diff --git a/app/Resources/views/admin/planete/feed_list.html.twig b/app/Resources/views/admin/planete/feed_list.html.twig
index 5ebb0163e..7bfe41830 100644
--- a/app/Resources/views/admin/planete/feed_list.html.twig
+++ b/app/Resources/views/admin/planete/feed_list.html.twig
@@ -83,8 +83,10 @@
{% if feed.status == 1 %}
{% if testFeeds and feed.id in feedResults|keys %}
{% set color = feedResults[feed.id] ? 'green' : 'red' %}
+ {% set text = feedResults[feed.id] ? 'validé' : 'erreur' %}
{% endif %}
+ {{ text|default('non testé') }}
{% endif %}
diff --git a/db/seeds/FeedArticle.php b/db/seeds/FeedArticle.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8db307063
--- /dev/null
+++ b/db/seeds/FeedArticle.php
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+ 'Un super site PHP',
+ 'url' => 'https://afup.org',
+ 'feed' => 'https://afup.org/rss.xml',
+ 'etat' => 0,
+ ];
+ $table = $this->table('afup_planete_flux');
+ $table->truncate();
+ $table
+ ->insert($feed)
+ ->save();
+ $data = [
+ [
+ 'afup_planete_flux_id' => 2,
+ 'clef' => '0482a33e-7370-11ee-b962-0242ac120002',
+ 'titre' => 'Un titre',
+ 'url' => 'https://afup.org/url.html',
+ 'maj' => time(),
+ 'auteur' => 'Un super auteur',
+ 'resume' => 'Un super article',
+ 'contenu' => 'Le contenu du super article',
+ 'etat' => 1
+ ],
+ ];
+ $table = $this->table('afup_planete_billet');
+ $table->truncate();
+ $table
+ ->insert($data)
+ ->save();
+ }
diff --git a/tests/behat/features/Admin/PlanetePHP/BIllets.feature b/tests/behat/features/Admin/PlanetePHP/BIllets.feature
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a2efbfc18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/behat/features/Admin/PlanetePHP/BIllets.feature
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Feature: Administration - Planète PHP - Billets
+ @reloadDbWithTestData
+ Scenario: Gestion des flux
+ Given I am logged in as admin and on the Administration
+ When I follow "Billets"
+ Then the ".content h2" element should contain "Billets"
+ And I should see "Un titre Le contenu du super article Actif"
diff --git a/tests/behat/features/Admin/PlanetePHP/Flux.feature b/tests/behat/features/Admin/PlanetePHP/Flux.feature
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9bb46177a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/behat/features/Admin/PlanetePHP/Flux.feature
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+Feature: Administration - Planète PHP - Flux
+ Scenario: Gestion des flux
+ Given I am logged in as admin and on the Administration
+ When I follow "Flux"
+ Then the ".content h2" element should contain "Flux"
+ # Ajout d'un flux
+ When I follow "Ajouter"
+ Then the ".content h2" element should contain "Ajouter un flux"
+ When I fill in "feed_form[name]" with "Site web les-tilleuls.coop"
+ And I fill in "feed_form[url]" with "https://les-tilleuls.coop"
+ And I fill in "feed_form[feed]" with "https://les-tilleuls.coop/feed.xml"
+ And I press "Ajouter"
+ Then the ".content .message" element should contain "Le flux a été ajouté"
+ # Liste des flux
+ And I should see "les-tilleuls.coop https://les-tilleuls.coop Actif Oui non testé"
+ # Test de validité
+ When I follow "Test validité"
+ And I should see "les-tilleuls.coop https://les-tilleuls.coop Actif Oui validé"
+ # Modification + désactivation d'un flux
+ When I follow the button of tooltip "Modifier la fiche de Site web les-tilleuls.coop"
+ Then the ".content h2" element should contain "Modifier un flux"
+ When I fill in "feed_form[name]" with "Site web les-tilleuls.coop modifié"
+ And I select "0" from "feed_form[status]"
+ And I press "Modifier"
+ Then the ".content .message" element should contain "Le flux a été modifié"
+ And I should see "les-tilleuls.coop modifié https://les-tilleuls.coop Inactif"
+ # Suppression
+ When I follow the button of tooltip "Supprimer la fiche de Site web les-tilleuls.coop modifié"
+ Then the ".content .message" element should contain "Le flux a été supprimé"
+ And I should not see "les-tilleuls.coop"