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File metadata and controls

88 lines (62 loc) · 2.16 KB

Contributing Guide


  1. Design to the interface
  2. The code should comment itself as much as possible
  3. Make the code look like the math as much as possible

Coding Conventions

Refering to 2 and 3 above; Do things like the following

associate(rho => self%density, &
          p => self%pressure, &
          gamma => self%polytropic_index, &
          cs => self%speed_of_sound)
  cs = sqrt(gamma*P/rho)
end associate


Module documentation

  !< Authors: Sam Miller
  !< Summary: Define the cell gradient calculation procedures using
  !<          the standard Green-Gauss theorem. Although this procedure can be found  
  !<          many places, I based this version off of the method shown in [1].
  !< Notes:
  !< References:
  !< [1] M. Deka, et al., "A new Green–Gauss reconstruction on unstructured meshes. Part I: Gradient reconstruction",
  !<     Journal of Computational Physics (2018),

Naming Conventions

Use snake_case naming exclusively. Fortran is a case insensitive language, so the compiler does not differentiate between camelCase or PascalCase variables.


All modules should have the prefix mod_, as in mod_grid. I prefer to keep one module per file as a general rule of thumb, but this may not always be the case.

Modules should have the following structure

module mod_new_type
  !< Summary: What this module does

  use, intrinsic iso_fortran_env, only: ik => int32, rk => real64
  use mod_parent_type, only : parent_type_t
  use mod_input, only : input_t

  implicit none

  public :: new_type_t

  type, extends(parent_type_t) :: new_type_t
    !< Class to do stuff
    procedure, public :: initialize
    final :: finalize
  end type new_type_t

  interface new_type_t
    module procedure :: constructor
  end interface


  type(new_type_t) pure function constructor(input)
    type(input_t), intent(in) :: input
  end function

  pure subroutine finalize(self)
    type(new_type_t), intent(inout) :: self
  end function

end mod_new_type

Derived Types (aka Objects/Classes)