All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- figure out way to spy on test classes
- allow to create required folders if non-existing
- add logic for client trying to connect to non-existent server
- check that client in available_players aren't expired
- go to landing page when leaving online game
- Missing self.board.setup() in controller during game initialization
- Misshandling of figure explosion
- Controller.reset_state now checking newly created variable to avoid errors exiting single player games
- Relocated test files
- on successful save of settings data, go to start page
- code improvements on models: board, column
- test code for models: board, column, broker, zmq
- new tests for, complete but not exhaustive
- test file for server db_controller module
- tests for server start module
- test for player model
- when returning to online_setup screen send QUIT message and WELCOME message to server
- add event listener while connecting
- add event listener while finding matches
- new opponent dictionary specification
- send landing data by default to client not on online_players
- new formatting to message printouts with timestamp
- Server using outdated message protocol
- client forgot to load json data before using
- crash after pressing ESC twice on waiting screen
- setting as necessary for proper match negotiating
- order of methods in loop for "find_online_mach", listener is last now
- opponent's info not displaying on board
- multiplayer online game working well
- Client and server communicating correctly
- sqlalchemy backend working
- view landing page code
- method to add dummy data to db if empty
- event listener for landing page
- removed unused code form zmq connector modules, only relevant methods left in client and server
- some modification to README for new changes, more to do
- communication protocol
- name of game package to client package
- name of zmq_connector modules to zmq_client and zmq_server for differentiation
substituted by newServer
- Database class for database management (
) - Added
module for player model
- maximum recursion depth issue in controller's acquire targets method
- init files to test folders to automate testing
- test class for player
- renamed to
- moved some controller code into the models
- timeout implementation for online broker
- improved folder structure for server sub-project
- refactored server sub-project code
- refactored controller, now only one while loop in whole class
- fatal regression in explosion, after controller refactoring
- some test regressions due to folder structure change
- new folder structure for game source files
- test classes for model, to be completed
- changed to allow for better MVC pattern injection
- moved test folder inside game to separate from server tests
- controller.load_external_resources() now static method