AGAPE: An introductory course to open science for early career researchers
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Welcome to our open science initiative! Under our Agape initiative, we aim to get early career researchers in Ireland involved in the open science movement and to build an open science practising community.
Under Agape we aim to disseminate open science between PhD students and early career researchers across Ireland and later internationally. We want to create an open science practising community where we can learn, exchange our opinions and experiences, and together change the future. In the way that science is undertaken, made freely available, and communicated in a FAIR and transparent way.
Start the learning by checking out our agape blog »
This book is created based on R Markdown and bookdown using the example provided by rstudio and rstudio4edu.
You can use this template to customise and create your own book. The how to guide for customising this template is available in this link
Additional resources to create a bookdown book:
The bookdown book: https://bookdown.org/yihui/bookdown/
The bookdown package reference site: https://pkgs.rstudio.com/bookdown
Quiz templates and customization guide is available in the quiz repo
Agape Initiative. (2023). Agape Open Science MOOC. OSF. https://doi.org/10.17605/OSF.IO/DTB7V
Please see below the major frameworks/libraries used to bootstrap the Agape project
This is the official github repository of the Agape open scneince course.
There are no pre-requisites to complete the course.
You can use this template to customise and create your own book. The how to guide for customising this template is available in this link
You can use this repository create for creating similar handbooks. The copyright policy is detailed in the license section.
Please note that this project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By contributing to this project, you agree to abide by its terms.
- Create the course
- Pilot testing
- Sharing it with general public
- Add Additional details and resources
- Update the repository with the future plans
- [ ]Link with other Agape initiative
- Agape blog
See the open issues for a full list of proposed features (and known issues).
Contributions are what make the open science community such an amazing place to learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.
You can contribute in many ways:
- By opening issues to give feedback and share ideas.
- By fixing typos in documentations
- By submitting Pull Request (PR) to fix some opened issues
- If you have a suggestion that would make this better, please fork the repo and create a pull request. You can also simply open an issue with the tag "enhancement". (It is considered good practice to open issues before to discuss ideas)
Don't forget to give the project a star! Thanks again!
- Fork the repository and make your changes in a new branch specific to the PR. It is ok to edit a file in this repository using the
button on Github if the change is simple enough.
- Submit the pull request. It is ok to submit as draft if you are still working on it but would like some feedback from us. It always good to share in the open that you are working on it.
We'll try to be as responsive as possible in reviewing and accepting pull requests. Appreciate your contributions very much!
If you would like to become a member or contributor of agape initiatives, please refer to the README.md of the respective initiative's home pages.
Agape open science introductory course
To know more about our community guidelines, please refer to the following links
Distributed under the CC-BY-NC license. See LICENSE.txt
for more information.
Should you experience any technical problems or should you wish to share your ideas on how to improve this course email us on [agape.open.science@gmail.com]
To share your thoughts and experiences either with this course or on open science in general, or to see what's new we will be delighted if you start following us on
Facebook [Agape Open-Science]
Twitter [@AgapeOpenSci]
Instagram [Agape.Open.Science]
or on LinkedIn [Agape Open Science]
Aswathi S - User profile (Author)
Cassandra Murphy - User profile (Editor & Reviewer)
Nina Trubanová - User profile (Editor & Reviewer)
We would like to thank the people and organisations that helped us to create the community and technical resources.
- othneildrew's repo for awesome README template
- Open LIfe Science OLS-6 mentorship programme
- Opening door's program
- Img Shields
- GitHub Pages
- Minimal bookdown template by jtr13
- Setup guide by the P2PU
- Yihui's guide for bookdown