Without the incredible effort of the open-source community, this project wouldn't be possible. Thank you all for your contributions to the open-source world.
This list contains the resources used in this app that are taken from (may be adapted) from the following open source projects, in no particular order:
App icons by Icons8: https://icons8.com/icons/set/tv
KaiUI UI components for KaiOS by nadim1992: https://github.com/nadim1992/KaiUI
library by amanboss9: https://github.com/amanboss9/naviboard -
by Mozilla, adapted by kaios-design: https://github.com/kaios-design/gaia-l10n -
by pladaria: https://github.com/pladaria/reconnecting-websocket -
by onury: https://github.com/onury/tasktimer
This list contains the translations contributed:
en_US/en: https://github.com/jkelol111 (jkelol111 (Nam))
vi: https://github.com/fap4ever (Duc Manh)
If there were any missing attributions, please let us know via a GitHub issue.
jkelol111 & contributors 2018-present