This is a simple project that can fetch feed's data from different source, supporting different protocols (Atom, RSS).
Subscribe Feed:
curl -X POST "" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data '{"userId":"1", "url":""}'
Unsubscription Feed:
curl -X PUT \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data '{"userId":"1", "feedId":"1"}'
Feed Update :
curl -X PUT \
--header "Content-Type: application/json"\
--data '{"userId":"1", "feedId":"8"}'
Get Feeds From Specific User :
curl "{userId}/feeds?fetchSize=15&toDate=2022-07-11%2012:00:00"
Get Specific Feed Data:
curl ""
Bookmark Specific FeedItem:
curl -X PUT "" \
--data '{"userId":"2", "feedId":"7", "feedItemId":"14423"}' \
--header "Content-Type: application/json"
UnBookmark Specific FeedItem:
curl -X PUT "" \
--data '{"userId":"2", "feedId":"7", "feedItemId":"14423"}' \
--header "Content-Type: application/json"
Get Bookmark FeedItems:
curl ""
- Before running the project, it's necessary to create DB schema. I used JOOQ framework to work with the database, And it needs some classes to be generated at compile time. So for building the project, it is necessary to run 00_create_tables.sql in a PostgreSQL DB.
- Then change build.gradle by replacing your database date
jooq {
version = '3.16.5'
edition = nu.studer.gradle.jooq.JooqEdition.OSS
configurations {
main {
generateSchemaSourceOnCompilation = true
generationTool {
jdbc {
driver = 'org.postgresql.Driver'
url = 'jdbc:postgresql://'
user = 'feed'
password = 'feed'
- Build the project
./gradlew build
- [Just in case] Above command should create needed classes automatically. but if you have some issues, you can run these commands:
./gradlew cleanGenerateJooq
./gradlew generateJooq
- Create docker images and run them
docker build -t simple-feed-scraper-1.0.jar .
docker-compose up -d
To Generate JOOQ classes based on database schema
./gradlew generateJooq
To Clean JOOQ classes
./gradlew cleanGenerateJooq
To Compile
./gradlew compileJava
To Build
./gradlew build
To Unit Test
./gradlew test
To Integration Test
./gradlew integrationTest