Query builder is a two part library of the builder and a compiler. The compiler allows the query objects to be converted to a string representation. The default compiler is an SQL compiler, however there is no limitation that the output can only be SQL; GraphQL, arbitrary JSON, XML etc. can all be generated by creating appropriate compilers.
The compiler needs configuring for your chosen database dialect. You can create multiple compilers for different databases, just be sure you know which one you are using as a query built using one set of compilers may not create a query that can run on another server.
Defaults for the Common
, Postgres
, and SQlite
dialects are included as CompilerConfigurator
classes. You can use these to provide a configured Compiler
, or wire what you need together yourself.
Using the
requires symfony/event-dispatcher.
An example for Postgres would be (missing many use statements for various classes):
use Somnambulist\Components\QueryBuilder\Compiler\DelegatingSqlCompiler;
use Somnambulist\Components\QueryBuilder\Compiler\Dialects\Common\Listeners\StripAliasesFromDeleteFrom;
use Somnambulist\Components\QueryBuilder\Compiler\Dialects\Common\Listeners\StripAliasesFromConditions;
use Somnambulist\Components\QueryBuilder\Compiler\Dialects\Common\Type as QueryHandler;
use Somnambulist\Components\QueryBuilder\Compiler\Dialects\Postgres\Expressions\HavingCompiler;
use Somnambulist\Components\QueryBuilder\Compiler\Dialects\Postgres\Listeners\HavingPreProcessor;
use Somnambulist\Components\QueryBuilder\Compiler\Events\PreHavingExpressionCompile;
use Somnambulist\Components\QueryBuilder\Compiler\IdentifierQuoter;
use Somnambulist\Components\QueryBuilder\Query\Type;
use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcher;
$dispatcher = new EventDispatcher();
$dispatcher->addListener(PreDeleteQueryCompile::class, $a = new StripAliasesFromDeleteFrom());
$dispatcher->addListener(PreDeleteQueryCompile::class, $b = new StripAliasesFromConditions());
$dispatcher->addListener(PreUpdateQueryCompile::class, $b);
// Postgres like MySQL allows ORDER BY in a UNION clause provided that clause is wrapped in `()`
// however: ordering like this may produce weird results and is not recommended.
$dispatcher->addListener(PostSelectExpressionCompile::class, new WrapUnionSelectClauses());
// add other PreXXXQueryCompile events to quote other types of query
$dispatcher->addListener(PreSelectQueryCompile::class, [new IdentifierQuoter(), 'quote']);
// re-writes HAVING clauses so they will work in Postgres
$dispatcher->addListener(PreHavingExpressionCompile::class, new HavingPreProcessor());
$compiler = new DelegatingSqlCompiler(
Type\SelectQuery::class => new QueryHandler\SelectCompiler(),
Type\InsertQuery::class => new QueryHandler\InsertCompiler(),
Type\UpdateQuery::class => new QueryHandler\UpdateCompiler(),
Type\DeleteQuery::class => new QueryHandler\DeleteCompiler(),
'delete' => new DeleteClauseCompiler(),
'where' => new WhereCompiler(),
'limit' => new LimitCompiler(),
'offset' => new OffsetCompiler(),
'epilog' => new EpiLogCompiler(),
'comment' => new CommentCompiler(),
'set' => new UpdateSetValuesCompiler(),
'values' => new InsertValuesCompiler(),
Expressions\AggregateExpression::class => new AggregateCompiler(),
Expressions\BetweenExpression::class => new BetweenCompiler(),
Expressions\CaseStatementExpression::class => new CaseStatementCompiler(),
Expressions\CommonTableExpression::class => new CommonTableExpressionCompiler(),
Expressions\ComparisonExpression::class => new ComparisonCompiler(),
Expressions\ExceptExpression::class => new ExceptCompiler(),
Expressions\FieldExpression::class => new FieldCompiler(),
Expressions\FromExpression::class => new FromCompiler(),
Expressions\FunctionExpression::class => new FunctionCompiler(),
Expressions\GroupByExpression::class => new GroupByCompiler(),
Expressions\IdentifierExpression::class => new IdentifierCompiler(),
Expressions\InsertClauseExpression::class => new InsertClauseCompiler(),
Expressions\IntersectExpression::class => new IntersectCompiler(),
Expressions\JoinExpression::class => new JoinCompiler(),
Expressions\JoinClauseExpression::class => new JoinClauseCompiler(),
Expressions\ModifierExpression::class => new ModifierCompiler(),
Expressions\OrderByExpression::class => new OrderByCompiler(),
Expressions\OrderClauseExpression::class => new OrderClauseCompiler(),
Expressions\QueryExpression::class => new QueryExpressionCompiler(),
Expressions\SelectClauseExpression::class => new SelectClauseCompiler(),
Expressions\StringExpression::class => new StringCompiler(),
Expressions\TupleComparison::class => new TupleCompiler(),
Expressions\UnaryExpression::class => new UnaryCompiler(),
Expressions\UnionExpression::class => new UnionCompiler(),
Expressions\UpdateClauseExpression::class => new UpdateClauseCompiler(),
Expressions\ValuesExpression::class => new ValuesCompiler(),
Expressions\WhenThenExpression::class => new WhenThenCompiler(),
Expressions\WindowClauseExpression::class => new WindowClauseCompiler(),
Expressions\WindowExpression::class => new WindowCompiler(),
Expressions\WithExpression::class => new WithCompiler(),
Using the compiler is then a matter of passing your query to the compiler with a new binder instance:
use Somnambulist\Components\QueryBuilder\Compiler\Dialects\Postgres\CompilerConfigurator;
use Somnambulist\Components\QueryBuilder\ValueBinder;
use function Somnambulist\Components\QueryBuilder\Resources\select;
$query = select();
$sql = (new CompilerConfigurator())->configure()->compile($query, $binder = new ValueBinder());
Once compiled, you can execute the query via whatever database driver you wish to use. It is highly recommended to always use prepared statements:
use Doctrine\DBAL\DriverManager;
use Somnambulist\Components\QueryBuilder\Value;
use Somnambulist\Components\QueryBuilder\ValueBinder;
$sql = (new CompilerConfigurator())->configure()->compile($query, $binder = new ValueBinder());
$stmt = DriverManager::getConnection(['url' => 'sqlite:///:memory:'])->prepare($sql);
$binder->associateTo(fn (string $p, Value $v) => $stmt->bindValue($v->placeholder, $v->value, $v->type));
$result = $stmt->executeQuery();
If there are issues compiling the query, exceptions may be raised. Sometimes the query may compile to something that cannot be executed. In these cases, you will need to check the query manually and potentially replace or modify the built-in compilers for your needs.
Sometimes it is possible to compile a simple object using the compiler directly, however it is generally better to use the full compiler as expressions can contain any other object or may result in other objects being created that are not accounted for by a single compiler.
Generally each query expression type is mapped to a specific compiler. The easiest method is to replace the
compiler class with your own, this allows you to target a specific element. Alternatively: you can create an
alternative Expression
instance and map a compiler. This way you could have a custom compiler for a specific
SQL function or feature e.g. geospatial extensions.
The next method is to hook into the event system.
Events are raised when a Query
object part is compiled but not for specific Expression
instances. For example:
an event is raised for processing the WHERE
clause, but not for a given element within the WHERE
: unless it
contains a sub-query.
Events are fired for before and after the compile step. Early termination is possible by returning a string on a
pre-event. Post events will always return a string. See the src/Compiler/Events
folder for all the events.