copyright | lastupdated | keywords | subcollection | ||
2021-09-16 |
sitemap, code engine, about, tutorial, project, app, job, configmaps, secret, event, log, monitor, cli, api, troubleshoot, support, source code, faq, memory, cpu, commands, arguments, release notes |
codeengine |
{:DomainName: data-hd-keyref="APPDomain"} {:DomainName: data-hd-keyref="DomainName"} {:android: data-hd-operatingsystem="android"} {:api: .ph data-hd-interface='api'} {:apikey: data-credential-placeholder='apikey'} {:app_key: data-hd-keyref="app_key"} {:app_name: data-hd-keyref="app_name"} {:app_secret: data-hd-keyref="app_secret"} {:app_url: data-hd-keyref="app_url"} {:audio: .audio} {:authenticated-content: .authenticated-content} {:beta: .beta} {:c#: .ph data-hd-programlang='c#'} {:c#: data-hd-programlang="c#"} {:cli: .ph data-hd-interface='cli'} {:codeblock: .codeblock} {:curl: #curl .ph data-hd-programlang='curl'} {:curl: .ph data-hd-programlang='curl'} {:deprecated: .deprecated} {:dotnet-standard: .ph data-hd-programlang='dotnet-standard'} {:download: .download} {:external: .external target="_blank"} {:external: target="_blank" .external} {:faq: data-hd-content-type='faq'} {:fuzzybunny: .ph data-hd-programlang='fuzzybunny'} {:generic: data-hd-operatingsystem="generic"} {:generic: data-hd-programlang="generic"} {:gif: data-image-type='gif'} {:go: .ph data-hd-programlang='go'} {:help: data-hd-content-type='help'} {:hide-dashboard: .hide-dashboard} {:hide-in-docs: .hide-in-docs} {:important: .important} {:ios: data-hd-operatingsystem="ios"} {:java: #java .ph data-hd-programlang='java'} {:java: .ph data-hd-programlang='java'} {:java: data-hd-programlang="java"} {:javascript: .ph data-hd-programlang='javascript'} {:javascript: data-hd-programlang="javascript"} {:middle: .ph data-hd-position='middle'} {:navgroup: .navgroup} {:new_window: target="_blank"} {:node: .ph data-hd-programlang='node'} {:note: .note} {:objectc: .ph data-hd-programlang='Objective C'} {:objectc: data-hd-programlang="objectc"} {:org_name: data-hd-keyref="org_name"} {:php: .ph data-hd-programlang='PHP'} {:php: data-hd-programlang="php"} {:pre: .pre} {:preview: .preview} {:python: .ph data-hd-programlang='python'} {:python: data-hd-programlang="python"} {:release-note: data-hd-content-type='release-note'} {:right: .ph data-hd-position='right'} {:route: data-hd-keyref="route"} {:row-headers: .row-headers} {:ruby: .ph data-hd-programlang='ruby'} {:ruby: data-hd-programlang="ruby"} {:runtime: architecture="runtime"} {:runtimeIcon: .runtimeIcon} {:runtimeIconList: .runtimeIconList} {:runtimeLink: .runtimeLink} {:runtimeTitle: .runtimeTitle} {:screen: .screen} {:script: data-hd-video='script'} {:service: architecture="service"} {:service_instance_name: data-hd-keyref="service_instance_name"} {:service_name: data-hd-keyref="service_name"} {:shortdesc: .shortdesc} {:space_name: data-hd-keyref="space_name"} {:step: data-tutorial-type='step'} {:step: data-tutorial-type='step'} {:subsection: outputclass="subsection"} {:support: data-reuse='support'} {:swift: #swift .ph data-hd-programlang='swift'} {:swift: .ph data-hd-programlang='swift'} {:swift: data-hd-programlang="swift"} {:table: .aria-labeledby="caption"} {:term: .term} {:terraform: .ph data-hd-interface='terraform'} {:tip: .tip} {:tooling-url: data-tooling-url-placeholder='tooling-url'} {:topicgroup: .topicgroup} {:troubleshoot: data-hd-content-type='troubleshoot'} {:tsCauses: .tsCauses} {:tsResolve: .tsResolve} {:tsSymptoms: .tsSymptoms} {:tutorial: data-hd-content-type='tutorial'} {:ui: .ph data-hd-interface='ui'} {:unity: .ph data-hd-programlang='unity'} {:url: data-credential-placeholder='url'} {:user_ID: data-hd-keyref="user_ID"} {:vbnet: .ph data-hd-programlang=''} {:video: .video}
{: #sitemap}
Find what you are looking for in the compilation of {{}} topics. {: shortdesc}
{: #sitemap_getting_started_with_}
Getting started with {{}}
What are {{}} projects, applications, jobs, and builds?
