In case of sudo based access, users have to typically login to maching using their own user id/password and then perform sudo. In this process, the automatically X11 setup performed by ssh gets lost (if -X or X11 forwarding is configured). In such scenario, user has to perform xauth list & echo $DISPLAY after user login and then run xauth add & export DISPLAY with corresponding value after sudo login.
The following scripts, if setup properly, allows user to avoid the cumbersome process.
Note : This runs generated files from shared directory. Please ensure that you are comfortable with security implications for such setup.
Create the following script/alias in the user login that needs to be auto-X11 enabled.
echo "" > /tmp/runme-${LOGNAME}.sh;
xauth list | while read xauthAccess; do echo "xauth add ${xauthAccess}" >> /tmp/runme-${LOGNAME}.sh; done
echo "export DISPLAY=${DISPLAY}" >> /tmp/runme-${LOGNAME}.sh
chmod o+rwx /tmp/runme-${LOGNAME}.sh
##### Change the following line to the appropriate method used to login to service account
sudo su - ${SVC_USER}
##### Change completed.
rm -f /tmp/runme-${LOGNAME}.sh
Service account is account that login user changes to using sudo su - <service user>
or su - <service user>
. There are two approaches for identifying the original login user using which we can identify the script created by login.
command show the login user's name. This script uses the login user name to identify applicable shell script
Add the following to .bashrc
or .bash_profile
(or corresponding shell initialization script) of the service account so that it is executed immediately after login.
execFile=""; userRunFile="runme-`logname`.sh"; for file in `ls -rt /tmp/`;do lastFile=$file; done; if [ "${userRunFile}" = "${lastFile}" ]; then execFile="${userRunFile}"; fi
if [ -f /tmp/$execFile ];
echo "Setting up X11...";
. /tmp/${execFile};
This approach makes the assumption that if you execute script created above, the last file created in /tmp directory will be your runme-${LOGNAME} file. It is a simple hack with obvious downsides but works for basic cases.
Add the following to .bashrc
or .bash_profile
(or corresponding shell initialization script) of the service account so that it is executed immediately after login.
Please feel free to add additional checks (e.g. adding -group <group name>
to find command ensure that this script is executed only if runme file is created by users of given group).
# This code finds latest runme file created by somebody in group sina in /tmp directory and runs it.
# this will ensure that file created by oimsvc command by user id is run automatically on login.
for file in `ls -rt /tmp/`;do lastFile=$file; done; execFile=''; for runmeFile in `find /tmp -name "runme*sh" -printf "%f\n" 2>/dev/null`; do if [ "${lastFile}" = "${runmeFile}" ]; then execFile="${lastFile}"; fi; done;
if [ -f /tmp/$execFile ];
echo "Setting up X11..."
. /tmp/$execFile
Rename files with particular word with another word. e.g. Renaming files with name containing word 'Create' to 'Bulk'
for file in *.xml ; do mv $file ${file//Create/Bulk} ; done
Delete a line matching given pattern
for file in *.xml ; do sed -i '/serviceaccount__c/d" ${file} ; done
Read and validate input.
# A internal function used as default validation function in case no function is specified.
# It always returns response that input is valid.
defaultFunc() {
return 0;
# Core function that reads the input
# $1 : Prompt to display
# $2 : Default value to set if user presses enter key.
# $3 : extensions to read function (e.g. -n 1 for key press, -s for not prompting input).
# $4 : Validation function to use.
# $5 - : Passed as input to validation function.
readVariable() {
while [ $checkFuncResult -eq 1 ];
prompt="Please provide input? ";
if ( [ $# -ge 1 ] && [ -n "$1" ] ); then prompt="$1 ? "; fi;
if ( [ $# -ge 2 ] && [ -n "$2" ] ); then prompt="${prompt}($2)"; fi;
if ( [ $# -ge 3 ] && [ -n "$3" ] );
read -p "${prompt}" $3;
read -p "${prompt}";
if ( [ -z "${REPLY}" ] && [ -n "$2" ] ); then result="$2"; else result="${REPLY}"; fi;
$checkFunc "$result" ${@:5}
echo $result
# A simple function to write to error channel if the main shell is collecting output for echo.
# Used by validation function to print error messages (since the output is being collected by shell).
write () {
( >&2 echo $1 )
