We use JWTs to manage authentication, mainly for allowing the user to edit their club's information.
- Postman Collection
- Does email exist? (before sign up)
- Is password strong enough? (before sign up)
- Register a new user
- Resend confirmation email
- Confirm new user
- Login user
- Request password reset
- Confirm password reset
- Refresh access token
- Revoke access token
- Revoke refresh token
- Description: Checks if a given email exists within our list of scraped CalLink emails.
- Path:
POST /api/user/email-exists
- Sample body input:
"email": "exampleuser@berkeley.edu"
- Sample body output:
"exists": true
- NOTE: This endpoint needs to be secured or reworked ASAP!!!
- Description: Checks if a given password is strong enough.
- Path:
POST /api/user/password-strength
- Sample body input:
"password": "p@ssw0rd!"
- Sample body output:
"strong": true
- Description: Registers a new officer user and a corresponding club.
- Path:
POST /api/user/register
- Sample body input:
"name": "Example Club",
"email": "exampleuser@berkeley.edu",
"password": "examplepassword",
"tags": [3, 1, 4],
"app_required": true,
"new_members": true,
"num_users": 0
- Sample body output:
"status": "success"
- Description: Resends a new confirmation email if the user exists.
- Path:
POST /api/user/resend-confirm
- Sample body input:
"email": "exampleuser@berkeley.edu",
- Sample body output:
"status": "success"
- Description: Confirms the new officer user. This endpoint link is normally within the confirmation email.
- Path:
GET /api/user/confirm/<confirm_token>
- Result: Redirects you to the club edit profile page
- Description: Logs in an existing officer user.
- Path:
POST /api/user/login
- Sample body input:
"email": "exampleuser@berkeley.edu",
"password": "examplepassword"
- Sample body output:
"access": "<access_token>",
"access_expires_in": 900,
"refresh": "<refresh_token>",
"refresh_expires_in": 86400
- Note:
values are just example values. Do not assume that the documentation here describes the correctexpires_in
- Description: Sends a password reset email to the user's email.
- Path:
POST /api/user/request-reset
- Sample body input:
"email": "exampleuser@berkeley.edu"
- Sample body output:
"status": "success"
- Description: Resets the officer user's password and revokes all existing access and refresh tokens.
- Path:
POST /api/user/confirm-reset
- Sample body input:
"token": "<reset-password-token>",
"password": "examplepassword",
- Sample body output:
"status": "success"
- Description: Fetches a new access token given a valid refresh token.
- Path:
POST /api/user/refresh
- Headers:
Authorization: Bearer <refresh_token>
- Sample body output:
"access": "<access_token>",
"access_expires_in": 900
- Note:
values are just example values. Do not assume that the documentation here describes the correctexpires_in
- Description: Revokes an issued access token, preventing further use of it.
- Path:
DELETE /api/user/revoke-access
- Headers:
Authorization: Bearer <access_token>
- Sample body output:
"status": "success",
"message": "Access token revoked!"
- Description: Revokes an issued refresh token, preventing further use of it.
- Path:
DELETE /api/user/revoke-refresh
- Headers:
Authorization: Bearer <refresh_token>
- Sample body output:
"status": "success",
"message": "Refresh token revoked!"