Creating your first {{}} app
Running your first {{}} job
{: #sitemap_learn_about_}
Learn about {{}}
{: #sitemap_planning_for_}
Planning for {{}}
Common scenarios for {{}}
- Does your workload require low latency or is it interactive?
- Is your computation lightweight and does it require low CPU, memory, and I/O?
- Is your computation bound to CPU, memory, or I/O?
- Does your computation run for a long time?
- Can you specify the concurrency of your computation upfront?
- Does your workload react to some event?
- Do you need to process a large amount of data in a short time in response to events or requests?
{: #sitemap_learning_paths_for_}
Learning paths for {{}}
Tutorials library for Code Engine{: external}
{: #sitemap_deploying_applications}
{: #sitemap_running_jobs}
{: #sitemap_building_applications_by_using_buildpacks}
Building applications by using buildpacks
{: #sitemap_subscribing_to_cron_events}
{: #sitemap_subscribing_to__events}
Subscribing to {{}} events
Determine your {{}} bucket and region
Assigning the Notifications Manager role to {{}}
Text analysis with Code Engine{: new_window}{: external}
Serverless web app and eventing for data retrieval and analytics{: new_window}{: external}
{: #sitemap_setting_up_the_cli}
{: #sitemap_managing_projects}
{: #sitemap_deploying_applications_}
Working with apps in {{}}
- Plan a container image for {{}} applications
- Options for deploying a {{}} application
Deploying application workloads from a public registry
Deploying application workloads from images in {{}}
- Deploying an app that references an image in {{}} with the console
- Deploying an app with an image in {{}} with the CLI
Deploying application workloads from images in a private registry
- Deploying an app that references an image in private registry with the console
- Deploying an app with an image from a private registry with CLI
Deploying your app from source code
Deploying an application across multiple regions with a custom domain name
- Step 1: Set up {{}}
- Step 2: Add your domain name to {{}}
- Step 3: Deploy your apps in multiple regions
- Step 4: Configure the {{}} load-balancer
- Step 5: Configure the {{}} instance to provide TLS certificate
- Step 6: Configure and deploy a {{}} Edge Function
- Updating your app from the console
- Updating your app with the CLI
- Updating an app to reference a different image in {{}} from the console
- Updating an app to reference a different image in {{}} with the CLI
Working with jobs and job runs
- Plan a container image for {{}} jobs
- Options for creating and running a job
Create a job from a public registry
Create a job from images in {{}}
- Creating a job that references an image in {{}} with the console
- Creating a job with an image in {{}} with the CLI
Create a job from images in a private registry
- Creating a job that references an image in private registry with the console
- Creating a job with an image from a private registry with CLI
Creating a job from source code
- Accessing job details from the console
- Accessing job details with the CLI
- Accessing job details for a specific run of your job with the CLI
- Job status
{: #sitemap_running_your_source_code}
- Prepare your source repository
- Choose a build strategy
- Determine the size of the build
- Choose your container image registry
- Next steps for builds
- Create a build configuration
- Creating a build configuration that references a Git repository access secret
- Running a build
- Next steps for builds
Configuring application scaling
- How scaling works
- Scaling boundaries
- Optimize latency and throughput
- Scaling your application with the CLI
Integrating {{}} services with service binding
- What is {{}} service binding?
