1.19.0 |
16 September 2021 |
- Added the
--password-from-json-file option to the registry create and registry update commands. This option supports referencing an entire IAM apikey JSON file and using the apikey field in the file as the registry password. - Added references to
logs and events commands to the outputs for app get , jobrun get , and buildrun get commands.
1.18.0 |
09 September 2021 |
- Added a prompt to confirm deletion to the
reclamation delete command. Also added the --force option to the reclamation delete command to force the deletion without confirmation. - Added the
--all-resource-groups option to the project list and reclamation list commands to display projects from all resource groups instead of just the currently targeted resource group. - Updated the output of the
project get command to display the resource quota for all projects, not just the currently selected project. - Updated the output of the
reclamation get and reclamation list commands to display information about time to hard deletion. - Updated the output for the
application get command to display the Cluster Local URL information. - Updated the output for all commands with the
--output json option to display JSON in pretty printed format. - Updated the
----wait-timeout option for the project create command to increase the default value to 600 seconds (10 minutes).
1.17.0 |
31 August 2021 |
- Added the
reclamation delete , reclamation get , reclamation list and reclamation restore commands for managing project reclamations.
1.16.1 |
24 August 2021 |
1.16.0 |
17 August 2021 |
- Added
--wait , --no-wait , and --wait-timeout options to the project create command. - Updated the default timeout value for the
project create command from 3 minutes (180 seconds) to 5 minutes (300 seconds). - Updated the
project get command output to change the format of the memory and ephemeral storage values to display in gigabytes. - Updated translations for the CLI.
1.15.0 |
16 August 2021 |
- Renamed the
subscription ping commands to subscription cron . The CLI subscription ping is now an alias for the subscription cron commands, so the subscription ping commands continue to work. - Updated the
job get and job list commands to display information about the last job run. - Updated the
build get and build list commands to display information about the last build run. - Changed the
app update command to always create a new revision regardless of whether changes are made to the application configuration. - Updated the
--image option on the app create , app update , job create , job update , and jobrun submit commands to accept both a tag and digest on the image reference.
1.14.0 |
06 August 2021 |
- Added the
--all option to the secret list command to display all secret types. - Updated the
build create and build update commands to not allow a URL in http or https format for the --source option when the --git-repo-secret option is provided. - Fixed various bugs.
1.13.0 |
30 July 2021 |
- Added the
project restore command to restore projects that were previously soft deleted to an active state. - Added the
--raw option to the app logs , buildrun logs , jobrun logs commands.
1.12.0 |
22 July 2021 |
- Updated the following CLI commands to support image digests when you use the
--image option: app create , app update , job create , job update , and jobrun submit .
1.11.0 |
15 July 2021 |
- Added the
revision events command to display the events of application revision instances. Also added the revision logs command to display the logs of application revision instances. - Added support for the
--output option to the create and update subcommands for app , build , configmap , job , registry , repo , secret , subscription cos , and subscription ping commands. Also added this option to the buildrun submit , project create , jobrun submit , and jobrun resubmit commands. - Added support for verifying that the
--registry-secret exists unless the --force option is specified for the following commands: app create , app update , job create , job update , and jobrun submit . Similarly, added support for verifying that the --registry-secret and the --git-repo-secret exist unless the --force option is specified for the build create and build update commands. The --force option specifies to avoid verification of the existence of the registry secret and the Git repo secret (as applicable). - Updated the output of the
project list and project get commands to display whether a project is enabled or disabled. If the status of your {{site.data.keyword.cloud_notm}} account is disabled , then the status of any {{site.data.keyword.codeengineshort}} projects in that account are disabled . - Updated the output of the
project current command. - Fixed various bugs.
1.10.0 |
23 June 2021 |
- Updated
list commands to display a warning when the quota is reached for that resource. For example, the app list command displays a warning when the application quota is reached. - Added the
project tag command. Use this command to add and remove tags for a single project. - Updated the
revision get command to display information for events and instances. - Updated the
jobrun list and jobrun delete commands to filter by --job . You can use the --job filter to list or delete job runs that reference a specified job configuration. - Updated the
buildrun list and buildrun delete commands to filter by --build . You can use the --build filter to list or delete build runs that reference a specified build configuration.
