This is the documentation for going to test/production.
git clone
Make sure that the following preconditions are met:
environment variables are matching the system network- the docker daemon is running
- your user is in the docker group
- you have docker-compose installed
- put
variables intoprod-env-postfix
To build the images run:
./ build
which should work™. You might want to have a look into the generated
, prod-env-db
and prod-env-mail
files and adapt the environment
variables inside these files to fit your environment.
The build process creates a self signed certificate for Vault. You may also create a CSR by running
openssl req -new -config docker/vault/openssl.cnf \
-out docker/vault/vault.csr.pem \
-key docker/vault/config/ssl/private/vault.key.pem
Let it sign by a CA and put the resulting certificate chain into docker/vault/config/ssl/vault.crt.pem before running the build again.
The build process generates a random password for the postgres user in the db container and puts it into prod-env-db
./ up -d vault
pushd docker/vault
Save the generated vault-YYYYMMDD-HHMMSS+TZ.json
(file name is written at the
top of the
output. Keep the generated
as you will need it later.
# start the db container
./ up -d db
./ exec db psql -U postgres -d postgres -c "ALTER USER devday PASSWORD '<password from above>'"
If you want to work with a database dump (i.e. migrate from existing production) you should do this now:
zcat "<database dump>.sql" | ./ exec -T db psql -U devday devday
If you want to use a set of synthetic development data instead you can run the following instead:
./ manage devdata
./ up -d
You can follow the application startup logs with:
./ logs -f app
To import a media backup you can perform:
cat "<media dump>.tar.gz" | ./ exec -T app tar xz -C /srv/devday/media
The application is now available on Port 8080 of the host system.