Provides decoding of basic exif and tiff encoded data. Still in alpha - no guarantees. Suggestions and pull requests are welcome. Functionality is split into two packages - "exif" and "tiff" The exif package depends on the tiff package.
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To install, in a terminal type:
go get
Or if you just want the tiff package:
go get
Example usage:
package main
import (
func ExampleDecode() {
fname := "sample1.jpg"
f, err := os.Open(fname)
if err != nil {
// Optionally register camera makenote data parsing - currently Nikon and
// Canon are supported.
x, err := exif.Decode(f)
if err != nil {
camModel, _ := x.Get(exif.Model) // normally, don't ignore errors!
focal, _ := x.Get(exif.FocalLength)
numer, denom, _ := focal.Rat2(0) // retrieve first (only) rat. value
fmt.Printf("%v/%v", numer, denom)
// Two convenience functions exist for date/time taken and GPS coords:
tm, _ := x.DateTime()
fmt.Println("Taken: ", tm)
lat, long, _ := x.LatLong()
fmt.Println("lat, long: ", lat, ", ", long)