: thoroughly-tested. In many cases, we verified against known values and/or reproduced results from papers.
~: implemented but lightly tested.
X: known issues (see code for details).
- Move pieces on a board trying to block opponents from moving.
- Pieces on a grid.
- Modern game.
- Deterministic.
- Perfect information.
- 2 players.
- Wikipedia
- Players move their pieces through the board based on the rolls of dice.
- Idiosyncratic format.
- Traditional game.
- Non-deterministic.
- Perfect information.
- 2 players.
- Wikipedia
- Players place ships and shoot at each other in turns.
- Pieces on a board.
- Traditional game.
- Deterministic.
- Imperfect information.
- 2 players.
- Good for correlated equilibria.
- Farina et al. '19, Correlation in Extensive-Form Games: Saddle-Point Formulation and Benchmarks. Based on the original game (wikipedia)
- Simplified version of blackjack, with only HIT/STAND moves.
- Traditional game.
- Non-deterministic.
- Imperfect information.
- 1 player.
- Wikipedia
- Simplified chess using only pawns.
- Pieces on a grid.
- Modern game.
- Deterministic.
- Perfect information.
- 2 players.
- Wikipedia
- A card game where players compete in pairs.
- Card game.
- Traditional game.
- Non-deterministic.
- Imperfect information.
- 4 players.
- Wikipedia
- Players score points by forming specific sets with the cards in their hands.
- Card game.
- Research game.
- Non-deterministic.
- Imperfect information.
- 2 players.
- Wikipedia
- Agent must move horizontally to 'catch' a descending ball. Designed to test basic learning.
- Agent on a grid.
- Research game.
- Non-deterministic.
- Perfect information.
- 1 players.
- Mnih et al. 2014, Recurrent Models of Visual Attention,
Osband et al '19, Behaviour Suite for Reinforcement Learning, Appendix A
- Agent must find goal without falling off a cliff. Designed to demonstrate exploration-with-danger.
- Agent on a grid.
- Research game.
- Deterministic.
- Perfect information.
- 1 players.
- Sutton et al. '18, page 132
- Simplified checkers, where tokens can capture neighbouring tokens. Designed to be amenable to combinatorial analysis.
- Pieces on a grid.
- Research game.
- Deterministic.
- Perfect information.
- 2 players.
- Wikipedia
- Agents must collect their and their collaborator's tokens while avoiding a third kind of token. Designed to test divining of collaborator's intentions
- Agents on a grid.
- Research game.
- Non-deterministic.
- Perfect, incomplete information.
- 2 players.
- Raileanu et al. '18, Modeling Others using Oneself in Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning
- Players drop tokens into columns to try and form a pattern.
- Tokens on a grid.
- Traditional game.
- Deterministic.
- Perfect information.
- 2 players.
- Wikipedia
- Agents must collaborate to push a box into the goal. Designed to test collaboration.
- Agents on a grid.
- Research game.
- Deterministic.
- Perfect information.
- 2 players.
- Seuken & Zilberstein '12, Improved Memory-Bounded Dynamic Programming for Decentralized POMDPs
- Players move pieces around the board with the goal of eliminating the opposing pieces.
- Pieces on a grid.
- Traditional game.
- Deterministic.
- Perfect information.
- 2 players.
- Wikipedia
- Hex, except the opponent's tokens are hidden. (Imperfect-information version)
- Uses tokens on a hex grid.
- Research game.
- Deterministic.
- Imperfect information.
- 2 players.
- Agent must explore to find reward (first version) or penalty (second version). Designed to test exploration.
- Agent on a grid.
- Research game.
- Deterministic.
- Perfect information.
- 1 players.
- Osband et al. '17, Deep Exploration via Randomized Value Functions
- Agents submit bids simultaneously; highest bid wins, and that's the price paid.
- Idiosyncratic format.
- Research game.
- Non-deterministic.
- Imperfect, incomplete information.
- 2-10 players.
- Wikipedia
- Players score points by forming specific sets with the cards in their hands.
- Card game.
- Traditional game.
- Non-deterministic.
- Imperfect information.
- 2 players.
- Wikipedia
- Players place tokens on the board with the goal of encircling territory.
- Tokens on a grid.
- Traditional game.
- Deterministic.
- Perfect information.
- 2 players.
- Wikipedia
- Players bid with their cards to win other cards.
- Card game.
- Traditional game.
- Non-deterministic.
- Imperfect information.
- 2-10 players.
- Wikipedia
- Players can see only other player's pieces, and everyone must cooperate to win.
- Idiosyncratic format.
- Modern game.
- Non-deterministic.
- Imperfect information.
