This contains tips and tricks for SSH
SSH configuration can simplify the connectivity a lot by creating shortcuts that enable/disable a particular capability of ssh without creating multiple command files.
Sample SSH config file with annotations. Please note that ssh config file should be located in ~/.ssh/config
# Servers
# At the start define all the servers you need access to. This allows you to give simple name for IP addresses without bothering with DNS.
Host hyperledger*
User demo
# If you use two ids (e.g. admin & user), create entry similar to one below to map to
# Host hyperledger*admin*
# HostName
# User admin
# If you have shared ID files accross all your admin servers, you can add it as follows
# Host *admin*
# IdentityFile ~/.ssh/admin.pem
# Just add X to end of the server name above to enable X11
# i.e. use hostname "hyperledgerX" or "hyperledgeradminX"
Host *X*
ForwardX11 yes
# Just add oimtunnel to end of the server name above to setup tunnel
# i.e. use hostname "hyperledgerXoimtunnel" or "hyperledgeroimtunnel"
Host *oimtunnel*
LocalForward 14000 oiam12c:14000
# This section automatically configures all the tunnels to work correctly with existing server.
Host *tunnel*
ControlMaster auto
ControlPath ~/.ssh/sockets/%r@%h:%p
# Need this to avoid disconnections due to overjealous firewalls.
Host *
ServerAliveInterval 10