1.9.0 |
15 June 2021 |
- Added support for the
--instances option with the job create , job update , jobrun submit , and jobrun resubmit commands. Use this option to specify the number of instances for the job or job run. - Added the
--ignore-not-found option on all {{site.data.keyword.codeengineshort}} delete commands, except for the project delete command. This option specifies that if the resource is not found, do not fail the delete. - Updated the behavior of the
app create , app update , job create , job update , jobrun submit , jobrun resubmit commands to fail if a referenced configmap or secret does not exist. Added the --force option on these commands to avoid verification of the existence of the configmap or secret with these commands. - Added domain information to the output of the
project current command. - Fixed various bugs.
1.8.0 |
09 June 2021 |
- Important: Introduced a breaking change with {{site.data.keyword.codeengineshort}} memory and CPU combinations. With this version, applications and batch jobs are required to use a specific set of memory and CPU combinations for resource allocations. Existing running workloads are not impacted, but new and updated workloads are required to follow these requirements. For more information, see Supported memory and CPU combinations.
- Added support for the
--service-account option with the app create , app update , job create , job update , jobrun submit , jobrun resubmit , and buildrun submit commands. Added support for the --service-account-clear option with the app update , job update , and jobrun resubmit commands. - Added the
--output option to the project current command. - Improved the output of the
build get , build list , buildrun get , and buildrun list commands to display the name of the output image. - Added
b as an alias for the build command group. - Updated the output of job run instances with their various statuses such that the output is listed in the order of progression instead of alphabetically.
- Fixed various bugs.
1.7.0 |
27 May 2021 |
- Added support for the
--quiet option globally across {{site.data.keyword.codeengineshort}} commands. - Increased the unbind wait time default value from
120 seconds to 300 seconds for the app unbind and job unbind commands. - Fixed various minor bugs.
1.6.0 |
17 May 2021 |
- Added the
--revision-name option to the app create and app update commands to specify a name for an app revision. - Increased the polling frequency when following logs by using the
--follow option with the app logs , buildrun logs , and jobrun logs commands. - Added support for the environment variable
IBMCLOUD_QUIET . When this variable is set to true , the CLI reduces the amount of output.
1.5.0 |
10 May 2021 |
- Added the
revision delete , revision get , and revision list commands for managing application revisions. - Added the
--show-all-revisions option to the application get command to display all revisions for the specified app. - Added revision
Tag information to the application get command. - Changed application revision name generation. For example, an app revision that is created before CLI 1.5.0 is of the format
myapp-abc12-1 . An app revision that is created starting from CLI 1.5.0 is of the format myapp-00001 . - Updated the
yaml output for the secret get and secret list commands to show {{site.data.keyword.codeengineshort}} generic secrets as type Opaque .
1.4.0 |
29 April 2021 |
- Added the
registry update and repo update commands. - Added the
--decode option on the registry get , repo get , and secret get commands to show data as decoded. - Updated the
build list and build get command output to replace kaniko with dockerfile . - Updated the output of
get and list commands so that if the --output yaml or --output json option is used with these commands, then the command output no longer displays managedFields information.
1.3.0 |
21 April 2021 |
- Added
--wait , --no-wait , and --wait-timeout options to the project delete command. - Added support for
CloudEvent extensions on subscription COS and subscription ping commands. This support adds the --extensions option to the subscription COS create , subscription COS update , subscription ping create , and subscription ping update commands. Also adds the --extensions-rm option to the subscription COS update and subscription ping update commands to remove CloudEvent extensions. - Updated the project status on the output for the
project get and the project list commands. The status of provisioning is changed to creating , and the status of pending reclamation is changed to soft deleted . - Fixed various minor bugs.
1.2.0 |
13 April 2021 |
- New! Subscription support for jobs as a beta function. Added support for jobs as event destinations. Use the
--destination-type option with the subscription ping create , subscription ping update , subscription cos create , and subscription cos update commands to specify the event destination. Valid values for this option are app and job . - Updated the
project get command to display project quota information.
1.1.0 |
07 April 2021 |
- Increased the polling frequency when waiting for build runs and job runs to complete.
- Updated the
project delete command such that if a project was previously deleted without specifying the --hard option, a subsequent project delete command must use the --hard option. - Updated the
project select command such that a project must be in active status before it can be selected. - Updated the output for the
project list and project get commands to display projects that are in pending_reclamation status.
1.0.0 |
30 March 2021 |
This is the generally available release of {{site.data.keyword.codeengineshort}} CLI.- Important: Introduced a breaking change to {{site.data.keyword.codeengineshort}} service binding functionality. Service bindings that were created with releases of the CLI earlier than release 1.0.0 will no longer work after updating to the CLI 1.0.0 release. Unbind pre-existing service bindings before updating to CLI 1.0.0.