- 2-5 players.
- Wikipedia and Bard et al. '19, The Hanabi Challenge: A New Frontier for AI Research
- Implemented via Hanabi Learning Environment
- Players add tokens to a hex grid to try and form a winning structure.
- Tokens on a hex grid.
- Modern game.
- Deterministic.
- Perfect information.
- 2 players.
- Wikipedia
- A card game where players try to avoid playing the highest card in each round.
- Card game.
- Traditional game.
- Non-deterministic.
- Imperfect information.
- 3-6 players.
- Wikipedia
- Players add tokens to a hex grid to try and link opposite sides of the board.
- Uses tokens on a hex grid.
- Modern game.
- Deterministic.
- Perfect information.
- 2 players.
- Wikipedia
- Hex, the full story by Ryan Hayward and Bjarne Toft
- Chess with opponent's pieces unknown. Illegal moves have no effect - it remains the same player's turn until they make a legal move.
- Traditional chess variant, invented by Henry Michael Temple in 1899.
- Deterministic.
- Imperfect information.
- 2 players.
- Wikipedia
- Monte Carlo tree search in Kriegspiel
- Game-Tree Search with Combinatorially Large Belief States, Parker 2005
- Simplified poker amenable to game-theoretic analysis.
- Cards with bidding.
- Research game.
- Non-deterministic.
- Imperfect information.
- 2 players.
- Wikipedia
- Agents see a local part of the grid, and attempt to tag each other with beams.
- Agents on a grid.
- Research game.
- Non-deterministic.
- Imperfect information.
- 2 players.
- Leibo et al. '17, Lanctot et al. '17
- Simplified poker amenable to game-theoretic analysis.
- Cards with bidding.
- Research game.
- Non-deterministic.
- Imperfect information.
- 2 players.
- Southey et al. '05, Bayes’ bluff: Opponent modelling in poker
- Receiver must choose an action dependent on the sender's hidden state. Designed to demonstrate the use of conventions.
- Idiosyncratic format.
- Research game.
- Non-deterministic.
- Imperfect information.
- 2 players.
- Wikipedia
- Players bid and bluff on the state of all the dice together, given only the state of their dice.
- Dice with bidding.
- Traditional game.
- Non-deterministic.
- Imperfect information.
- 2 players.
- Wikipedia
- Agents must take the ball to their goal, and can 'tackle' the opponent by predicting their next move.
- Agents on a grid.
- Research game.
- Non-deterministic.
- Imperfect information.
- 2 players.
- Littman '94, Markov games as a framework for multi-agent reinforcement learning,
He et al. '16, Opponent Modeling in Deep Reinforcement Learning
- Players must predict and match/oppose another player. Designed to have an unstable Nash equilibrium.
- Idiosyncratic format.
- Research game.
- Deterministic.
- Imperfect information.
- 3 players.
- "Three problems in learning mixed-strategy Nash equilibria"
- Representative player chooses at each nodes where they go. They has an origin, a destination and a departure time and choose their route to minimize their travel time. Time spent on each link is a function of the distribution of players on the link when the player reaches the link.
- Network with choice of route.
- Research game.
- Mean-field (with a unique player).
- Explicit stochastic game (only for initial node).
- Perfect information.
- Cabannes et. al. '21, Solving N-player dynamic routing games with congestion: a mean field approach.
- Players are uniformly distributed and are then incentivized to gather at the same point (The lower the distanbce wrt. the distribution mean position, the higher the reward). A mean-reverting term pushes the players towards the distribution, a gaussian noise term perturbs them. The players' actions alter their states linearly (alpha * a * dt) and the cost thereof is quadratic (K * a^2 * dt), hence the name. There exists an exact, closed form solution for the fully continuous version of this game.
- Research game.
- Mean-field (with a unique player).
- Explicit stochastic game (only for initial node).
- Perfect information.
- [Perrin & al. 2019 (https://arxiv.org/abs/2007.03458)]
- A single player game where player aims to maximize lines drawn on a grid, under certain limitations.
- Uses tokens on a grid.
- Traditional game.
- Deterministic
- Perfect information.
- 1 player.
- Wikipedia
- Agents with different utilities must negotiate an allocation of resources.
- Idiosyncratic format.
- Research game.
- Non-deterministic.
- Imperfect information.
- 2 players.
- Lewis et al. '17, Cao et al. '18
- A card game where players try to win exactly a declared number of tricks.
- Card game.
- Traditional game.
- Non-deterministic.
- Imperfect information.
- 3-7 players.
- Wikipedia
- Players must repeatedly bid to push a token off the other side of the board.
- Idiosyncratic format.
