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                                                    Quarkus with RESTEasy Reactive

quarkus card

To block or not to block, that is the question

New world, new rules!

In Quarkus 2.2.0, they introduced a new dispatching strategy based on the method signatures. The Quarkus build-time approach lets us be wise and deduce if a method should be called on the I/O thread or a worker thread at build time, reducing the runtime overhead.

The following table summarizes the new set of rules:

Method signature Dispatching strategy
T method(…) Worker thread
Uni method(…) I/O thread
CompletionStage method(…) I/O thread
Multi method(…) I/O thread
Publisher method(…) I/O thread
@Transactional CompletionStage method(…) Worker thread

What does that change for you?

Integrating with Hibernate ORM

Let’s imagine you want to use Hibernate classic with RESTEasy reactive:

import org.jboss.resteasy.reactive.RestQuery;


public class FruitResource {

   public Fruit getFruit(@RestQuery String name) {
       return Fruit.find("name", name).firstResult();

If you use Hibernate reactive, you will use the Mutiny API, and so the resulting code will be:

import io.smallrye.mutiny.Uni;
import org.jboss.resteasy.reactive.RestQuery;


public class FruitResource {

   public Uni<Fruit> getFruit(@RestQuery String name) {
       return Fruit.find("name", name).firstResult();


With Quarkus 2.2, the dispatching strategy of RESTEasy reactive becomes smarter thus improving the developer experience.

  • You don’t need to learn the reactive way; you can keep using imperative code.

  • You don’t need to think about your threads; Quarkus does that for you.

  • You don’t lose in flexibility; you can override the decision.