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+title: JWT addon
+layout: en
+permalink: /user/jwt/
+Integration between Travis-CI and third-party services like Sauce Labs relies
+on [encrypted variables](http://docs.travis-ci.com/user/environment-variables/#Encrypted-Variables)
+which works well for trusted branches and committers. For security reasons,
+encrypted variables are not exposed to untrusted pull requests, so third-party
+integrations do not work for pull requests.
+The JWT addon replaces encrypted variables with a time-limited authentication
+token, which is exposed to pull requests without security consequences.
+For this to work the JWT addon needs to be enabled in the `.travis.yml` file,
+and the third-party need to have integrated with the JWT service and allow
+token-based authentication.
+### .travis.yml
+Add the encrypted key to the `jwt` section of the `.travis.yml`
+file. For example:
+ jwt:
+ secure:
+You can also configure several services:
+ jwt:
+ saucelabs:
+ secure:
+ thirdparty:
+ secure:
+### Use the Encrypted Key
+The original variable names are available within the Travis CI build as
+environment variables containing the JWT tokens instead of the original values.
+For example, using the previous configuration `SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY` and
+`THIRDPARTY_SHARED_SECRET` will be available as environment variables.
+### Troubleshooting
+1. Check if the third-party service is supported in the list below.
+2. Contact the third-party support and provide them with the encrypted token (echo the key in your test script), and link to the Travis job.
+## Third-Party Service Integration
+Third-party service needs to implement a new authentication method on the server side so that the JWT token is recognized and verified.
+### JWT Libraries
+In most language JWT compliant libraries are available, making the implementation straightforward:
+- python: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/PyJWT/1.3.0
+- ruby: https://rubygems.org/gems/jwt
+- Check http://jwt.io/ for more
+### Payload
+An example payload used to generate the JWT token:
+ "iss": "travis-ci.org",
+ "slug": "",
+ "pull-request": "",
+ "exp": ,
+ "iat":
+### Third Party Service Provider Code Sample
+A code sample which illustrates how to add JWT token authentication to third party services.
+#### Python
+In this example we assume the authentication credentials (using env variables e.g. `SERVICE_USERNAME` + `SERVICE_ACCESS_KEY`) of a RESTful API will be sent as HTTP BASIC AUTH header:
+Authorization: Basic am9obmRvZTpleUowZVhBaU9pSktWMVFpTENKaGJHY2lPaUpJVXpJMU5pSjkuZXlKcGMzTWlPaUow\nY21GMmFYTXRZMmt1YjNKbklpd2ljMngxWnlJNkluUnlZWFpwY3kxamFTOTBjbUYyYVhNdFkya2lM\nQ0p3ZFd4c0xYSmxjWFZsYzNRaU9pSWlMQ0psZUhBaU9qVTBNREFzSW1saGRDSTZNSDAuc29RSmdI\nUjZjR05yOUxqX042eUwyTms1U1F1Zy1oWEdVUGVuSnkxUVRWYw==
+The HTTP BASIC AUTH header's payload is base64 encoded which will decode to string as follows.
+The colon separated string contains the username before the colon and the JWT
+token after the colon. The username is used to retrieve the user object from
+the user database. Below is a function which is executed against the user
+object and the token to validate them for authentication. Please note that the
+code is deliberately agnostic to what value the access_key contains. It doesn't
+matter whether a JWT token or an access key is passed into the function.
+However, service providers will have to add the JWT auth attempt to an already
+existing authentication mechanism.
+import jwt
+def authenticate(user, access_key):
+ """
+ user: db object representing user retrieved based on username from HTTP BASIC AUTH
+ access_key: access key or JWT token signed using access key (shared secret)
+ returns True when authenication validation passed, otherwise False
+ """
+ # primary auth method
+ if user['access_key'] == access_key:
+ return True
+ # secondary auth attempt using JWT method
+ try:
+ return bool(jwt.decode(access_key, user['access_key']))
+ except (jwt.DecodeError, jwt.ExpiredSignature):
+ return False
+## List of Third-Party Services Integrated with the JWT Addon
+### Sauce Labs
+Add your `SAUCE_USERNAME` as a normal environment variable, and your `SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY` as a JWT token:
+ - SAUCE_USERNAME=example_username
+ jwt:
+ saucelabs:
+ secure: