` section.
@@ -79,14 +79,13 @@ Name the manifest file for your extension (for example, `HelloVizExtension` and
The web app you create provides the code to create the visualization interacts with the Tableau worksheet to get data and the encoding. The web app consists of an HTML file and the supporting JavaScript code that initializes and accesses the worksheet using the Extensions API. You host this web app on a web server (the server specified in the manifest file). In this case, we are using a web server running on your local computer.
#### Create the HTML page
Your web application must include an HTML page. This page should link to the Extensions API JavaScript library and to any other JavaScript, CSS, or HTML resources your web app requires. You could add the JavaScript code to initialize and call Extensions API functions directly in the HTML page. However, in most cases you want to keep this code in a separate file.
1. In the `HelloVizExtensions` folder (or wherever you put your `.trex` file), create a file called `HelloVizExtension.html`.
-1. You can copy and paste the following code into your file. This code creates a very simple page that displays a single line of text. This HTML code assumes that you copied or cloned the `extensions-api-preview` repository and are creating your extension in a HelloVizExtension folder, under Samples.
+1. You can copy and paste the following code into your file. This code creates a very simple page that displays a single line of text. This HTML code assumes that you copied or cloned the `extensions-api` repository and are creating your extension in a HelloVizExtension folder, under Samples.
@@ -130,15 +129,23 @@ Your web application must include an HTML page. This page should link to the Ext
-For this developer preview, it makes your life easier if you place your own extensions in the Samples folder. The first reason is that you can host the extensions using the same web server you started with `npm start` command described in the Get Started with Viz Extensions topic. The second reason is that the Tableau preview test site has been configured so that all extensions that use the path `http://localhost:8765/Samples` are included on the safe list (or allowlist). Because the extension is running on your local computer (`http://localhost`) and uses the URL that is allowed on the site, you are good to go. In general, when you are creating your own viz extensions, you will need to ensure that that the extension URL has been added to the safe list for the Tableau site. For more information, see
-[Add extensions to the safe list and configure user prompts](https://help.tableau.com/current/online/en-us/dashboard_extensions_server.htm#add-extensions-to-the-safe-list-and-configure-user-prompts).
+##### Location, Location, Location
+For this exercise, it makes your life easier if you place your own extensions in the Samples folder.
+Keeping your own extensions in the Samples folder has two advantages.
+* You can host the extensions using the same web server you started with `npm start` command.
+* If you've already configured your Tableau Cloud or Tableau Server site to allow all extensions under the path `http://localhost:8765/Samples`, you don't need to specifically add each extension.
+ For example, if you add the following URL and wildcard to the allow list: `http://localhost:.*/Samples/.*`, the URL allows all extensions (on any port) under the Samples folder. Because the extension is running on your local computer (`http://localhost`) and uses the URL that is allowed on the site, you're good to go. In general, when you’re creating your own viz extensions, you must ensure that the extension URL has been added to the allow list. For more information, see [Add extensions to the safe list and configure user prompts](https://help.tableau.com/current/online/en-us/dashboard_extensions_server.htm#add-extensions-to-the-safe-list-and-configure-user-prompts).
#### Start the web service to host the extension
-1. Start the web service to verify you have the web app and files configured.
The URL of the server must match the `SERVER` in the manifest file for the extension. Be sure to include the `http://` or `https://` in the URL. If you are using your `localhost` for development work, you might want to use the same lightweight web server that is used for the Extensions API samples and tutorial. Assuming that you've cloned or downloaded the repository, and that you've created a folder under `/extensions-api-preview`, you can start the server by using the `npm start` command. Or if you need to use a different port and location, you can install and start the `http-server` yourself (replacing PORT with the port you need and that matches the port you specified in the manifest file):
+1. Start the web service to verify you have the web app and files configured.
The URL of the server must match the `SERVER` in the manifest file for the extension. Be sure to include the `http://` or `https://` in the URL. If you are using your `localhost` for development work, you might want to use the same lightweight web server that is used for the Extensions API samples and tutorial. Assuming that you've cloned or downloaded the repository, and that you've created a folder under `/extensions-api`, you can start the server by using the `npm start` command. Or if you need to use a different port and location, you can install and start the `http-server` yourself (replacing PORT with the port you need and that matches the port you specified in the manifest file):
@@ -162,9 +169,13 @@ For this developer preview, it makes your life easier if you place your own exte
After you have created the manifest file (`.trex`) and have hosted your web app you can test it in Tableau. It's a good idea to do this even if your application isn't completed.
+If you are using Tableau Cloud or Tableau Server, you need to make sure you've added the URL of your extension to the allow list. See this [note about location](#location-location-location).
1. Start up your web page or application (or make sure it is running).
-1. Log on to Tableau Cloud [https://us-west-2a.online.tableau.com](https://us-west-2a.online.tableau.com) and open a workbook, for example, Superstore. Click **Edit** and create a new worksheet (from the Worksheet menu, select **New Worksheet**), or open a new workbook in your Personal Space and connect to the **Superstore Datasource**.
+1. Start Tableau Desktop, or log on to Tableau Cloud or Tableau Server and open a workbook, for example, Superstore. Click **Edit** and create a new worksheet (from the Worksheet menu, select **New Worksheet**), or open a new workbook in your Personal Space and connect to the **Superstore Datasource**.
1. On the **Marks** card, expand the Mark Type drop-down menu. Under Viz Extensions, select **Add Extensions**.
@@ -182,7 +193,6 @@ After you have created the manifest file (`.trex`) and have hosted your web app
### Add code to initialize the extension and call Tableau Extensions API functions
The next step is to create the JavaScript that calls the Extensions API. In your JavaScript code (either in your HTML page or in a separate JavaScript file), you first need to initialize the extension. To do this, you call `tableau.extensions.initializeAsync()`. The function returns after the initial bootstrap operation is complete and the extension is available for use. The Extensions API follows the [CommonJS Promises/A standard](http://wiki.commonjs.org/wiki/Promises/A) for asynchronous method calls.
@@ -268,7 +278,7 @@ The next step is to create the JavaScript that calls the Extensions API. In your
1. In the Add an Extension dialog box that appears, select **Access Local Extensions**.
-1. Browse to the directory where your extension is located. For example, if you downloaded or cloned the GitHub repository, go to `\extensions-api-preview\Samples\HelloVizExtension` and select the `HelloVizExtension.trex file`.
+1. Browse to the directory where your extension is located. For example, if you downloaded or cloned the GitHub repository, go to `\extensions-api\Samples\HelloVizExtension` and select the `HelloVizExtension.trex` file.
1. Drag some fields on to the **Drop** tile on the Marks card. The name of the fields that you've added to the Marks card are displayed in the worksheet. Every time you add or remove a field, the names are updated.
@@ -308,7 +318,7 @@ Our sample code follows the [Semi-Standard Style](https://github.com/Flet/semist
## What's next?
-- For more information about how you can use the Extensions API, go look at the [Samples](https://github.com/tableau/extensions-api-preview/tree/main/Samples/). Study the sample, connectedScatterPlot, to see a full implementation of a viz extension.
+- For more information about how you can use the Extensions API, go look at the [Samples](https://github.com/tableau/extensions-api/tree/main/Samples/). Study the sample, connectedScatterPlot, to see a full implementation of a viz extension.
- Get familiar with the programming interface of the Extensions API, see [API Reference](pathname:///api/).
diff --git a/website/docs/vizext/trex_viz_examples.md b/website/docs/vizext/trex_viz_examples.md
index 8a875bba..c30d264e 100644
--- a/website/docs/vizext/trex_viz_examples.md
+++ b/website/docs/vizext/trex_viz_examples.md
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ The best way to learn how to build your own extensions is to look at the sample
- To download the Extensions API SDK, if you have not already done so, see [Get Started](./trex_viz_getstarted).
-- You can browse the sample code for the extensions in the [Samples](https://github.com/tableau/extensions-api-preview/tree/master/Samples?=target="_blank") folder on GitHub.
+- You can browse the sample code for the extensions in the [Samples](https://github.com/tableau/extensions-api/tree/master/Samples?=target="_blank") folder on GitHub.
@@ -17,48 +17,47 @@ The following instructions assume that you have already downloaded and extracted
### About the viz extension samples
-The viz extension samples are in the `Samples` folder.
+The viz extension samples are in the `Samples\Viz` folder.
-- **[ConnectedScatterplot](https://github.com/tableau/extensions-api-preview/tree/main/Samples/ConnectedScatterplot?=target="_blank")**
+- **[ConnectedScatterplot](https://github.com/tableau/extensions-api/tree/main/Samples/Viz/ConnectedScatterplot?=target="_blank")**
Shows how to create a viz extension.
-- **[DataSources](https://github.com/tableau/extensions-api-preview/tree/main/Samples/DataSources?=target="_blank")**
+- **[DataSources](https://github.com/tableau/extensions-api/tree/main/Samples/Viz/DataSources?=target="_blank")**
Shows how to use the `getDataSourcesAsync` function to find the names of the data sources for the worksheet. Like the Filtering sample, the DataSources sample makes use the `Promise.all` function to combine the promises from the asynchronous calls together, and then waits for them to resolve.
-- **[Filtering](https://github.com/tableau/extensions-api-preview/tree/main/Samples/Filtering?=target="_blank")**
+- **[Filtering](https://github.com/tableau/extensions-api/tree/main/Samples/Viz/Filtering?=target="_blank")**
Demonstrates how to use the `getFiltersAsync` function to find and display the active filters in the worksheet and calls the `addEventListener` function to set a `FilterChanged` event on the worksheet. Any time a filter value is changed, the extension refreshes the table that displays the active filters.
-- **[Parameters](https://github.com/tableau/extensions-api-preview/tree/main/Samples/Parameters?=target="_blank")**
+- **[Parameters](https://github.com/tableau/extensions-api/tree/main/Samples/Viz/Parameters?=target="_blank")**
Finds and displays all the parameters in the worksheet and then sets an event listener that waits for a parameter to change, which triggers a refresh.
-- **[Sankey](https://github.com/tableau/extensions-api-preview/tree/main/Samples/Sankey?=target="_blank")**
+- **[Sankey](https://github.com/tableau/extensions-api/tree/main/Samples/Viz/Sankey?=target="_blank")**
Sankey diagrams or charts - named after their creator, Matthew Henry Phines Riall Sankey, who first used this chart type in 1898. Somewhat similar to the Sankey viz type Tableau had offered in the recent Sankey and Radial new chart types pilot (June 2023).
-- **[Settings](https://github.com/tableau/extensions-api-preview/tree/main/Samples/Settings?=target="_blank")**
+- **[Settings](https://github.com/tableau/extensions-api/tree/main/Samples/Viz/Settings?=target="_blank")**
Uses the `settings` namespace to save settings (key-value pairs) for the extension. Demonstrates how you can save settings for each instance of an extension, which enables sharing common views of a workbook.
-- **[UINamespaces](https://github.com/tableau/extensions-api-preview/tree/main/Samples/UINamespace?=target="_blank")**
+- **[UINamespaces](https://github.com/tableau/extensions-api/tree/main/Samples/Viz/UINamespace?=target="_blank")**
Demonstrates how you can use the `UI` namespace to create a modal dialog box (or popup) that runs another extension, which allows users to interact and change the settings for the parent extension. This sample controls the background auto-refresh interval for data sources in a worksheet.
-- **[VizImage](https://github.com/tableau/extensions-api-preview/tree/main/Samples/VizImage?=target="_blank")**
+- **[VizImage](https://github.com/tableau/extensions-api/tree/main/Samples/Viz/VizImage?=target="_blank")**
Shows how you can use Tableau Viz to add visualizations to your extensions. This sample demonstrates the effects of different mark types and color palettes. For more information about Tableau Viz, see [Add Tableau Viz to Your Extensions](../core/trex_tableau_viz).
### Start a web server to host the sample viz extensions
-To use the extension samples, you need to start up a web server on your computer to host the HTML pages. If you downloaded or cloned the Extensions API repository, you can start the web service in the root directory of the repository on your computer. These commands start the Node.js basic service `http-server`.
+To use the viz extension samples, you need to start up a web server on your computer to host the HTML pages. If you downloaded or cloned the Extensions API repository, you can start the web service in the root directory of the repository on your computer. These commands start the Node.js basic service `http-server`.
-1. Go to the `extensions-api-preview` folder.
+1. Go to the `extensions-api` folder.
1. To install the web server components, run the following command:
@@ -75,7 +74,7 @@ To use the extension samples, you need to start up a web server on your computer
The samples are set up so that the web server is using port `8765`. If you need to specify a different port instead of `8765`, you can change ports using another Node.js or `http-server` command.
-From the `extensions-api-preview` folder, you can start the `http-server` using one of the following commands. Replace `PORT` with the port you are using (for example, `8000`).
+From the `extensions-api` folder, you can start the `http-server` using one of the following commands. Replace `PORT` with the port you are using (for example, `8000`).
To install the `http-server`on your computer globally and to also start the server:
@@ -94,7 +93,7 @@ The port you use for the web server also has to match the port specified in the
- http://localhost:PORT/Samples/Parameters/parameters.html
+ http://localhost:PORT/Samples/Viz/Parameters/parameters.html
@@ -113,8 +112,8 @@ After you start the web server to host the sample extensions, you can try the ex
1. In the Add an Extension dialog box that appears, select **Access Local Extensions**.
-1. Browse to the directory where the samples are located. For example, if you downloaded or cloned the GitHub repository, go to `\extensions-api-preview\Samples`.
+1. Browse to the directory where the samples are located. For example, if you downloaded or cloned the GitHub repository, go to `\extensions-api\Samples\Viz`.
1. Select one of the folders for the samples and open the `.trex` file (for example, `DataSources.trex`).
-Every Tableau extension has a manifest file (`.trex`) that describes the extension and identifies the location of the web application.
+Every Tableau extension has a manifest file (`.trex`) that describes the extension and identifies the location of the web application.
The extension should appear in the worksheet. Play around with the extension. Examine the HTML and JavaScript source files to see how things work.
diff --git a/website/docs/vizext/trex_viz_getstarted.md b/website/docs/vizext/trex_viz_getstarted.md
index be279efe..aaab1bd1 100644
--- a/website/docs/vizext/trex_viz_getstarted.md
+++ b/website/docs/vizext/trex_viz_getstarted.md
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ If you are looking for information about how to use viz extensions in Tableau, s
**What's in a Tableau extension?**
-A Tableau extension consists of an XML manifest file (`.trex`), an web page (`.html`) that uses a Tableau-provided JavaScript library, and the JavaScript file (`.js`) (or files) that contain your extension logic. The Tableau extensions are supported on Tableau Desktop, Tableau Server, and Tableau Cloud.
+A Tableau extension consists of an XML manifest file (`.trex`), a web page (`.html`) that uses a Tableau-provided JavaScript library, and the JavaScript file (`.js`) (or files) that contain your extension logic. The Tableau extensions are supported on Tableau Desktop, Tableau Server, and Tableau Cloud.
@@ -29,42 +29,6 @@ A Tableau extension consists of an XML manifest file (`.trex`), an web page (`.h
If you want to create an extension or work with the sample code, make sure you have followed the instructions for [installation](../installation).
### Start a web server to host the sample viz extensions
To use the viz extension samples, you need to start up a web server on your computer to host the HTML pages. If you downloaded or cloned the Extensions API repository, you can start the web service in the root directory of the repository on your computer. For example, if you downloaded the `extensions-api-main.zip` file to your `Downloads` directory, after you extract the files, the directory would be `extensions-api-main`. If you cloned the repository, the directory would be `extensions-api`.
@@ -90,7 +54,7 @@ To use the viz extension samples, you need to start up a web server on your comp
- The web server just serves the extension samples, which have URLs similar to the following: `http://localhost:8765/Samples/ConnectedScatterplot/connectedScatterplot.html` This local web server is not intended to serve the Viz Extensions API Help pages. View the Help on GitHub at [https://tableau.github.io/extensions-api-preview](https://tableau.github.io/extensions-api-preview).
+ The web server just serves the extension samples, which have URLs similar to the following: `http://localhost:8765/Samples/Viz/ConnectedScatterplot/connectedScatterplot.html` This local web server is not intended to serve the Viz Extensions API Help pages. View the Help on GitHub at [https://tableau.github.io/extensions-api](https://tableau.github.io/extensions-api).
@@ -98,7 +62,11 @@ To use the viz extension samples, you need to start up a web server on your comp
### Sign in to Tableau and add a viz extension to the worksheet
-1. Sign into Tableau and open the Superstore workbook. Alternatively, open a new workbook in your Personal Space and connect to the **Superstore Datasource**.
+1. Start Tableau Desktop or sign in to Tableau Cloud or Tableau Server and open the Superstore workbook. Alternatively, open a new workbook in your Personal Space and connect to the **Superstore Datasource**.
+ :::note
+ If you are using Tableau Cloud or Tableau Server to view the samples, you'll need to make sure that the extension is on the Allow list (safe list) for Tableau Server or Tableau Cloud. See [Add extensions to the safe list and configure user prompts](https://help.tableau.com/current/online/en-us/dashboard_extensions_server.htm#add-extensions-to-the-safe-list-and-configure-user-prompts) (Tableau Cloud) or [Add extensions to the safe list and configure user prompts](https://help.tableau.com/current/server/en-us/dashboard_extensions_server.htm#add-extensions-to-the-safe-list-and-configure-user-prompts) (Tableau Server). So you can use all the sample extensions, use the following URL and wildcard: `http://localhost:.*/Samples/.*`
+ :::
1. In a worksheet, on the Marks card, expand the Mark Type drop-down menu.
@@ -113,13 +81,13 @@ To use the viz extension samples, you need to start up a web server on your comp
Every Tableau extension has a manifest file (.trex) that describes the extension and identifies the location of the web application. For more information on creating a `.trex` manifest file, see [Tableau Viz Extension Manifest File](./trex_viz_manifest).
1. Navigate to the directory where the connectedScatterplot manifest file (`.trex`) is located
1. Open the `connectedScatterplot.trex` file. If prompted, click OK to allow the Viz Extension to run in the workbook. The extension is a network-enabled extension, which means it has access to resources outside of Tableau and it is not hosted on the Tableau Sandbox.
When the extension loads, the worksheet is blank, but the Marks card will show the name of the viz extension and any custom encoding tiles the extension uses.
- ![](../assets/viz_ext_marks_scatterplot.png)
+ ![](../assets/viz_ext_marks_icon.png)
### Configure the connectedScatterplot viz extension
@@ -148,10 +116,11 @@ Some slight modifications have been made to make it able to be used with Workboo
## What's next?
-* Start developing your extension by modifying an existing sample. See [samples (GitHub)](https://github.com/tableau/extensions-api-preview/tree/main/Samples/). If you cloned or downloaded the repository, create a copy of one of the existing samples in the Samples directory and start with that. For example, if you make the copy of the ConnectedScatterplot directory, rename the copy and place it in the Samples directory. You will need to change the URL in the `.trex` file so that the source location URL shows the new path.
+* Start developing your extension by modifying an existing viz extension sample. See [samples (GitHub)](https://github.com/tableau/extensions-api/tree/main/Samples/Viz/). If you cloned or downloaded the repository, create a copy of one of the existing samples in the Samples directory and start with that. For example, if you make the copy of the ConnectedScatterplot directory, rename the copy and place it in the Samples directory. You will need to change the URL in the `.trex` file so that the source location URL shows the new path.
- Keeping your own extensions in the Samples folder has two advantages. The first is that you can host the extensions using the same web server you started with `npm start` command. The second is that the Tableau preview test site has been configured so that all extensions that use the path `http://localhost:8765/Samples` are included on the safe list (or allowlist). Because the extension is running on your local computer (`http://localhost`) and uses the URL that is allowed on the site, you are good to go. In general, when you are creating your own viz extensions, you will need to ensure that that the extension URL has been added to the safe list. For more information, see [Add extensions to the safe list and configure user prompts](https://help.tableau.com/current/online/en-us/dashboard_extensions_server.htm#add-extensions-to-the-safe-list-and-configure-user-prompts).
+ Keeping your own extensions in the Samples folder has two advantages. The first is that you can host the extensions using the same web server you started with `npm start` command. The second advantage is that you won't need to add your extension to the allow list (or safe list) if you configured your Tableau Cloud or Tableau Server site so that all extensions under the path `http://localhost:8765/Samples`. For example, if you added this URL and wildcard to the safe list: `http://localhost:.*/Samples/.*`, the URL allows all extensions (on any port) under the Samples folder. Because the extension is running on your local computer (`http://localhost`) and uses the URL that is allowed on the site, you are good to go. In general, when you are creating your own viz extensions, you will need to ensure that that the extension URL has been added to the safe list. For more information, see [Add extensions to the safe list and configure user prompts](https://help.tableau.com/current/online/en-us/dashboard_extensions_server.htm#add-extensions-to-the-safe-list-and-configure-user-prompts).
* For information about creating a simple "Hello World" Tableau viz extension, see [Create a "Hello World" Viz Extension](./trex_viz_create).
-* To get familiar with the programming interface for the Extensions API, see the API Reference.
+* To get familiar with the programming interface for the Extensions API, see the [API Reference](pathname:///api/).
diff --git a/website/docs/vizext/trex_viz_manifest.md b/website/docs/vizext/trex_viz_manifest.md
index 2b562693..692be8b1 100644
--- a/website/docs/vizext/trex_viz_manifest.md
+++ b/website/docs/vizext/trex_viz_manifest.md
@@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ To add custom encoding, you provide definitions for the encoding in the manifest
These encodings are rendered on the Marks card as tiles, with the X, Y and Text icons.
@@ -422,7 +422,7 @@ The following table shows the list of icons you can use.
edge |
- |
+ |
digit-2 |
diff --git a/website/sidebars.js b/website/sidebars.js
index 5a813030..67bdc46e 100644
--- a/website/sidebars.js
+++ b/website/sidebars.js
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ const sidebars = {
label: 'Reference',
/* link: { href: "https://github.com/tableau/hyper-api-samples" }, */
items: [
- { type: 'link', label: "Samples", href: "https://github.com/tableau/extensions-api-preview/tree/main/Samples" },
+ { type: 'link', label: "Samples", href: "https://github.com/tableau/extensions-api/tree/main/Samples" },
{ type: 'link', label: "API Reference", href: 'pathname:///api' },
type: 'category',
diff --git a/website/static/api/index.html b/website/static/api/index.html
index 515ac49a..56b736b6 100644
--- a/website/static/api/index.html
+++ b/website/static/api/index.html
@@ -67,9 +67,9 @@ Tableau Extensions API
The Tableau Extensions API is a JavaScript library that is organized into namespaces that contain
the classes and methods for communicating with Tableau components. The Tableau Extensions API
- library supports both dashboard extensions and viz extensions (only available in beta), although not
+ library supports both dashboard extensions and viz extensions, although not
all interfaces and methods apply to both extensions. For an overview of how the API is organized,
- see Tableau Extensions API Basics.
+ see Tableau Extensions API Basics.
Note: To see all the methods and properties for the Extensions API interfaces, select the Inherited option in the upper-right corner of your browser window. This option shows any methods and properties inherited from base classes.
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ Tableau Extensions API
WorksheetContent |
- (Available to viz extensions beta only) The worksheetContent provides access to the worksheet object. When you have the worksheet object, you have access to all elements in the worksheet, including the worksheets, marks, filters, parameters, and data sources. For example, to access the worksheet in a workbook (after initialization), you might have a line of code that looks like the following: const worksheet = tableau.extensions.worksheetContent |
+ (Available to viz extensions only) The worksheetContent provides access to the worksheet object. When you have the worksheet object, you have access to all elements in the worksheet, including the worksheets, marks, filters, parameters, and data sources. For example, to access the worksheet in a workbook (after initialization), you might have a line of code that looks like the following: const worksheet = tableau.extensions.worksheetContent.worksheet |
Settings |
@@ -113,14 +113,14 @@ Tableau Extensions API
Dashboard extensions
The following diagram shows the relationship between the extensions namespace and the worksheets in
- the dashboard. For more information, see Tableau Extensions API Basics.
+ the dashboard. For more information, see Tableau Extensions API Basics.
- Viz extensions (available in beta only)
+ Viz extensions
The following diagram shows the relationship between the extensions namespace and the worksheets in
- the workbook. For more information, see Tableau Extensions API Basics.
+ the workbook. For more information, see Tableau Extensions API Basics.