- Updated service bindings to use a new naming convention. Binding names are now auto-generated to ensure uniqueness.
- Updated the
app unbind and job unbind commands to accept the --binding option. The --binding option replaces the --service-instance option. - Renamed the service binding
VCAP_SERVICES environment variable, which is injected into running containers, to CE_SERVICES . - Updated application and job service bindings to support multiple service bindings to the same service instance.
- Updated support for service bindings such that service bindings that are created without existing service credentials always generate a new, unique service credential.
- Added more information to output for bad request errors encountered by the CLI.
0.6.3 |
26 March 2021 |
- Updated translations for the CLI.
0.6.2 |
26 March 2021 |
- Updated the default value for the
--cpu option on the app create , job create , jobrun submit , and jobrun resubmit commands to 1 vCPU. - Updated the default value for the
--memory option on the app create , job create , jobrun submit , and jobrun resubmit commands to 4G . - Added a warning message when using
cpu and memory value combinations that are not valid. For valid combinations, see Supported memory and CPU combinations. - Updated the default value for the
--timeout option on the build create and buildrun submit commands to 600 seconds . - Updated the
--strategy option on the build create and build update commands to change the kaniko value to dockerfile . The updated valid values are dockerfile and buildpacks .
0.6.1 |
19 March 2021 |
- Added the
--role option to the app bind and job bind commands. - Improved the output when waiting for service bindings to complete.
- Updated the
--maxexecutiontime option for the job create , job update , jobrun submit , and jobrun resubmit commands to change the maximum execution time from 7200 seconds to 43200 seconds (12 hours). - Updated the
project get command output to include the service binding ID.
0.6.0 |
18 March 2021 |
- Added the
project update command. - Updated the role for service IDs that are created for service binding from Editor to the Operator role.
- Updated build resource types to reflect a breaking change.
- Updated subscription {{site.data.keyword.cos_full_notm}} (COS) resource types to reflect a breaking change.
0.5.25 |
17 March 2021 |
- Added support for custom {{site.data.keyword.cloud_notm}} Operator service ID when service binding.
- Updated the
subscription ping create and subscription ping update commands to add the following options: --content-type , --time-zone , --data , and --data-base64 . - Updated the default value for the
--cpu option on the job create and jobrun submit commands to 0.1 .
0.5.21 |
08 March 2021 |
- Updated the
buildrun get and app get commands to display summary information about the current state of the resource. - Updated the
project get and project list commands to show if the project is the currently selected project. - Added the
--hard option to the project delete command to specify to immediately delete the project. If this option is not specified, the project can be restored within 7 days by using {{site.data.keyword.cloud_notm}} resource reclamation.
0.5.20 |
01 March 2021 |
- Updated translations for the CLI.
- Fixed a bug for handling
app logs when an app is concurrently deleted.
0.5.19 |
25 February 2021 |
- Updated the default value for the
--wait-timeout option for the buildrun submit command to 600 seconds. - Updated the
app bind and job bind command output to display the service binding Service ID name on first bind. - Updated the
Service ID that is created during service binding to be scoped to the current resource group. - Updated the
app get command output to display app revision information, even if the app is scaled to 0 . - Fixed a bug to improve the validation of
project , subscription cos , and subscription ping resource names.
0.5.18 |
23 February 2021 |
- Added the
--no-cluster-local option to the app create and app update commands to specify to deploy the app with a public endpoint. - Updated the default value for the
--wait-timeout option for the jobrun submit and jobrun resubmit commands to 600 seconds. - Updated the description of the
--dockerfile option on the build create and build update commands such that this option specifies the path to the Dockerfile, and not only the name of the Dockerfile. - Updated the default value for the
--commit option on the build create command from master to main . - Updated the output of the
project current command to include Kubectl Context information. - Updated the
build get command output to rename the label from Revision to Commit .
0.5.17 |
16 February 2021 |
- Added support for delegated refresh tokens for improved security when obtaining the project configuration. This action occurs when you use the
project select command, or when you use the project create command and do not specify the --no-select option.
0.5.16 |
09 February 2021 |
- Added the
app events , jobrun events , and buildrun events commands to display information about event instances. - Updated the
--output option for the app get command to include url as an output format. - Added the
--follow , --tail , and --timestamps options to the app logs , buildrun logs , and jobrun logs commands. - Updated the
--server option for the registry create command to default to us.icr.io . Also updated the --username option for the registry create command to default to iamapikey . - Added the
--no-wait option to the app update and app delete commands.
