diff --git a/src/functions-reference/binary_distributions.qmd b/src/functions-reference/binary_distributions.qmd
index af9eb410b..4cb07398f 100644
--- a/src/functions-reference/binary_distributions.qmd
+++ b/src/functions-reference/binary_distributions.qmd
@@ -75,9 +75,10 @@ function of y given chance of success `theta`
\index{{\tt \bfseries bernoulli\_rng }!{\tt (reals theta): R}|hyperpage}
-`R` **`bernoulli_rng`**`(reals theta)`
-Generate a Bernoulli variate with chance of success `theta`; may only be
-used in transformed data and generated quantities blocks.
+`ints` **`bernoulli_rng`**`(reals theta)`
+Generate a Bernoulli variate with chance of success `theta` or an
+array of Bernoulli variates given an array of `thetas` of the same dimensions;
+may only be used in transformed data and generated quantities blocks.
For a description of argument and return types, see section
[vectorized PRNG functions](conventions_for_probability_functions.qmd#prng-vectorization).
{{< since 2.18 >}}