- Fixed require in
to refer to the correct file; Thanks @anthony-chu!
- Added US_EAST option for headless
- Changed preferred value from US_VDC to US_WEST. US_VDC wil continue to work.
- @juandelgado added tunnel_identifier to Tunnels endpoint, closing #59; Thanks!
- Added the ability to select between US & EU VDC
- Made US VDC the default endpoint
- Added Deprecation warning for using the default endpoint instead of specifying it
- Update REST_CLIENT and JSON libraries to allow them to place nicer with Ruby 2.4.x
- Looser version requirements (thanks @jeremy)
- Jobs.fetch will now actually not swallow RestClient errors
- Gem should be faster to install; Test files are no longer included which means no waiting to download fixtures.
- ArgumentError will now be thrown if the gem can't find a Username or Access Key
- Jobs.fetch no longer swallows RestClient errors unless specifically caused by a job not being finished.
- You can now configure SauceWhisk.username and SauceWhisk.access_key. These values override all other configuration settings
- Removed Content-Type header from PUT commands as per documentation
- @tommeier is a champion and bumped rest_client to 1.8.0 to avoid a security flaw (Fixes #42).
- Added
methods toSauceWhisk
object. These are used in preference to any other configuration value.
- Don't try using 'puts' for the logger
- Allowed for use of the HTTP_PROXY environment variable for uh, configuring proxies
- Added 'saucewhisk' and 'sauce-whisk' require files
- Added
to fail when jobs don't fetch assets - Made
succeed in all cases - Added retries for all 404s
- Added
for assets (Thanks, @dmfranko!)
- Sauce storage support added (Thanks @bootstraponline)
- Various gem build quality fixes (Thanks @bootstraponline)
- Added
(Thanks, @seanknox!)
- Added additional minute types
- Correctly read Sauce Config
- Correct RestClient -- Actually require it
- Added Sauce class
- Added configuration loading from the Sauce gem, if present