0.5.15 |
28 January 2021 |
- Removed the deprecated
--select option on the project create command. - Updated the
sub ping create and sub cos create commands so that the --force option no longer fails if the specified destination does not exist. - Updated the output for the
app get and jobrun get commands to display events information. - Updated the
--mount-configmap and --mount-secret options for the app create command so that the path to the volume always uses a forward slash (/ ). - Added logic to confirm that a resource exists before asking for a delete confirmation.
0.5.14 |
21 January 2021 |
- Added the
--sort-by option to the subscription cos list and subscription ping list commands. - Added the
--path option to the subscription cos create , subscription cos update , subscription ping create , and subscription ping update commands. - Added the
--destination option to the subscription cos update command. - Fixed trace output to display data for chunked responses.
- Renamed
From to Source in output for event subscription get commands. - Removed Beta limitation expiry logic.
0.5.13 |
14 January 2021 |
- Added the
--sort-by option to the following list commands: project list , app list , job list , jobrun list , build list , buildrun list , repo list , registry list , configmap list , and secret list . - Added the
--registry-secret-clear option to the app update and job update commands. - Fixed a bug where quickly creating, deleting, and then re-creating an app with the same name caused the
app get command to not complete correctly. - Updated the
jobrun resubmit command to use the registry-secret value from the referenced job run, if the referenced job run does not reference a job. If the referenced job run does reference a job, then the jobrun resubmit uses the registry secret from the referenced job.
0.5.12 |
12 January 2021 |
- Changed the minimum {{site.data.keyword.cloud}} Command Line Interface version from
1.3.0 to 1.0.0 . - Changed the
revision option for the build create command to default to master .
0.5.11 |
07 January 2021 |
- Updated resource timestamps to now use RFC 3339 format.
- Added the
regions option to the project list command to filter by region. - Updated the
job list command output to display more information for each job. - Updated the
revision option for the build create command to default to main . - Fixed a bug for race conditions on a service binding deletion.
0.5.9 |
16 December 2020 |
- Introduced a breaking change to {{site.data.keyword.codeengineshort}} service binding functionality. You must re-create any service bindings that were created with previous CLI releases.
- Fixed a bug that is related to jobs and applications that were unable to start because of resource allocation issues.
0.5.8 |
15 December 2020 |
- Resolved a memory leak by reverting dependency updates.
0.5.7 |
14 December 2020 |
- Improved performance for the
app logs command for large numbers of containers. - The
app get command shows revisions for instances. - Updated the
app get , jobrun get , and the buildrun get commands to show all instances with the correct state. - Removed support for sorting container logs for build runs.
- Updated localized strings.
- Improved error messages.
0.5.6 |
08 December 2020 |
- Added
--wait , --no-wait , and --wait-timeout options to the buildrun submit command. - Improved error messages.
- Improved messaging for the
subscriptions commands. - Changed the timeout value for failures when you create a project to time out in less time.
0.5.5 |
02 December 2020 |
- Added
--wait , --no-wait , and --wait-timeout options to the jobrun submit , jobrun resubmit , subscription cos create , subscription cos delete , subscription ping create , and subscription ping delete commands. - Improved error messages.
- Fixed issue that caused a project that is created in a new region to fail to validate.
- Fixed various minor bugs.
0.5.3 |
20 November 2020 |
- The
—concurrency option in the app create and app update commands now defaults to 100. - The
—concurrency-target option in app create and app update commands now defaults to 0. - Added
—all-containers option to app logs command to display the logs from both user and system containers for an instance. - Added
—wait option to the app create command to explicitly run the command synchronously. - Added the
mount-configmap and mount-secret options to the app create and app update commands to mount a secret or configmap to an application.
0.4.2592 |
11 November 2020 |
- Added support for embedded equals sign (
= ) with environment variable literals.
0.4.2577 |
10 November 2020 |
- Changed the
app logs and the jobrun logs commands to now print all instance logs by default. - Updated the
buildrun logs command to support output formatting. - Changed the
project get , project select , and project delete commands to support the --id option to specify the ID of the project. - Improved error output.
- Fixed issue that caused the
app delete command to time out while waiting for the app to delete, even though the delete succeeded.
0.4.2493 |
30 October 2020 |
- Changed the
--buildrun log command to replace the --instance option with the --name option. The buildrun logs command now accepts the name of the build run instead of the name of the build run instance. - Changed the
build create and build update commands to rename the --repo option to --git-repo-secret . - Changed the
registry create command to prompt for a password if neither the --password nor --password-from-file option is specified. - Fixed accessibility bugs.
