For problems, use our Telegram Channel describing your problem and sending a screenshot and/or a video
For new files to be uploaded, you can also use our Telegram Channel: In this case, you can send or ask for new images to be uploaded
Using ishare2 upgrade will display a menu that allows users to upgrade ishare2 and PNETLab
If, iourc and/or files in /opt/unetlab/addons/iol/bin/ are deleted, you can recover them by using ishare2 relicense. This will not affect images in there. Also, this command when used, will generate a new license file called "iourc", needed for bin files
Don't cancel a download. In case you do it, you will have to remove incomplete files or folders manually
The main difference between ishare2 labs and ishare2 mylabs is that, in the first case, the folder used is the one PNETLab creates when you download a lab from the store and in the second case you are able to select any folder you want in order to download labs