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611 lines (88 loc) · 8.06 KB

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611 lines (88 loc) · 8.06 KB
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                                                                 186 - 187

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sprint goals

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    ✅ [CAPRE-671  ] PostAuto: Add Erweiterte Referenz (additional reference number) also for TU Change 
    ✅ [CAPRE-16334] Change message of "no daily formation found
    ✅ [CAPRE-15164] Ceres Query: Install new query for VM-Profile
    ✅ [CAPRE-16213] Investigate and fix frequent crashes in dossierservice PROD
        ~kevin & tobi
    ✅ [CAPRE-15846] Security Updates POC 🥅
    ✅ [CAPRE-16283] Prod Deployment
        ~kevin, marko & roy

    ❌ [CAPRE-15175] Refactor leg validation to use journey service routes endpoint instead of trips
    ❌ [CAPRE-15159] [Prio1] Logging: activate Splunk-Logging in Service-Containers (Poc) 🥅

    ❌ [CAPRE-16085] Fix E2E and integration tests

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    ✅ [CAPRE-16087] Upgrade Frontend: Timetable / dossier fixes
    ✅ [CAPRE-16385] INTP: (some) measures are not visible anymore on measure list
        ~justyna & roy
    ✅ [CAPRE-16104] [transferred from Jupiter] Upgrade Frontend: Daily formation fixes
    ✅ [CAPRE-16086] [transferred from Jupiter] Upgrade Frontend: fix links (NO FIX NEEDED)
    ✅ [CAPRE-16425] [hotfix to 185 (INT)] False ET in the leg indication by search timetable
    ✅ [CAPRE-16114] [transferred from Jupiter] Upgrade Frontend: group assignment fixes
    ✅ [CAPRE-15877] [->PI2022_8/Prio1] Labels - generate PDF: Incorrect sorting
    ✅ [CAPRE-16088] Upgrade Frontend: VM-Profile fixes
    ✅ [CAPRE-16270] Single seat restrictions: Remarks hidden and validation logic error
    ✅ [CAPRE-16375] Modal appears although only one restriction is created

    ✅ [CAPRE-16423] Product selection not visible in restriction overview
    ✅ [CAPRE-15934] [PROD/Prio1] Target - Restriction: Restriction "Load in %" is calculated from offer instead of target (if target is aviable)
    ✅ [CAPRE-16426] No reset of stops and daily formation in case of changing the train
    ❌ [CAPRE-14782] Upgrade Frontend: Military fixes 

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