- Traditional game.
- Deterministic.
- Imperfect information.
- 2 players.
- Buro, 2004. Solving the oshi-zumo game
Bosansky et al. '16, Algorithms for Computing Strategies in Two-Player Simultaneous Move Games
- Players redistribute tokens from their half of the board to capture tokens in the opponent's part of the board.
- Idiosyncratic format.
- Traditional game.
- Deterministic.
- Perfect information.
- 2 players.
- Wikipedia
- Players place tokens on the board, then rotate part of the board to a new orientation.
- Uses tokens on a grid.
- Modern game.
- Deterministic.
- Perfect information.
- 2 players.
- Wikipedia
- Tic-tac-toe, except the opponent's tokens are hidden. Designed as a simple, imperfect-information game.
- Uses tokens on a grid.
- Research game.
- Deterministic.
- Imperfect information.
- 2 players.
- Auger '11, Multiple Tree for Partially Observable Monte-Carlo Tree Search,
Lisy '14, Alternative Selection Functions for Information Set Monte Carlo Tree Search,
Lanctot '13
- Each player rolls a dice until they get a 1 or they 'hold'; the rolled total is added to their score.
- Dice game.
- Traditional game.
- Non-deterministic.
- Perfect information.
- 2-10 players.
- Wikipedia
- Players bet on whether their hand of cards plus some communal cards will form a special set.
- Cards with bidding.
- Traditional game.
- Non-deterministic.
- Imperfect information.
- 2-10 players.
- Wikipedia
- Implemented via ACPC.
- Each turn, players can either move their agent or add a small wall to the board.
- Idiosyncratic format.
- Modern game.
- Deterministic.
- Perfect information.
- 2 players.
- Wikipedia
- Chess with opponent's pieces unknown, with sensing moves.
- Chess variant, invented by John Hopkins University Applied Physics Lab. Used in NeurIPS competition and Hidden Information Game Competition.
- Deterministic.
- Imperfect information.
- 2 players.
- JHU APL Main site
- Markowitz et al. '18, On the Complexity of Reconnaissance Blind Chess
- Newman et al. '16, Reconnaissance blind multi-chess: an experimentation platform for ISR sensor fusion and resource management
- Players choose at each nodes where they go. They have an origin, a destination and a departure time and choose their route to minimize their travel time. Time spent on each link is a function of the number of players on the link when the player reaches the link.
- Network with choice of route.
- Research game.
- Simultaneous.
- Deterministic.
- Perfect information.
- Any number of players.
- Cabannes et. al. '21, Solving N-player dynamic routing games with congestion: a mean field approach.
- Bargaining game.
- Deterministic.
- Imperfect information.
- 2 players.
- Good for correlated equilibria.
- Farina et al. '19, Correlation in Extensive-Form Games: Saddle-Point Formulation and Benchmarks.
- Based on the board game "Sheriff of Nottingham" (bbg)
- Trick-based card game with bidding.
- Traditional game.
- Non-deterministic.
- Imperfect information.
- 3-4 players.
- Wikipedia
- Luštrek et al. 2003, A program for playing Tarok
- Each turn, players bid to compete against the other two players.
- Cards with bidding.
- Traditional game.
- Non-deterministic.
- Imperfect information.
- 3 players.
- Wikipedia
- A single-player card game.
- Card game.
- Traditional game.
- Non-deterministic.
- Imperfect information.
- 1 players.
- Wikipedia and Bjarnason et al. '07, Searching solitaire in real time
- Players place tokens to try and form a pattern.
- Uses tokens on a grid.
- Traditional game.
- Deterministic.
- Perfect information.
- 2 players.
- Wikipedia
- Simplified Bridge with fewer cards and tricks.
- Cards with bidding.
- Research game.
- Non-deterministic.
- Imperfect information.
- 2, 4 players.
- See implementation for details.
- Simplified Hanabi with just two turns.
- Idiosyncratic format.
- Research game.
- Non-deterministic.
- Imperfect information.
- 2-10 players.
- Foerster et al 2018, Bayesian Action Decoder for Deep Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning
- Players with different utilities and items communicate and then trade.
- Idiosyncratic format.
- Research game.
- Non-deterministic.
- Imperfect information.
- 2 players.
- A simple emergent communication game based on trading.
- Players try and form a pattern in local boards and a meta-board.
- Uses tokens on a grid.
- Deterministic.
- Perfect information.
- 2 players.
- Wikipedia
- Players place tokens to try and connect sides of a triangular board.
- Tokens on hex grid.
- Modern game.
- Deterministic.
- Perfect information.
- 2 players.
- Wikipedia