- Minimum VM: 1vCPU x 1G mem, running RHEL 7.latest or RHEL 8.latest or RHEL 9.latest
Setup via selinux-setup.sh
- Installs & starts Apache, installs setroubleshoot-server
- Will need root or sudo to install packages
The setup script creates three web pages for this demo:
- The Control Page which is just links to the other two pages. It is at the root of your web server (e.g. http://test-system/index.html)
- The Booleans page will demonstrate the manipulation of SELinux boolean values
- The Labeling page will demonstrate the editing of SELinux labels
SELinux Booleans
- Access the Booleans page, it should present and error and generate a SELinux event
- Investigate the SELinux event:
# sealert -a /var/log/audit/audit.log
- It should provide this command to run to resolve the SELinux boolean issue:
# setsebool -P httpd_read_user_content 1
- Access the Booleans page again and it should load successfully
SELinux Labels
- Access the Labels page, it should present an error and generate a SELinux event
- Investigate the SELinux event:
# sealert -a /var/log/audit/audit.log
- It should provide this command to run to resolve the SELinux labeling issue:
# /sbin/restorecon -v /var/www/html/shadow.html
- Access the Labels page again and it should load successfully