0.4.2439 |
23 October 2020 |
- Added the
—ephemeral-storage option to the app create , app update , and app get commands. - Fixed a bug where the incorrect size was appended to the build strategy name.
- Renamed
build create --revision option to build create —commit . - Changed the default for the
project create command. A project is now selected as the current context after it is created, unless the --no-select option is specified. - Deprecated the
proj create --select command option.
0.4.2397 |
15 October 2020 |
- Added the
--from-env-file option to the configmap create , configmap update , secret create , and secret update commands. These commands can now accept a file that contains one or more lines that match a KEY=VALUE format. - Renamed the application request timeout option on the
app create and app update commands from --timeout to --request-timeout to reduce confusion when using wait-related options with these commands. - Added the
--strategy and size options to the build update command. - Updated the
subscription cos get command to display resource conditions. - Updated the
app bind and job bind commands to wait by default for bindings to become ready. - Updated the
app bind command to wait for a new revision to become ready.
0.4.2365 |
06 October 2020 |
- Added support for {{site.data.keyword.cos_full_notm}} (COS) event sources. Use the
subscription cos commands to manage COS event sources.
0.4.2335 |
02 October 2020 |
- Added support for Ping event sources. Use the
subscription ping commands to manage Ping event sources. - Added the
--arguments-clear and --commands-clear options to the app update , job update , and jobrun resubmit commands to clear arguments and commands. - The
app create --concurrency option now defaults to 0 . - Updated the display output of CPU information for the
app get , job get , and jobrun get commands. - Improved the output of the
project get and project list commands to no longer display expiry information when a project is being deleted.
0.4.2276 |
25 September 2020 |
- Added the
build update command. - Added the
--wait-timeout option to the app bind and job bind commands to specify the time in seconds to wait for the service binding to be ready. If this option is not specified, the binding is performed asynchronously.
0.4.2227 |
21 September 2020 |
- Added the
--wait option to the app update command. This option specifies that the app update waits for the new revision to be ready before it exits.
0.4.2217 |
18 September 2020 |
- Fixed issue that affected service bindings that are attached to jobs.
- Added support for
job delete to orphan associated jobruns . - Fixed issue that caused stalled
jobruns . - Fixed messaging inconsistencies for
jobruns . - Added support to the
registry create command for password-from-file option. - Alphabetized command namespaces.
- Fixed issue that caused panic when instances are displayed.
0.4.2192 |
15 September 2020 |
- Renamed
job commands to jobrun commands. Use the jobrun commands to run and work with instances of your job. - Renamed
jobdef commands to job commands. Use the job commands to create and work with job configuration information. - Updated the
jobrun logs command to input an instance name instead of an index value. - Added
build commands for building container images from your source code. Use the build commands to create and work with build configuration information. - Added
buildrun commands to build container images from your source code. Use the buildrun commands to run and work with instances of your build. - Added
registry commands to configure and work with image registry access secrets. - Added
repo commands to configure and work with Git repository access secrets. - Removed the
--from-registry option from the secret create command. Use the secret commands to work with generic secrets. - Simplified the display output of
get and list commands. - Fixed a bug where
app delete fails to remove all app instances. - Improved the error message that is displayed when an account exceeds number of allowed projects.
- Improved the CLI start time.
- Deprecated the
project --target command. Use project select instead to specify a project as the current context.
0.3.1973 |
02 September 2020 |
- Added the
--retryindex option to the job logs command. - Added aliases for the
--cmd and --arg options to the job run , job rerun , jobdef create , and jobdef update commands. This addition is similar to the --cmd and --arg options for the app create and app update commands. - Added the
app logs command to display the logs of an application instance. - Improved service binding output to display status with the
app get and jobdef get commands. - Improved error tracing.
- Improved the performance of the
app delete command. - Updated job references to
v1beta1 . Any jobs that were created before this CLI version are no longer accessible. - Updated the
job run , job rerun , jobdef create , and jobdef update commands to limit the job name to 53 characters. - Updated the
job run and job rerun commands to change the maximum for the --array-indices option to 9999 . - Updated the
project get command to display the project name and ID. - Updated the output of the
project list command to display expiry information for all regions. - Fixed an issue where the CLI attempted to delete service bindings during project deletion, even if no project was targeted.
- Fixed an issue where job names longer than 30 characters in job logs were not handled properly.