- What access do I need to create service bindings?
- How can I access a bound service instance from an app or job?
- Configure a {{}} project for service binding
- Bind a service instance to a {{}} application or job
- Unbinding service instances
Accessing container registries
- Types of image registries
- Setting up authorities for image registries
- Accessing images from a public account
- Accessing images in your own account from console
- Accessing images from your account with an API key
- Accessing images in a shared account
- Accessing images in a different account
- Accessing images in a private Docker Hub account
- Add registry access to {{}}
- Authorizing access to {{}} with service ID
- Inside {{}}: Container registry implementation
Accessing private code repositories
- Create code repository access
- Referencing a private Git repository in a build
- Next steps for Git repository access secret
Writing a Dockerfile for {{}}
- Dockerfile basics
- Reducing the size of a container image
- Improving the start time of your image
- Running a container as non-root
{: #sitemap_subscribing_to_event_producers}
Getting started with subscriptions
Working with the Periodic timer (cron) event producer
- Subscribing to Periodic timer (cron) events for an application
- Subscribing to Periodic timer (cron) events for an application from the console
- Subscribing to Periodic timer (cron) events for an application with the CLI
- Viewing event information for an application from the console
- Viewing event information for an application with the CLI
- Cron header and body information for events delivered to applications
- Subscribing to Periodic timer (cron) events for a job
- Defining additional event attributes
- Deleting a subscription
Working with the {{}} event producer
- Set up the {{}} event producer
- Assigning the Notifications Manager role to {{}}
- Creating an {{}} subscription for an application
- Creating an {{}} subscription for a job
- Defining
attributes - Deleting a subscription
{: #sitemap_working_with_environment_variables,_secrets,_and_configmaps}
Working with environment variables
- Creating and updating environment variables
- Considerations for updating apps or jobs with environment variables
- Deleting environment variables
Setting up and using secrets and configmaps
- What are secrets and configmaps and why would I use them?
- Creating configmaps
- Updating configmaps
- Referencing configmaps
- Creating secrets
- Updating secrets
- Referencing secrets
- Deleting secrets and configmaps
- Inside {{}}: Automatically added configmaps
Referencing secrets and configmaps with environment variables (CLI)
- Referencing a full secret with the CLI
- Referencing individual keys of a configmap with the CLI
- Overriding references with the CLI
- Removing fully referenced secrets or configmaps with the CLI
- Removing key references with the CLI
Referencing secrets and configmaps as mounted files (CLI)
Auditing events for {{}}
- List of events from {{}} console and CLI actions
- List of events from
commands - Viewing events
- Analyzing events
Monitoring for {{}}
- Set up your {{}} service instance
- Accessing your {{}} metrics
- Metrics available by Service Plan
- Average of requests count over the panic window
- Average of requests count over the stable window
- Number of applications per project (namespace)
- Number of applications per project
- Number of pods that the autoscaler requested from Kubernetes
- Number of pods that the autoscaler wants to allocate
- Number of pods that are allocated currently
- Number of pods that are not ready currently
- Number of pods that are pending currently
- Number of pods that are terminating currently
- Number of revisions per application
- Number of routes per application
- The number of concurrent requests that you want for each pod
- Total duration of HTTPS requests to the application
- Total number of duration metrics of HTTPS requests to the application
- Total number of HTTPS requests to the application
- Total number of
- Is panic mode enabled or not
- Attributes for segmentation
Learning about {{}} architecture and workload isolation
- How do I know which access policies are set for me?
