- #25 Compatibility with core#2584 (SampleType to DX)
- #24 Do not take IARAnalysesField as a uidreference-like field
- #23 Rely on getRaw for the retrieval of UIDs from reference-like fields
- #21 Fix error when using Title() or Description() on DX-based types
- #20 Special handling of title and description attributes
- #19 Prioritize getters instead of fieldnames on value retrieval from instance
- #18 Avoid brain lookup for temporary objects
- #17 Do not fail when no catalog brain was found
- Version 2.3.0 -> 2.4.0
- #14 Ignore fields from extensible metadata schema
- #13 Remove dependency to Products.TextIndexNG3 (test layer)
- #12 Fix infinite recursion for catalog values containing Missing.Value
- #11 Do not consider Auditlog catalog as primary catalog
- Version bump
- Version bump
- Version bump
- Compatibility with senaite.core 2.x
- version bump
- #10 Fix API import
- #9 Support Dexterity Fields
- #8 Do not process "0" values to Portal-SuperModels
- #7 Fix traceback when initializing a supermodel with a catalog brain
- #6 Added Destructor and further improvements
- #5 Fix UID->SuperModel conversion of UIDReferenceFields
- #4 Skip private fields starting with _
- Compatibility release for SENAITE CORE 1.3.0
- #2 Allow to pass in a catalog brain or instance to initialize a SuperModel
- Initial Release