- Fixed an issue where the container name was set from the job definition or job name, such that it is now set with the container name.
- Fixed an issue where in some cases, the
--option output fails to find --output-jasonpath={some.path} . - Fixed an issue where an invalid
kubeconfig caused all project commands to fail.
0.3.1802 |
21 August 2020 |
- Added
--output option for get and list commands for projects, apps, job definitions, jobs, configmaps, and secrets. Use this option to show JSON, YAML, or jsonpath results. - Added support for jobs and applications to reference secrets and configmaps.
- Added options to remove environment variables, secret references, and configmap references from jobs and applications. The options are
--env-rm , --env-from-secret-rm , and --env-from-configmap-rm . - Fixed an issue that prevented old tokens from being overwritten when
kubeconfig files are merged. - Fixed an issue where the expiry date was not shown on
project get command results.
0.3.1712 |
17 August 2020 |
- Improved trace output for Kubernetes API calls and errors.
- Fixed an issue with the
project target command that caused merge errors when multiple kubeconfig files are merged. - Added alias
-f for the --from-file option for the configmap create , configmap update , secret create , and secret update commands. - Added
--registry-secret option for job run , jobdef create , and jobdef update commands. - Added the
--concurrency-target option to app create and app update commands.
0.3.1675 |
14 August 2020 |
- Added
job rerun command to rerun a job based on the configuration of a previous job run. - If you do not specify values for
cpu and memory when a job is run, the defaults from the jobdef are used. - The job create
command is now an alias for job run` command. - Deprecated
--arraysize . Use array-indices instead.
0.3.1535 |
04 August 2020 |
- Deprecated
--project-api when you target projects. Use ibmcloud target -r to select the region where the project resides. - Added support for the environment variable
IBMCLOUD_CE_TERSE . When this variable is set to true , the CLI reduces the amount of output. - Added
--user option for managing applications. - Fixed a bug where a secret or configmap fails to update correctly.
- Fixed a bug where token expiry prevented user from targeting new projects.
- Fixed a bug where apps show all the tags in a user's account.
- Improved performance of project list.
- Added display of failed job indices.
- Improved error messaging to display more informative output.
- Improved
--help option output to dynamically wrap and resize based on width of the CLI window. - Updated many strings.
0.3.1415 |
22 July 2020 |
- Added
--port option on app create , app update , and app get commands to specify the port where the application listens. - Show expiry information on
project list command output. - Announcements displayed in CLI once per hour.
- Updated many strings.
0.3.1363 |
17 July 2020 |
- Changed plug-in name to
code-engine . - Added
project target command, which moves target functions under project command. - Added
--kubectl option on project target and target commands to append the project to the default Kubernetes configuration file. - Fix added to manage projects with spaces in project name.
- Added
jobdef update command. - Added announcement banner.
- Updated many strings.
0.2.1250 |
10 July 2020 |
- Fixed inconsistency between
cpu/mem units on app commands. - Removed
kubectl dependencies. - Updated
delete actions to require confirmation. - Consistent
project-api support for target and project create --target commands. - The
--registry-secret command correctly sets image pull secrets. - Fixed
app update to prevent overwriting of minscale/maxscale . - Added warnings for project expiration.
- Fixed service binding credential selection logic.
- Updated many strings.
0.2.1093 |
19 June 2020 |
- Added
env-from-secret and env-from-configmap to app update usage string. - Fixed
min-scale and max-scale . - Alphabetized help output.
- Fixed
app create --no-wait , status URL not available. - Added number of instances to
app get command output. - Added
command and argument to application usage. - Fixed
create secret command for registry. - Fixed application revision name logic.
- Added aliases for
min-scale and max-scale . - Fixed nil pointer on app update.
- Added references for environment variables to
application get command output. - Improved error message when no project is targeted.
0.2.966 |
11 June 2020 |
- Added logic to require confirmation to delete a resource.
- Added
--force option to delete commands that currently default to true . - Fixed a bug where
cluster-local was not properly set. - Added service binding support for job definitions.
- Added
command and argument options for applications. - Added usage details for
job run . - Removed
kubectl dependencies for some jobdef commands. - Fixed a bug where the app revision was not appended.
- No longer use
gcc (cgo) for Linux builds. - Added logic so that deleting a currently targeted project also removes the target.
- Improved messages and formatting.
- Application URLs that are provided by
create and list commands default to https .
{: caption="Changes in the IBM Cloud {{site.data.keyword.codeengineshort}} CLI" caption-side="top"} |