copyright | lastupdated | keywords | subcollection | ||
2021-09-09 |
monitoring for code engine, performance metrics, monitor, metrics, requests, pods, application, attributes, jobrun, panic mode |
codeengine |
{:DomainName: data-hd-keyref="APPDomain"} {:DomainName: data-hd-keyref="DomainName"} {:android: data-hd-operatingsystem="android"} {:api: .ph data-hd-interface='api'} {:apikey: data-credential-placeholder='apikey'} {:app_key: data-hd-keyref="app_key"} {:app_name: data-hd-keyref="app_name"} {:app_secret: data-hd-keyref="app_secret"} {:app_url: data-hd-keyref="app_url"} {:audio: .audio} {:authenticated-content: .authenticated-content} {:beta: .beta} {:c#: .ph data-hd-programlang='c#'} {:c#: data-hd-programlang="c#"} {:cli: .ph data-hd-interface='cli'} {:codeblock: .codeblock} {:curl: #curl .ph data-hd-programlang='curl'} {:curl: .ph data-hd-programlang='curl'} {:deprecated: .deprecated} {:dotnet-standard: .ph data-hd-programlang='dotnet-standard'} {:download: .download} {:external: .external target="_blank"} {:external: target="_blank" .external} {:faq: data-hd-content-type='faq'} {:fuzzybunny: .ph data-hd-programlang='fuzzybunny'} {:generic: data-hd-operatingsystem="generic"} {:generic: data-hd-programlang="generic"} {:gif: data-image-type='gif'} {:go: .ph data-hd-programlang='go'} {:help: data-hd-content-type='help'} {:hide-dashboard: .hide-dashboard} {:hide-in-docs: .hide-in-docs} {:important: .important} {:ios: data-hd-operatingsystem="ios"} {:java: #java .ph data-hd-programlang='java'} {:java: .ph data-hd-programlang='java'} {:java: data-hd-programlang="java"} {:javascript: .ph data-hd-programlang='javascript'} {:javascript: data-hd-programlang="javascript"} {:middle: .ph data-hd-position='middle'} {:navgroup: .navgroup} {:new_window: target="_blank"} {:node: .ph data-hd-programlang='node'} {:note: .note} {:objectc: .ph data-hd-programlang='Objective C'} {:objectc: data-hd-programlang="objectc"} {:org_name: data-hd-keyref="org_name"} {:php: .ph data-hd-programlang='PHP'} {:php: data-hd-programlang="php"} {:pre: .pre} {:preview: .preview} {:python: .ph data-hd-programlang='python'} {:python: data-hd-programlang="python"} {:release-note: data-hd-content-type='release-note'} {:right: .ph data-hd-position='right'} {:route: data-hd-keyref="route"} {:row-headers: .row-headers} {:ruby: .ph data-hd-programlang='ruby'} {:ruby: data-hd-programlang="ruby"} {:runtime: architecture="runtime"} {:runtimeIcon: .runtimeIcon} {:runtimeIconList: .runtimeIconList} {:runtimeLink: .runtimeLink} {:runtimeTitle: .runtimeTitle} {:screen: .screen} {:script: data-hd-video='script'} {:service: architecture="service"} {:service_instance_name: data-hd-keyref="service_instance_name"} {:service_name: data-hd-keyref="service_name"} {:shortdesc: .shortdesc} {:space_name: data-hd-keyref="space_name"} {:step: data-tutorial-type='step'} {:step: data-tutorial-type='step'} {:subsection: outputclass="subsection"} {:support: data-reuse='support'} {:swift: #swift .ph data-hd-programlang='swift'} {:swift: .ph data-hd-programlang='swift'} {:swift: data-hd-programlang="swift"} {:table: .aria-labeledby="caption"} {:term: .term} {:terraform: .ph data-hd-interface='terraform'} {:tip: .tip} {:tooling-url: data-tooling-url-placeholder='tooling-url'} {:topicgroup: .topicgroup} {:troubleshoot: data-hd-content-type='troubleshoot'} {:tsCauses: .tsCauses} {:tsResolve: .tsResolve} {:tsSymptoms: .tsSymptoms} {:tutorial: data-hd-content-type='tutorial'} {:ui: .ph data-hd-interface='ui'} {:unity: .ph data-hd-programlang='unity'} {:url: data-credential-placeholder='url'} {:user_ID: data-hd-keyref="user_ID"} {:vbnet: .ph data-hd-programlang=''} {:video: .video}
{: #monitor}
Get insight into the performance of your workloads that are deployed with {{}}. Metrics can help you find bottlenecks or predict possible production problems. {: shortdesc}
You can use the {{}} service to monitor your {{}} workloads. {{}} forwards selected information about your workloads to {{}} so that you can monitor specific metrics such as requests, revisions, and duration.
{: #setup-monitor}
To set up your {{}} customer metrics dashboards in {{}}, you must create a service instance and then enable Platform Metrics in the same region as the {{}} projects that you want to monitor. If you have deployments in more than one region, you must provision {{}} and enable platform metrics for each region. For more information, see {{}} Getting started tutorial. {: shortdesc}
To set up {{}},
- From the {{}} navigation menu, select Observability.
