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OpenStack CLI


Install OpenStack client.

pip3 install python-openstackclient

CLI commands


To access the OpenStack platform using the client, different Environment Variables must be set as described here.

So, connect to your RHOS instance (e.g and select within the menu: Project > API Access. From there, download the OpenStack RC file bash file by clicking on the button and store somewhere (e.g ./

Copy the file to a path directory, for instance ~/bin (or ~/.local/bin or /usr/local/bin) and give it execution permission. Source the bash script source /usr/local/bin/ and enter your password as requested.

Please enter your OpenStack Password for project xxxxxxxxxx as user xxxxxxxxxxxx:

That’s it, you’re now logged in.


List the flavors available.

openstack flavor list  | grep ocp

The result should be similar to:

| ID                  | Name              |    RAM | Disk | Eph | VCPUs | Publ |
| 15c48f0d-dec4-4290- | ocp-compute       |  16384 |   45 |   0 |    16 | True |
| 62714b74-29ed-49a7- | ocp4.control      |  16384 |  100 |   0 |     4 | True |
| 66502c57-663a-4e51- | ocp4.compute      |   8192 |  100 |   0 |     2 | True |
| 9f5da47b-3d98-4644- | ocp-infra         |   8192 |   40 |   0 |     4 | True |
| bc8850d7-db24-4bef- | ocp4.single-node  |  49152 |  200 |   0 |    24 | True |
| e658777a-4953-4b11- | ocp4.bootstrap    |  16384 |  100 |   0 |     4 | True |
| fbcd841e-6559-49a4- | ocp-master        |  16384 |   45 |   0 |     4 | True |
Filter list by RAM
openstack flavor list --min-ram 33000

More information on RHOS flavors at the RHOS docs.

Create flavor

Create a new flavor.

Create flavor
$ openstack flavor create g.standard.xxxl.ram --ram 40960 --disk 160 --vcpus 16


List networks.

