Note: We are continously working to improve the questions quality and adding more question Incrementally. Please feel free to contribute to add more question, improve the articulation and correct the typos.
- What is virtual DOM?
- How virtual DOM is differentiate than real dom?
- Why should we prefer modern JS frameworks over jQuery?
- What JS being used among JS frameworks?
- What are the advantages or disadvatages of use modern JS frameworks?
- What Is Vue.js?
- Why should you use Vue.js?
- What are differences between React.js, Vue.js and Angular.js?
- How to handle Events in Vue.js?
- How to create Components in Vue.js?
- What are directives?
- What are Vuejs instances Lifecycle?
- In how many ways we can update the view of application?
- What is Vuex?
- Can we use Redux instead of using Vuex?
- What design architecture does it follow?
- What are the main component of a store?
- What is Vue router?
- How to add dynamic title to each page of the application?