- Managing access by using access groups
- Managing access by assigning policies directly to users
- {{}} platform roles
- {{}} service roles
- {{}} service binding access requirements
- {{}} CLI access requirements
Securing your data in {{}}
- How your data is stored and encrypted in {{}}
- Deleting your data in {{}}
{{}} and security
{: #sitemap_cli_reference}
{{}} CLI
- Prerequisites
- Application commands
- Build commands
- Buildrun commands
- Configmap commands
- Job commands
- Jobrun commands
- Project commands
- Reclamation commands
- Registry commands
- Repo commands
- Revision commands
- Secret commands
- Subscription commands
ibmcloud ce subscription cos
ibmcloud ce subscription cos create
ibmcloud ce subscription cos delete
ibmcloud ce subscription cos get
ibmcloud ce subscription cos list
ibmcloud ce subscription cos update
ibmcloud ce subscription cron
ibmcloud ce subscription cron create
ibmcloud ce subscription cron delete
ibmcloud ce subscription cron get
ibmcloud ce subscription cron list
ibmcloud ce subscription cron update
- Version command
{: #sitemap_api_reference}
- Retrieve your Kubernetes configuration with REST API
- Retrieving your Kubernetes configuration with the {{}} CLI
- Custom resource definition (CRD)
Code Engine API{: new_window}{: external}
Automatically injected environment variables
- Automatically injected environment variables for apps
- Automatically injected environment variables for jobs
Defining commands and arguments for your workloads
Limits and quotas for {{}}
- Project quotas
- Application limits and defaults
- Job limits and defaults
- Periodic timer (cron) subscription limits
- Increasing limits
Supported memory and CPU combinations
{: #sitemap_understanding_your_responsibilities_when_using_}
Understanding your responsibilities when using {{}}
{: #sitemap_understanding_high_availability_and_disaster_recovery_for_}
Understanding high availability and disaster recovery for {{}}
Availability of {{}} instances
Disaster Recovery for {{}} instances
Backing up your {{}} instances
{: #sitemap_supported_ibm_cloud_and_third-party_integrations}
Supported integrations for {{}}
Running jobs with Lithops framework
Validating your application code and latency with Iter8
- Finding the URL of your {{}} application
- Running the Iter8 Docker container
- Initializing the Iter8 Docker container
- Validating service-level objectives (SLOs)
- Getting the results of the SLO validation
- Rolling back a revision
- Removing the Iter8 container
- Next steps for Iter8
{: #sitemap_pricing_for_}
Pricing for {{}}
{: #sitemap__notices}
{{}} notices
{: #sitemap_using_kubernetes_with_}
Using Kubernetes with {{}}
{: #sitemap_using_knative_with_code_engine}
Using Knative with Code Engine
{: #sitemap_release_notes}
{: #sitemap_faqs}
Do {{}} apps support WebSockets?
How can I review the {{}} service terms?
{: #sitemap_troubleshooting}
{: #sitemap_troubleshooting_apps_}
Why doesn't my app ever become ready?
{: #sitemap_troubleshooting_builds_}
Build fails when the build did not register correctly and a secret does not exist
Build fails in the source step
- Resolution for a non-existent repository during build
- Resolution for a wrong protocol or missing secret during build
- Resolution for a wrong revision during build
Build fails when the ephemeral storage limit is exceeded
Build fails when the memory limit is exceeded
Build fails in the build and push step
- Resolution for memory limit during build
- Resolution for a container registry problem during build
- Resolution for Dockerfile not found during build
- Resolution for {{}} quota limit is reached during build
- Resolution for build source not specified correctly
- Resolution for build source not supported by buildpacks
- Resolution for a problem with the Docker build
Why can't I submit a job run with the CLI?
{: #sitemap_troubleshooting_projects_}
{: #sitemap_troubleshooting_subscriptions_}
Why does my subscription show errors when it delivers events?
Why is my subscription cos create
command failing?
Why does my {{}} subscription never become ready?
Why is my subscription cron create
command failing?
Why does my cron subscription never become ready?
{: #sitemap_getting_support}