openstack --os-cloud openstack network list --max-width 80
| ID                      | Name                    | Subnets                  |
| 0e212597-e475-4c4a-     | provider_net_cci_13     | d3b1c702-bb71-4547-8cf0- |
| a4fa-db71f84ec04c       |                         | 2ff5f9802595             |
| 10e45d6d-5924-48ee-     | provider_net_ipv6_only  | 95214fb1-550b-4274-92a2- |
| 9f5a-9713f5facc36       |                         | fae39a144a70             |
| 14c15d33-175c-424e-     | provider_net_shared_2   | 17eca5aa-75c5-411c-a1cd- |
| 88ba-361a875e0c5c       |                         | ae1d2cc8cf3d             |
| 1cf0a81b-6786-4052-     | provider_net_ocp_osbs   | 14264d65-9a4e-46bf-950f- |
| a1bc-904e05ae410d       |                         | 1f3f277ff64d             |
| 25ec4907-36fc-4035-     | provider_net_cci_5      | 6159e87c-06a1-4f56-aa5a- |
| b8d5-b797246330f2       |                         | aabad1298be5             |
| 271db5de-8bf4-4f99-     | ocp-                    | 7cc7d0ee-f36b-46db-      |
| a32d-002e7aea388a       | sdev-9gv8d-openshift    | ab57-ad4a8a653854        |
| 27671b90-c2bc-483f-     | manila_net              | 6ccbef33-7962-4214-a992- |
| b783-cc856f20ee5d       |                         | 02f9e83a235d             |
| 316eeb47-1498-46b4-     | provider_net_shared_3   | 1447a1b3-c28f-4026-9edb- |
| b39e-00ddf73bd2a5       |                         | 98af355c29c9             |
| 333dadbb-3a26-4b66-     | provider_net_lab        | 289297e5-0fd1-45f8-b2a5- |
| ad1b-547196d92e88       |                         | 248f5c2abc18             |
| 36e46f70-99ff-48f5-     | provider_net_cci_12     | e9fa371f-2b3e-4a4f-a33b- |
| aa9d-7bbd22b6218a       |                         | 9e39f869aea3             |
| 3fdeb18a-2ad4-4536-     | provider_net_dualstack_ | 489315d5-1d84-4b7f-9349- |
| bc23-c3c488a382ad       | 1                       | f5a14faff452, e4dba1d2-  |
|                         |                         | f211-4d19-96f9-          |
|                         |                         | 367eb281a41d             |
| 3feeb1e1-132d-41a0-     | provider_net_istio      | df9fdb4f-1fd7-4581-ac7c- |
| 8fb9-55f69d11f7c6       |                         | 27146c4c1df0             |
| 49a185f9-83b0-4b2d-     | provider_net_ocp_prodse | 3ea8f7b7-281f-4899-8c8d- |
| 811b-4f3cfbc3d30c       | c_psi                   | edd0d78623dd             |
| 4bc90704-dd9e-412f-     | provider_net_ocp_stage  | 17d2ed9d-790d-45d9-8f0b- |
| b89a-07267113fbfd       |                         | e00fbfa45226             |
| 5058fef2-f89f-4e70-     | provider_net_cci_7      | eb8db9f4-a76f-4fe2-a0bd- |
| 9e01-66af2847ddc4       |                         | f932bc20dfa1             |
| 52f90b15-4773-4b00-     | provider_net_ocp4_prod_ | ebe0285b-4cca-4fba-85b9- |
| 84c4-ba27916c118a       | psi                     | ea73f178d39e             |
| 5cd089f9-8ed2-46bc-     | provider_net_quicklab   | 1199e331-bc4e-42de-b681- |
| 8ea7-4e1cdb5262ba       |                         | c60f87319cd7             |
| 5f00bb1a-0e38-43f9-     | provider_net_ocp_prod_p | e2206e0c-da84-4175-82c5- |
| b48d-fc424bfd6cab       | si                      | d3d38e00cca1             |
| 60cacaff-86a6-4f88-     | provider_net_cci_8      | 456329df-36f5-452a-bae2- |
| 82a4-ed3023724df1       |                         | 404003910f09             |
| 68a8220a-20f4-4940-     | provider_net_cci_4      | 10a8b6b3-7ff5-4933-9e31- |
| 99b4-45b6f98bce6b       |                         | 9be0f25d745e             |
| 6a32627e-d98d-40d8-     | provider_net_shared     | b7e7d2b5-efc1-462a-96ec- |
| 9324-5da7cf1452fc       |                         | eda940820520             |
| 6c256a91-7b1b-427d-     | provider_net_ocp_stage_ | 42d62dda-5ce7-4ccf-9998- |
| bcb8-2495a7401f6a       | psi                     | a14799fbf962             |
| 74e8faa7-87ba-41b2-     | provider_net_cci_2      | 11b95215-522d-4730-97d5- |
| a000-438013194814       |                         | a76bdc66d6fa, 63b2d4a6-  |
|                         |                         | 6df2-417c-8ee8-          |
|                         |                         | d0e01bc523c8             |
| 90341629-df19-4196-     | ocp-xyz-rhzhf-openshift | ea8e54be-523d-44ac-92eb- |
| 9002-d4a8d9fbf5b9       |                         | ab870cbe669c             |
| 9b37aaba-874c-4ef4-     | provider_net_ocp4_sdbx_ | 32b67ebf-6aa1-4964-83c2- |
| b45a-1efd6d21b928       | psi                     | c526d33359a3             |
| a0578760-3460-4f0d-     | ocp-sdev-p75fs-         | 63fa9393-3d64-43fa-b39f- |
| 827b-75edc1609cec       | openshift               | f36d2fde9c87             |
| b71d614c-b0b0-4f2d-     | provider_net_cci_11     | af342799-3d03-4b51-b252- |
| b141-e78129212b98       |                         | f56bed4e0997             |
| b8426041-7cf9-4f36-     | provider_net_ocp_dev    | 58a82433-493b-41cb-966a- |
| 9732-e5d582469d3f       |                         | 00d9b6e61772             |
| cd8cbb14-ec50-4417-     | provider_net_ocp_osbs_p | 261d4685-edb6-4779-8ac8- |
| a5e6-34c3f2ccec3b       | si                      | 495ab4882c0c             |
| d284bcff-d1ed-452d-     | provider_net_cci_1      | 1a14746d-8e7d-4dbe-a361- |
| b7e3-af979b9582a3       |                         | dfcc01b0bc5c, 3efe14a9-  |
|                         |                         | 3d70-47a1-a7f8-          |
|                         |                         | 5d373539c399             |
| d655dcd0-b593-439c-     | provider_net_cci_9      | 46c0f9b7-0028-4780-97c9- |
| 997b-aa5bc8c03a3a       |                         | 25b2e93f05d7             |
| de061265-0353-4b38-     | ocp-sscpc-openshift     | f050f0d2-3daa-4a63-9053- |
| a78e-5d0627797ea1       |                         | a07228068855             |
| eb3e8289-ce41-4825-     | provider_net_cci_3      | 02a8825d-e5f7-4e91-b502- |
| a48a-8f8e11feaec7       |                         | fc8361051e44, 62a381e5-  |
|                         |                         | 9313-43fa-a515-          |
|                         |                         | cd0d7560907b             |
| eceac180-5a4d-4b1d-     | provider_net_cci_14     | b360d82a-1375-4549-a665- |
| b916-1d4e8f19b873       |                         | 1f505aae2663             |
| ee7dcdfe-2b6e-4b7e-     | provider_net_cci_6      | 3abbd7bc-6027-49de-      |
| bbe9-3dabc0972bb5       |                         | ba44-96e4a6268d45        |
| f27262a7-1304-4e45-     | assisted-lab-net        | 11eb1393-6040-4635-99af- |
| a7cf-6b8e0ba0c103       |                         | 7f3ae340523d             |
| ff415208-8322-43c4-     | provider_net_sysops     | b40cec0a-1e14-43d5-9451- |
| af20-b764740aa3f4       |                         | 89eb8b48e323             |


