Add a separate playground on all forms of map culminating in map on a new function type
Add a separate playground on all forms of zip culminating in zip on a new function type
Add a separate playground on all forms of flatMap culminating in flatMap on a new function type
Do a separate playground on contraMap, using Predicate as an example. Show that it is a characteristic of generics over functions
Add a playground on contraFlatMap continuing to use Predicate as the example
Add a separate playground on dimap as the composition of a contraMap and a map.
Carry the preceding playgrounds into a playground on the Func type. Provid std forms of map, flatmap, contramap, contraflatmap, dimap, invmap
Do a separate playground on Protocol Witnesses explaining existential types, work through mechanically getting rid of protocols altogether
Show the complete interaction between base functions, Func and CallAsFunction to produce the FunctionalProgramming.swift playground
Do a playground on KeyPath and Binding and show how they are alike. In particular show that the compose getters and setters
Do a playground on point-free style showing intermixing keypaths and functions. Explain the point-free style is all about composing the functions without application until the very end
Add a playground on zip(with:) as Applicative, putting a step in between map and flatMap
Replace existing Higher Order Functions III with a playground on Free Combine using the above.
Add Asynchrony to Free Combine
Add a playground showing how higher-order functions on types replace imperative language constructs:
- for-loops -> Sequence
- while-loops -> Trampoline
- throws -> Result
- call-backs -> Publisher
- inheritance -> Func via currying
- wait -> Future/Promise
Add KeyPaths and Bindings to the base swift material
Add CallAsFunction to the base swift material
Add a playground on function dispatch to the base material
to the base material -
to the base material -
Add a playground on invmap to show the extension to Reducers
Review current version of
The Swift Programming Language
for missed items. -
Add a playground on variadic functions