- Select Monitoring.
- Either use an existing {{}} service instance or create a new one.
- After the instance is ready, enable platform metrics by clicking Configure platform metrics.
- Select a region and then a {{}} instance from that region. If you have deployments in more than one region, you must provision {{}} and enable platform metrics for each region.
You can also start monitoring from your {{}} dashboard by selecting Launch Monitoring. {: tip}
{: #access-monitor}
To see your {{}} customer metrics dashboards in {{}}:
- From the {{}} navigation menu, select Observability.
- Select Monitoring.
- Select View {{}} to open the dashboard.
- From the navigation menu, select Dashboards->IBM->IBM
Project Overview. If you don't see the {{}} dashboard in the menu, you can start monitoring from your {{}} application or job by selecting Launch Monitoring. - Select the
timeline or greater. Because Platform Metrics data has a 1 minute granularity, the first timeline that shows metrics is the10M
You can also launch the {{}} dashboard at any time by selecting Monitoring from the {{}} Action menu. {: tip}
{: metrics-by-plan}
{: #ibm_codeengine_application_panic_request_concurrency}
Average of requests count over the panic window.
Metadata | Description |
Metric Name |
ibm_codeengine_application_panic_request_concurrency |
Metric Type |
gauge |
Value Type |
none |
Segment By |
Service instance, name of the namespace, project name, application name, application revision name |
{: caption="Table 2: Average of requests count over the panic window metric metadata" caption-side="top"} |
{: #ibm_codeengine_application_stable_request_concurrency}
Average of requests count over the stable window.
Metadata | Description |
Metric Name |
ibm_codeengine_application_stable_request_concurrency |
Metric Type |
gauge |
Value Type |
none |
Segment By |
Service instance, name of the namespace, project name, application name, application revision name |
{: caption="Table 3: Average of requests count over the stable window metric metadata" caption-side="top"} |
{: #ibm_codeengine_application_per_namespace_service_count}
Number of applications per project (namespace).
Metadata | Description |
Metric Name |
ibm_codeengine_application_per_namespace_service_count |
Metric Type |
gauge |
Value Type |
none |
Segment By |
Service instance, name of the namespace, project name |
{: caption="Table 4: Number of applications per project (namespace) metric metadata" caption-side="top"} |
{: #ibm_codeengine_application_service_count}
Number of applications per project.
Metadata | Description |
Metric Name |
ibm_codeengine_application_service_count |
Metric Type |
gauge |
Value Type |
none |
Segment By |
Service instance, name of the namespace, project name, application name |
{: caption="Table 5: Number of applications per project metric metadata" caption-side="top"} |
{: #ibm_codeengine_application_requested_instances}
Number of pods that the autoscaler requested from Kubernetes.
Metadata | Description |
Metric Name |
ibm_codeengine_application_requested_instances |
Metric Type |
gauge |
Value Type |
none |
Segment By |
Service instance, name of the namespace, project name, application name, application revision name |
{: caption="Table 6: Number of pods autoscaler requested from Kubernetes metric metadata" caption-side="top"} |
{: #ibm_codeengine_application_desired_instances}
Number of pods that the autoscaler wants to allocate.
Metadata | Description |
Metric Name |
ibm_codeengine_application_desired_instances |
Metric Type |
gauge |
Value Type |
none |
Segment By |
Service instance, name of the namespace, project name, application name, application revision name |
{: caption="Table 7: Number of pods autoscaler wants to allocate metric metadata" caption-side="top"} |
{: #ibm_codeengine_application_actual_instances}
Number of pods that are allocated currently.
Metadata | Description |
Metric Name |
ibm_codeengine_application_actual_instances |
Metric Type |
gauge |
Value Type |
none |
Segment By |
Service instance, name of the namespace, project name, application name, application revision name |
{: caption="Table 8: Number of pods that are allocated currently metric metadata" caption-side="top"} |
{: #ibm_codeengine_application_not_ready_instances}
Number of pods that are not ready currently.
Metadata | Description |
Metric Name |
ibm_codeengine_application_not_ready_instances |
Metric Type |
gauge |
Value Type |
none |
Segment By |
Service instance, name of the namespace, project name, application name, application revision name |
{: caption="Table 9: Number of pods that are not ready currently metric metadata" caption-side="top"} |
{: #ibm_codeengine_application_pending_instances}
Number of pods that are pending currently.
Metadata | Description |
Metric Name |
ibm_codeengine_application_pending_instances |
Metric Type |
gauge |
Value Type |
none |
Segment By |
Service instance, name of the namespace, project name, application name, application revision name |
{: caption="Table 10: Number of pods that are pending currently metric metadata" caption-side="top"} |
{: #ibm_codeengine_application_terminating_instances}
Number of pods that are terminating currently.
