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File metadata and controls

165 lines (128 loc) · 4.64 KB

Using the Dublin Core Bundle

Database Tables

All database table names are prefixed nines_dc_ to keep them distinct from your appliaction. Once the bundle is enabled, you can create the tables with a doctrine migration.

Migrations are not included in the bundles, you will need to generate them yourself. For example,

$ ./bin/console doctrine:migrations:diff -n

Then carefully review the generated migration file.

Data Fixtures

For convenience, a few data fixtures are pre-configured and ready to be loaded. There are three types of fixtures: test for testing, dev for development, and prod with content suitable for production.

The prod fixtures include all metadata elements defined in the [DCMI Terms][dcmi] namespace. They can be loaded as in this example, which should be used with caution:

$ ./bin/console doctrine:fixtures:load --group=prod


Each metadata element (title, creator, etc) corresponds to an element entity which is stored in the database and editable in the usual way through the ElementController.

A value is a piece of data associated with an entity. The relationship between value and entity is indirect, by way of Util Bundle's LinkedEntity system.

Entities which accept Dublin Core Metadata must implement the ValueInterface and may use the ValueTrait for convenience. The ValueTrait includes a constructor which must be called for proper initialization of the object. A poem with metadata might look like the example below.

use Nines\DublinCoreBundle\Entity\ValueInterface;
use Nines\DublinCoreBundle\Entity\ValueTrait;
use Nines\UtilBundle\Entity\AbstractEntity;

#[ORM\Entity(repositoryClass: PoemRepository::class)]
class Poem extends AbstractEntity implements ValueInterface {
    use ValueTrait {
        ValueTrait::__construct as private value_constructor;

    public function __construct() {

Values are not directly editable via the ValueController. It serves as a read-only tool.


The bundle includes a ValueType form definition which can inject all the necessary elements for editing. It can be used as in the example below. Note that the ElementRepository must be passed to the ValueType::add static method and that the DublinCoreMapper is required.

Aside: The DublinCoreMapper may be provided as part of a ChainedMapper set up. @TODO provide a link to the documentation for ChainedMapper when it is available.

use App\Entity\Poem;
use Nines\DublinCoreBundle\Form\Mapper\DublinCoreMapper;
use Nines\DublinCoreBundle\Form\ValueType;
use Nines\DublinCoreBundle\Repository\ElementRepository;
use Symfony\Component\Form\AbstractType;
use Symfony\Component\Form\FormBuilderInterface;
use Symfony\Component\OptionsResolver\OptionsResolver;

 * Poem form.
class PoemType extends AbstractType {
    private ?ElementRepository $repo = null;

    private ?DublinCoreMapper $mapper = null;

     * Add form fields to $builder.
     * @param array<string,mixed> $options
    public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options) : void {
        ValueType::add($builder, array_merge($options, ['repo' => $this->repo]));

     * @required
    public function setElementRepository(ElementRepository $repo) : void {
        $this->repo = $repo;

     * @required
    public function setDublinCoreMapper(DublinCoreMapper $mapper) : void {
        $this->mapper = $mapper;

     * Define options for the form.
     * Set default, optional, and required options passed to the
     * buildForm() method via the $options parameter.
    public function configureOptions(OptionsResolver $resolver) : void {
            'data_class' => Poem::class,


The bundle provides one menu in Menu/Builder.php. It will link to the element and value list pages.

{# templates/base.html.twig #}

    {{ knp_menu_render('nines_dc') }}


Templates are provided in templates/ and can be easily overridden.

A partial template is also provided to embed a table of metadata in a page. It can be embedded as shown below. Note that the entity parameter is required.

{# templates/poem/show.html.twig #}

    {% embed '@NinesDublinCore/value/ui/table.html.twig' with {entity: poem } %}
    {% endembed %}