Releases: seanmcne/Microsoft.Xrm.Data.PowerShell
Version 2.0
Version 2.0 is Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2016 SDK base. It works with Azure Automation.
Added following function
•Connect-CrmOnline: Accept Dynamics CRM Online URL and credential. Use this function to create connection when you use it in Azure Automation.
Modified following function
•Connect-CrmOnpremDiscovery: Accept HomeRealm param when you use Claims with multiple STS.
Version 1.9
Added following function.
Updating the following function.
•Connect-CrmConlineDiscovery for better informational message
Fixed following issues
•Approve-CrmEmailAddress doesn't take conn parameter issue.
•Error handling for more functions to return exception as expected.
Version 1.8
Added following function.
•Get-CrmUserSecurityRoles to retrieve Security Roles assigned to a CRM User with/without Team's roles.
•Get-CrmUserPrivileges to retrieve detail privilege information for a CRM User
•Get-CrmSdkMessageProcessingStepsForPluginAssembly to retrieve all registered steps for a plug-in assembly.
•Set-CrmConnectionCallerId to impersonate calling user.
•Test-CrmViewPerformance to test view performance.
Updating the following function.
•Get-CrmRecord and Get-CrmRecordsByFetch to handle AliasedValue
•Add-CrmSecurityRolesToUser and Add-CrmSecurityRoleToTeam to support RoleName in addition to RoleId.
•Import-CrmSolution to enhance stability and show indicator.
Fixed following issues
•Fixed login for Add-CrmSecurityRolesToUser and Add-CrmSecurityRoleToTeam which didn't work with CrmRecords.
•Fixed several functions which accepts CrmRecord from pipeline that only first record is proceeded.
•Fixed several functions which takes value for FetchXML to correctly escape XML.
Version 1.7
Added following function.
- Set-CrmConnectionTimeout to set timeout in seconds.
Updating the following function.
- Get-CrmAllEntityMetadata to change OnlyPublished parameter default to true
Fixed following issues
- Import-CrmSolution to improve stability and error handling.
- New-CrmMoney to accept double for value.
version 1.6
Updated the following functions.
- Get-CrmSystemSettings to retrieve all values from Organization entity.
- Set-CrmSystemSettings to accept more parameters. Please note that not all parameters work in all Dynamics CRM versions.
- Set-CrmRecordOwner to let you assign CRM record to a Team in addition to a User. We changed the parameter name from UserId to PrincipalId but it has UserId as alias.
Fixed following issues
- Export-CrmSolution didn't work as expected when using wildcard searches.
- Set-CrmSystemSettings fails when passing $conn parameter explicitly.