Update to latest processing-4.0.0 jruby- added module-info.java
Update to latest processing-3.5.3 jruby-
Update to latest processing-3.4 jruby-
Update to latest processing-3.3.6 jruby- replace $app with Processing.app for JRubyArt-1.4.6 in examples an incompatible change for earlier JRubyArt versions
Update to latest processing-3.3.4
Update to latest processing-3.3.2
Specify github pages as home, update to latest jruby- and processing-3.3
Update maven artifacts
Update maven artifacts, somewhat arbitarily require JRubyArt-1.2+ to get everyone on same page
Update for JRubyArt-1.1+ and processing-3.1+
A strike for independence, now building from source using polyglot maven
Added import for jbox2d Particle, ParticleGroup etc (see PB module). Introduced WorldBuilder module to get rid of boilerplate code for the user. Reworked examples to use a common Boundary class.
Break compatability with ruby-processing. New build uses maven. Works with JRuby-, processing-3.0.1 and jdk8.
Re-factor extension class, last release for ruby-processing (processing-2.2.1) getting read for JRubyArt version.
Favour explicit import of classes to package include. Use forwardable in examples to make usable in both JRubyArt and ruby-processing, further to demonstrate alternative to including Processing::Proxy to get 'inner class' like access to processing methods, in own classes.
Need to be less specific about ruby-processing version
Finally got ContactListener to work (currently best plan is to create your own CustomListener, see example test_contact)
Moving away from Shiffman Box2D design, to create a more ruby like interface added Step and Option classes to make it easier to initialize runtime and step options. On the ruby side options may/should be set with hash input. Gravity may still be set dynamically, but unless it is going to change it should be set via init_options
. Unless init_options
or step_options
are set, defaults on java side are used.
Make common classes avaiable directly, expose sketch eight.
Now require 'pbox2d' matches gem name, refactor java methods by removing unnecessary get/set/pixel. Also prefer to world and to processing. Adjust examples, bump version to denote significant change.
First release, works but require name 'box2d' doesn't match gem name it is confusing