- Added SSH Keys resource
- Added CloudInit installation functionality to order and install VPS resource
- Deprecated isPreinstallableImage getter in OperatingSystem Entity
- Added Bigstorage description argument to order resource
- You can optionally set a token expiry time
- Fix in PrivateNetwork attach/detach methods
- Merged v6.0 restapi-php-library into v5.18 transip-api-php repository
- Changed entity properties to protected
- Added search by tag for domain(s) and VPS(s)
- Added test and demo mode
- Added access to rate limit statistics
API is now RESTful
Token based authentication
IP Ranges are now allowed in the whitelist
Added new functionality for:
- Bigstorage
- order/cancel/upgrade
- backups
- Haip
- Lets Encrypt wildcard support
- Invoices
- invoiceItems
- Products
- specifications
- Vps
- firewall
- statistics (cpu, io, network)
- TCP Monitoring
- tags
- mailservice
- Bigstorage
- webhosting
This changelog is a continuance of the SOAP API PHP Library. To see further back on features implemented in the past, see the changelog in the v5.x tag.