# Function to check whether to continue.
# Used by functions in case of error.
continueOnError() { prompt=$1; prompt=${prompt:="Continue?"}; skipError=$( readVariable "${prompt}" "Y/y" "-n 1" ); if [ ${skipError} != "Y/y" ]; then write; fi; if [ "${skipError}" == "Y/y" ] || [[ "${skipError}" =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]; then return 0; else return 1; fi }
# Check whether given hostname can be resolved.
validateHostName() { if [[ -z $1 ]]; then return 1; fi; if [[ "`getent hosts $1`" == "" ]]; then write "Error: Hostname $1 could not be resolved"; continueOnError; return $?; else return 0; fi }
isNumber(){ re='^[0-9]+$'; if [[ $1 =~ $re ]] ; then return 0; else write "Error: $1 is not a number"; return 1; fi }
canWriteToDirectory(){ if [[ -w $1 ]] ; then return 0; else write "Error: Can not write to directory $1"; return 1; fi }
# Check whether system can connect to given host and port
isAlive(){ timeout 2 bash -c "</dev/tcp/$1/$2" 2>/dev/null; if [[ $? -eq 0 ]] ; then return 0; else write "Error: Failed to connect to server $1:$2"; continueOnError; return $?; fi }
# Function to parse Cluster detail and validate connectivity to individual servers
# identified.
splitAndCheck() {
allAlive=1; origIFS=$IFS;
IFS=','; splitValues=(${1}) ; IFS=$origIFS;
for item in "${splitValues[@]}";
IFS=':'; splitHostPort=(${item}); IFS=$origIFS; if [[ ${#splitHostPort[@]} -lt 2 ]] ; then write "Error: Server ${item} is not in <host>:<port> format"; return 1; else isAlive ${splitHostPort[0]} ${splitHostPort[1]}; isAliveResult=$?; if [[ isAliveResult -eq 1 ]]; then return ${isAliveResult}; fi; fi
return 0;
# A function that combines and validates multiple values.
validateAndConnect() { isNumber $1; if [[ $? -eq 1 ]] ; then return 1; fi; validateHostName $2; if [[ $? -eq 1 ]]; then return 1; fi; isAlive $2 $1; if [[ $? -eq 1 ]]; then return 1; fi; }
canReadFile() { if ! [[ -r "$1" ]] ; then write "Error: Could not read file $1"; return 1; else return 0; fi }
# A function to check whether the given file is a PKCS12 file. Check is performed using NSS pk12util tool.
validateP12File() { canReadFile $1; if [[ $? -eq 1 ]]; then return 1; fi; isValidPKCS12File=$( pk12util -l $1 -W 'sk\nsd!jksa#jdkjdskjsdkjsdds' 2>&1 >/dev/null| grep "The security password entered is incorrect." |wc -l ); if [[ "${isValidPKCS12File}" != "2" ]]; then write "Error: $1 is not a valid PKCS12 file"; return 1; else return 0; fi; }
# A function to validate PKCS12 certificate and password using pk12util tool.
validateP12() { canReadFile $2; if [[ $? -eq 1 ]] ; then return 1; fi; filePassword=$1; if [[ -z "${filePassword}" ]]; then certificate=$( pk12util -l $2 2>/dev/null ); else pk12util -l $2 -W $1 2>/dev/null >/dev/null ; if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then write; write "Error: PKCS12 File could not be read. Please check password"; return 1; fi; certificate=$( pk12util -l $2 -W $1 2>/dev/null ); fi; dnsName=$( echo "$certificate" | grep "DNS name: " | cut -d'"' -f2 ); if [[ "${dnsName}" == "$3" ]]; then return 0; else continueOnError "Domain name in certificate ${dnsName} does not match provided server name $3"; return $?; fi }
fully_qualified_server_name=$( readVariable "Server Name" "$( nslookup $( hostname ) |grep Name |cut -f 2 )" "" validateHostName )
port=$( readVariable "Port" "8443" "" isNumber )
site_name=$( readVariable "Name of site" "gidm" )
site_location=$( readVariable "Site Location" "/opt/apache/sites" "" canWriteToDirectory )
oim_admin_host=$( readVariable "OIM Admin server's fully qualified hostname" "" "" validateHostName )
oim_admin_port=$( readVariable "OIM Admin server port" "7002" "" validateAndConnect ${oim_admin_host} )