Different OS images are available on Openstack and can be discovered using the command openstack image list. Filter them according to the target OS that you are interested in:

openstack image list | grep -ni "Fedora-Cloud-Base.*"
openstack image list | grep -ni "RHEL-9.*"

To get the detail about an image you will use the command openstack image show

openstack image show Fedora-Cloud-Base-37 --fit-width

Should present information for that image.

| Field            | Value                                            |
| checksum         | 9d9493d443cbac882732ae65a85497b2                 |
| container_format | bare                                             |
| created_at       | 2022-09-07T00:21:25Z                             |
| disk_format      | qcow2                                            |
| id               | cbea8fed-fef0-4319-b978-f7e983e85b19             |
| min_disk         | 0                                                |
| min_ram          | 0                                                |
| name             | Fedora-Cloud-Base-37                             |
| properties       | direct_url='rbd://03e3321d-071f-4b28-a3f9-       |
|                  | 0256f384bdca/images_d/cbea8fed-                  |
|                  | fef0-4319-b978-f7e983e85b19/snap',               |
|                  | locations='[{'url': 'rbd://03e3321d-071f-4b28-   |
|                  | a3f9-0256f384bdca/images_d/cbea8fed-             |
|                  | fef0-4319-b978-f7e983e85b19/snap', 'metadata':   |
|                  | {'store': 'default_backend'}}]',                 |
|                  | os_hash_algo='sha512', os_hash_value='d38a2bf524 |
|                  | 1730a7347dd74e27518dbb82b28070b424aca824d3e53a3c |
|                  | 812aacc7ab9a92c663e5b55a7ae63e3fe14efab71213d656 |
|                  | 4773a0d33ee5924787a983', os_hidden='False',      |
|                  | stores='default_backend'                         |
| schema           | /v2/schemas/image                                |
| size             | 490405888                                        |
| status           | active                                           |
| tags             |                                                  |
| updated_at       | 2022-09-07T00:21:34Z                             |

More information on RHOS images at the RHOS docs.


List existing servers.

openstack server list --max-width 80

The resulting list.

| ID          | Name        | Status | Networks    | Image       | Flavor      |
| a0e54723-   | snowdrop-   | ACTIVE | provider_ne | Fedora-     | ci.m4.xlarg |
| 7374-430b-  | k8s         |        | t_shared=x  | Cloud-      | e           |
| bcb7-       |             |        | .x.x.x      | Base-37     |             |
| c144c583651 |             |        |             |             |             |
| b           |             |        |             |             |             |
| a0923a85-   | tap15       | ACTIVE | provider_ne | Fedora-     | g.standard. |
| e5b1-4d03-  |             |        | t_shared=x  | Cloud-      | xxl         |
| 943d-       |             |        | .x.x.x      | Base-35     |             |
| c7760a16563 |             |        |             |             |             |
| 9           |             |        |             |             |             |

Resize server

$ nova help resize

usage: nova resize [--poll] <server> <flavor>

Resize a server.

Positional arguments:
  <server>  Name or ID of server.
  <flavor>  Name or ID of new flavor.

  --poll    Report the server resize progress until it completes.
$ nova resize --poll k123-fedora35-01 PnTAE.CPU_20_Memory_65536_Disk_200

Server resizing... 100% complete

Confirm resize.

$ nova help resize-confirm
usage: nova resize-confirm <server>

Confirm a previous resize.

Positional arguments:
  <server>  Name or ID of server.
$ nova resize-confirm k123-fedora35-01

Typical errors

If we try an operation that will exceed the quota an error will be returned.

nova resize --poll k123-fedora35-01 PnTAE.CPU_20_Memory_65536_Disk_200

Error message

ERROR (Forbidden): Quota exceeded for ram: Requested 32768, but already used 98304 of 122880 ram (HTTP 403) (Request-ID: xxxxxxxxxxxxxx)

nova resize --poll k123-fedora35-01 ci.m5.xlarge

ERROR (ClientException): Unexpected API Error. Please report this at and attach the Nova API log if possible. <class 'nova.exception.FlavorDiskSmallerThanMinDisk'> (HTTP 500) (Request-ID: req-774039f4-3619-4bb8-8727-31e5f99edda2)