Metadata | Description |
Metric Name |
ibm_codeengine_application_terminating_instances |
Metric Type |
gauge |
Value Type |
none |
Segment By |
Service instance, name of the namespace, project name, application name, application revision name |
{: caption="Table 11: Number of pods that are terminating currently metric metadata" caption-side="top"} |
{: #ibm_codeengine_application_revision_count}
Number of revisions per application.
Metadata | Description |
Metric Name |
ibm_codeengine_application_revision_count |
Metric Type |
gauge |
Value Type |
none |
Segment By |
Service instance, name of the namespace, project name, application name |
{: caption="Table 12: Number of revisions per application metric metadata" caption-side="top"} |
{: #ibm_codeengine_application_route_count}
Number of routes per application.
Metadata | Description |
Metric Name |
ibm_codeengine_application_route_count |
Metric Type |
gauge |
Value Type |
none |
Segment By |
Service instance, name of the namespace, project name, application name |
{: caption="Table 13: Number of routes per application metric metadata" caption-side="top"} |
{: #ibm_codeengine_application_target_concurrency_per_pod}
The number of concurrent requests that you want for each pod.
Metadata | Description |
Metric Name |
ibm_codeengine_application_target_concurrency_per_pod |
Metric Type |
gauge |
Value Type |
none |
Segment By |
Service instance, name of the namespace, project name, application name, application revision name |
{: caption="Table 14: The number of concurrent requests that you want for each pod metric metadata" caption-side="top"} |
{: #ibm_codeengine_application_request_duration_milliseconds_sum}
Total duration of HTTPS requests to the application.
Metadata | Description |
Metric Name |
ibm_codeengine_application_request_duration_milliseconds_sum |
Metric Type |
gauge |
Value Type |
none |
Segment By |
Service instance, name of the namespace, project name, application name, application revision name, http status code |
{: caption="Table 15: Total duration of HTTPS requests to the application metric metadata" caption-side="top"} |
{: #ibm_codeengine_application_request_duration_milliseconds_count}
Total number of duration metrics of HTTPS requests to the application.
Metadata | Description |
Metric Name |
ibm_codeengine_application_request_duration_milliseconds_count |
Metric Type |
gauge |
Value Type |
none |
Segment By |
Service instance, name of the namespace, project name, application name, application revision name, http status code |
{: caption="Table 16: Total number of duration metrics of HTTPS requests to the application metric metadata" caption-side="top"} |
{: #ibm_codeengine_application_requests_total}
Total number of HTTPS requests to the application.
Metadata | Description |
Metric Name |
ibm_codeengine_application_requests_total |
Metric Type |
gauge |
Value Type |
none |
Segment By |
Service instance, name of the namespace, project name, application name, application revision name, http status code |
{: caption="Table 17: Total number of HTTPS requests to the application metric metadata" caption-side="top"} |
{: #ibm_codeengine_jobruns}
Total number of jobruns
Metadata | Description |
Metric Name |
ibm_codeengine_jobruns |
Metric Type |
gauge |
Value Type |
none |
Segment By |
Service instance, name of the namespace, project name, the jobrun condition |
{: caption="Table 18: Total number of jobruns metric metadata" caption-side="top"} |
{: #ibm_codeengine_application_panic_mode}
Returns 1
if autoscaler is in panic mode, 0
Metadata | Description |
Metric Name |
ibm_codeengine_application_panic_mode |
Metric Type |
gauge |
Value Type |
none |
Segment By |
Service instance, name of the namespace, project name, application name, application revision name |
{: caption="Table 19: Is panic mode enabled or not metric metadata" caption-side="top"} |
{: attributes}
{: global-attributes}
The following attributes are available for segmenting all of the metrics previously listed.
Attribute | Attribute Name | Attribute Description |
Cloud Type |
ibm_ctype |
The cloud type is a value of public , dedicated , or local . |
Location |
ibm_location |
The location of the monitored resource, which can be a region, data center, or global. |
Resource |
ibm_resource |
The resource that is measured by the service, which is typically an identifying name or GUID. |
Resource Type |
ibm_resource_type |
The type of the resource that is measured by the service. |
Resource group |
ibm_resource_group_name |
The resource group where the service instance was created. |
Scope |
ibm_scope |
The scope is the account, organization, or space GUID associated with this metric. |
Service name |
ibm_service_name |
Name of the service that is generating this metric. |
{: additional-attributes}
The following attributes are available for segmenting one or more attributes as described in the previous tables. See the individual metrics for segmentation options.
Attribute | Attribute Name | Attribute Description |
Name of the namespace |
ibm_codeengine_namespace |
Name of the namespace. |
Service instance |
ibm_service_instance |
The service instance segment identifies the instance that the metric is associated with. |
HTTP status code |
ibm_codeengine_status |
HTTP status code. |
Application name |
ibm_codeengine_application_name |
Application name. |
Application revision name |
ibm_codeengine_revision_name |
Application revision name. |
Gateway instance |
ibm_codeengine_gateway_instance |
The gateway instance. |
Jobrun condition |
ibm_codeengine_jobrun_condition |
The jobrun condition. |
Project name |
ibm_codeengine_project_name |
Project name. |