Contributions should be submitted as Pull Requests on GitHub.
By submitting a Pull Request to any SIMP repository, you agree that you:
Own the contribution that you are providing or have obtained permission from the contribution owner
Allow your contribution to be licensed under the license of the target project (most are Apache 2)
Allow your contribution to be freely distributed to the public
Allow the US Government Unlimited Rights to your contribution
If you, or your company, wish that your copyright in your contribution to be annotated in the project documentation (such as this README), then your pull request should include that annotation.
Contributions from Government agencies require verification that the government has unlimited rights to the contribution. An email to is sufficient, stating that the contribution was developed by an employee of the United States Government in the course of his or her duties. Alternatively, if the contribution was developed by a contractor, the email should provide the name of the Contractor, Contract number, and an assertion that the contract included the standard "Unlimited Rights" clause specified by DFARS 252.227.7014 "Rights in noncommercial computer software and noncommercial computer software documentation".
Government agencies are encouraged to submit contributions as pull requests on GitHub. If your agency cannot use GitHub, contributions can be emailed as patches to
As specified in DFARS 252.227.7014:
“Unlimited Rights” means rights to use, modify, reproduce, release, perform, display, or disclose computer software or computer software documentation in whole or in part, in any manner and for any purpose whatsoever, and to have or authorize others to do so.