Use addEventListener()
, removeEventListener()
, and removeAllListeners()
to add and remove events handlers. All events are available in both iOS and Android.
Name | Data | Description |
recognize | { transcript: string } |
Fired whenever speech recognition completes successfully. |
partial_recognize | { transcript: string } |
Fired whenever the transcript changes during speech recognition. |
start | null |
Fired when the speech pipeline starts (which begins listening for wakeword or starts VAD). |
stop | null |
Fired when the speech pipeline stops. |
activate | null |
Fired when the speech pipeline activates, either through the VAD, wakeword, or when calling .activate() . |
deactivate | null |
Fired when the speech pipeline deactivates. |
play | { playing: boolean } |
Fired when TTS playback starts and stops. See the speak() function. |
timeout | null |
Fired when an active pipeline times out due to lack of recognition. |
trace | { message: string } |
Fired for trace messages. Verbosity is determined by the traceLevel option. |
error | { error: string } |
Fired when there's an error in Spokestack. |
When an error event is triggered, any existing promises are rejected.