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+# %% [markdown]
+# In this notebook we revisit the Convolutional Gaussian Processes (ConvGP), . Similarly to convolutional neural networks, ConvGP suits very well to model image processing tasks. As well as CNN, the ConvGP is endowed with translation invariant property. ConvGP imposes stronger and structured prior on a image response function $f(\cdot)$, using patch response function $g(\cdot) \sim GP(0, k_g(\cdot, \cdot))$. The image response function is a sum of patch responses for all (overlapping) patches in the image $f(\mathbb{x}) = \sum_{p=1}^{P}g(\mathbb{x}^{[p]})$, where $p$ is an index of a patch of image, and therefore $f(\cdot) \sim GP(0, \sum_p \sum_{p'} k_g(x^{[p]}, x^{[p']}))$. In a way, the patch response kernel can be viewed as an equivalent to a convolutional kernel of CNN.
+# %% [markdown]
+# In this demo we consider a toy dataset: rectangle binary classification. We generate images with non-filled rectangles, and assign `0` class (label) to images with wide rectangles (a rectangle that has long horizontal side and short vertical side), and `1` class otherwise.
+# %% [markdown]
+# First, we import required components from :mod:`~gpflux` and :mod:`~gpflow`, and define constants for the demo:
+# %%
+from typing import Tuple
+import numpy as np
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+import gpflow
+import gpflux
+import tensorflow as tf
+from gpflux.layers import LikelihoodLayer, GPLayer
+from gpflux.helpers import construct_basic_kernel
+from gpflow.kernels import Convolutional, SquaredExponential
+from gpflow.inducing_variables import InducingPatches, SharedIndependentInducingVariables
+Shape = Tuple[int, int]
+Data = Tuple[tf.Tensor, tf.Tensor]
+#%% [markdown]
+# Constants:
+# %%
+maxiter = 100
+num_train_data = 100
+batch_size = 25
+num_inducing = 20
+num_test_data = 300
+num_epochs = 100
+height = width = 14
+image_shape = (height, width)
+patch_shape = (3, 3)
+# %% [markdown]
+# Dataset generation code ([from GPflow convolutions notebook](https://gpflow.readthedocs.io/en/master/notebooks/advanced/convolutional.html?highlight=make_rectangle), :cite:p:`gpflow2020`):
+# %%
+def make_rectangle(arr, x0, y0, x1, y1):
+ arr[y0:y1, x0] = 1
+ arr[y0:y1, x1] = 1
+ arr[y0, x0:x1] = 1
+ arr[y1, x0 : x1 + 1] = 1
+def make_random_rectangle(arr):
+ x0 = np.random.randint(1, arr.shape[1] - 3)
+ y0 = np.random.randint(1, arr.shape[0] - 3)
+ x1 = np.random.randint(x0 + 2, arr.shape[1] - 1)
+ y1 = np.random.randint(y0 + 2, arr.shape[0] - 1)
+ make_rectangle(arr, x0, y0, x1, y1)
+ return x0, y0, x1, y1
+def make_rectangles_dataset(num, w, h):
+ d, Y = np.zeros((num, h, w)), np.zeros((num, 1))
+ for i, img in enumerate(d):
+ for j in range(1000): # Finite number of tries
+ x0, y0, x1, y1 = make_random_rectangle(img)
+ rw, rh = y1 - y0, x1 - x0
+ if rw == rh:
+ img[:, :] = 0
+ continue
+ Y[i, 0] = rw > rh
+ break
+ return (
+ d.reshape(num, w * h).astype(gpflow.config.default_float()),
+ Y.astype(gpflow.config.default_float()),
+ )
+data = make_rectangles_dataset(num_train_data, *image_shape)
+test_data = make_rectangles_dataset(num_test_data, *image_shape)
+x, y = data
+xt, yt = test_data
+# %% [markdown]
+# Examples from rectangle dataset:
+# %%
+plt.figure(figsize=(8, 3))
+for i in range(4):
+ plt.subplot(1, 4, i + 1)
+ plt.imshow(x[i, :].reshape(*image_shape))
+ plt.title(f"Class = {int(y[i, 0])}")
+ plt.tick_params(
+ axis="both",
+ which="both",
+ labelbottom=False,
+ left=False,
+ labelleft=False,
+ bottom=False,
+ top=False,
+ )
+# %% [markdown]
+# In the following steps we create a GP convolutional layer and a Bernoulli likelihood layer:
+# 1. Create a convolutional kernel using :mod:`~gpflow.kernels.Convolutional`, and specify input's image shape and a patch shape.
+# 2. Randomly select image patches to initialize inducing points :mod:`~gpflow.inducing_variables.SharedIndependentInducingVariables`.
+# 3. And, finally we construct convolutional gaussian process and likelihood layers.
+# %%
+patch_size = np.prod(patch_shape)
+x, y = data
+num_data = x.shape[0]
+kernel_conv = Convolutional(SquaredExponential(), image_shape, patch_shape)
+patches = kernel_conv.get_patches(x).numpy()
+patches = np.unique(patches.reshape(-1, patch_size), axis=0)[:num_inducing]
+inducing_patches = InducingPatches(patches)
+kernel_layer = construct_basic_kernel(kernel_conv, output_dim=1, share_hyperparams=True)
+inducing_layer = SharedIndependentInducingVariables(inducing_patches)
+convgp_layer = GPLayer(
+ kernel=kernel_layer,
+ inducing_variable=inducing_layer,
+ num_data=num_data,
+ num_latent_gps=1,
+ mean_function=gpflow.mean_functions.Zero(),
+ name="gplayer",
+likelihood = gpflow.likelihoods.Bernoulli()
+likelihood_layer = LikelihoodLayer(likelihood)
+# %% [markdown]
+# Below are are going to use Keras for training convolutional GP model. The details of GPflux and Keras itegration you can find [here](HOW TO ADD A CROSS REFERENCE TO A FILE?).
+conv_model = gpflux.models.DeepGP(
+ [convgp_layer], likelihood_layer, default_model_class=tf.keras.Model
+#%% We use keras Callbacks to control the learning rate and monitor the convergence status of the loss function (ELBO).
+callbacks = [
+ tf.keras.callbacks.ReduceLROnPlateau(
+ monitor="loss",
+ patience=5,
+ factor=0.95,
+ verbose=1,
+ min_lr=1e-5,
+ )
+conv_train = conv_model.as_training_model()
+history = conv_train.fit(
+ {"inputs": x, "targets": y}, batch_size=batch_size, epochs=num_epochs, callbacks=callbacks
+conv_model_test = conv_model.as_prediction_model()
+predict_result = conv_model_test(xt)
+predict_yt = np.array(predict_result.y_mean.numpy() > 0.5, dtype=int)
+#%% [markdown]
+# Classification error after training:
+error = np.sum(predict_yt != yt) / yt.shape[0]
+#%% [markdown]
+# In this notebook we showed how to use GPflux to build and train shallow convolutional Gaussian processes using Keras. More advanced models like deep convolutional GPs require multi-output convoluitonal kernels and extensions in dispatchers of :mod:`~gpflow.conditionals` and in :mod:`~gpflow.covariances`.
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diff --git a/docs/refs.bib b/docs/refs.bib
index 0ce30685..771d022c 100644
--- a/docs/refs.bib
+++ b/docs/refs.bib
@@ -66,3 +66,10 @@ @inproceedings{wilson2020efficiently
booktitle={International Conference on Machine Learning},
+ title={Convolutional Gaussian Processes},
+ author={van der Wilk, Mark and Rasmussen, Carl Edward and Hensman, James},
+ booktitle={NIPS},
+ year={2017}
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