it respectively.

It is best to disable the EXECUTE_AFTER_COMPILE flag so that script doesn't run the executable immediately after compilation. If the EXECUTE_AFTER_COMPILE flag is disabled, the PROC variable, which sets the number of processes to run the executable with, can be ignored. The user must enable or disable the PLANAR flag depending on whether the case is 2D or 3D respectively.

The REAL_TYPE flag has the default value of DOUBLE. This indicates that the executable will use double precision floating point numbers. To use single precision floats, set the flag to SINGLE. The flag POST_RUN is used only when post-processing solution data and must be left disabled for running simulations.

Once the above shell script variables have been set, the script can be executed at the command line to compile SARAS. If the compilation occurs without hiccups, an executable file named saras will appear in the root folder of the solver.

Set the parameters file

When saras is executed, it will first read the case parameters from a YAML file named parameters.yaml. The user must set these parameters appropriately before executing saras.

A sample parameters.yaml file is provided with the solver in the ./input/ folder. The parameters are grouped under 5 sections, viz., Program, Mesh, Parallel, Solver and Multigrid.

  • The main parameters that set the boundary conditions, initial conditions, forcing/source terms, etc. are found under the Program section.
  • Grid parameters like number of points, stretching parameter for non-uniform grids, etc. are found under the Mesh section.
  • Parallel section lets the user define how many MPI sub-domains to decompose the computational domain into, and the number of OpenMP threads to use.
  • Non-dimensional time-step, file write intervals, final non-dimensional time and so on are set in the Solver section.
  • Finally, Multigrid section lets the user tweak the parameters of the Geometric Multi-grid solver used to solve the pressure Poisson equation.

Each parameter has documentation written into the parameters.yaml file itself.

Additionally, the user can add custom boundary conditions to the boundary library. The source files of the boundary library can be found in ./lib/boundary folder of the solver. Similarly, the user can add custom initial conditions to the initial library in the ./lib/initial/ folder, and custom forcing/source terms to the force library in ./lib/force/. All the source files in these libraries have extensive Doxygen documentation, and are written to be as self-explanatory as possible.

Running and processing data

The solver will write the solution data files into ./output/ folder. Based on the values in parameters.yaml, the solver may write solution data, time series, probe measurements, etc. in this folder. The solver will also periodically dump the entire field data into a file named restartFile.h5. This file will be read by the solver to resume computations, should it stop before completing the simulation.

The solution data is written in HDF5 format, while time-series and probe data are written in ASCII format. Many open source visualization software are capable of reading HDF5 data format. Moreover, Python can also read HDF5 files using the h5py module.


SARAS is an open-source package made available under the New BSD License.

Contributions and bug reports

Contributions to this project are very welcome. If you wish to contribute, please create a branch with a pull request and the proposed changes can be discussed there.

If you find a bug, please open a new issue on the GitHub repository to report the bug. Please provide sufficient information for the bug to be reproduced.


Various articles and pages used to make programming decisions during development of the solver are listed here:

General articles


Articles on multi-grid methods


Journal references

  1. Ghia, U., Ghia, K. N., & Shin, C. T. (1982). High-Re solutions for incompressible flow using the Navier-Stokes equations and a multigrid method. J. Comput. Phys., 48(3), 387-411.
  2. Spalart, P. R., Moser, R. D., Rogers, M. M. (1991). Spectral methods for the Navier-Stokes equations with one infinite and two periodic directions. J. Comput. Phys., 96(2), 297-324.
  3. Orlandi, Paolo (2000). Fluid Flow Phenomena - A Numerical Toolkit. Fluid Mechanics and Its Applications (Springer).
  4. Cheng, W., Samtaney, R. (2014). A high-resolution code for large eddy simulation of incompressible turbulent boundary layer flows. Comput. Fluids, 92, 82-92.