| You nailed it! Good job!
|======================= | 20%
| Simple, right? R put a title on the histogram and labeled both axes for you. What is the most frequent
| count?
1: Over 100
2: Under 25
3: Over 150
4: Between 60 and 75
Selection: 2
| All that practice is paying off!
|========================= | 21%
| Next we'll do a boxplot. First, though, run the R command table with the argument airquality$Month.
> table(airquality$Month)
5 6 7 8 9
31 30 31 31 30
| You are amazing!
|========================== | 23%
| We see that the data covers 5 months, May through September. We'll want a boxplot of ozone as a function of
| the month in which the measurements were taken so we'll use the R formula Ozone~Month as the first argument
| of boxplot. Our second argument will be airquality, the dataset from which the variables of the first
| argument are taken. Try this now.
> boxplot(Ozone~Month,data = airquality)
| You are quite good my friend!
|============================ | 24%
| Note that boxplot, unlike hist, did NOT specify a title and axis labels for you automatically.
|============================== | 26%
| Let's call boxplot again to specify labels. (Use the up arrow to recover the previous command and save
| yourself some typing.) We'll add more arguments to the call to specify labels for the 2 axes. Set xlab
| equal to "Month" and ylab equal to "Ozone (ppb)". Specify col.axis equal to "blue" and col.lab equal to
| "red". Try this now.
> boxplot(Ozone~Month, airquality, xlab="Month", ylab="Ozone (ppb)",col.axis="blue",col.lab="red")
| Perseverance, that's the answer.
|================================ | 27%
| Nice colors, but still no title. Let's add one with the R command title. Use the argument main set equal to
| the string "Ozone and Wind in New York City".
> title(main="Ozone and Wind in New York City")
| That's the answer I was looking for.
|================================= | 29%
| Now we'll show you how to plot a simple two-dimensional scatterplot using the R function plot. We'll show
| the relationship between Wind (x-axis) and Ozone (y-axis). We'll use the function plot with those two
| arguments (Wind and Ozone, in that order). To save some typing, though, we'll call the R command with using
| 2 arguments. The first argument of with will be airquality, the dataset containing Wind and Ozone; the
| second argument will be the call to plot. Doing this allows us to avoid using the longer notation, e.g.,
| airquality$Wind. Try this now.
> with(airquality, plot(Wind, Ozone))
| That's a job well done!
|=================================== | 30%
| Note that plot generated labels for the x and y axes but no title.
|===================================== | 32%
| Add one now with the R command title. Use the argument main set equal to the string "Ozone and Wind in New
| York City". (You can use the up arrow to recover the command if you don't want to type it.)
title(main = "Ozone and Wind in New York City")
| All that hard work is paying off!
|======================================= | 33%
| The basic plotting parameters are documented in the R help page for the function par. You can use par to
| set parameters OR to find out what values are already set. To see just how much flexibility you have, run
| the R command length with the argument par() now.
| One more time. You can do it! Or, type info() for more options.
| Type length(par()) at the command prompt.
> length(par())
[1] 72
| All that practice is paying off!
|======================================== | 35%
| So there are a boatload (72) of parameters that par() gives you access to. Run the R function names with
| par() as its argument to see what these parameters are.
> names(par())
[1] "xlog" "ylog" "adj" "ann" "ask" "bg" "bty" "cex"
[9] "cex.axis" "cex.lab" "cex.main" "cex.sub" "cin" "col" "col.axis" "col.lab"
[17] "col.main" "col.sub" "cra" "crt" "csi" "cxy" "din" "err"
[25] "family" "fg" "fig" "fin" "font" "font.axis" "font.lab" "font.main"
[33] "font.sub" "lab" "las" "lend" "lheight" "ljoin" "lmitre" "lty"
[41] "lwd" "mai" "mar" "mex" "mfcol" "mfg" "mfrow" "mgp"
[49] "mkh" "new" "oma" "omd" "omi" "page" "pch" "pin"
[57] "plt" "ps" "pty" "smo" "srt" "tck" "tcl" "usr"
[65] "xaxp" "xaxs" "xaxt" "xpd" "yaxp" "yaxs" "yaxt" "ylbias"
| Perseverance, that's the answer.
|========================================== | 36%
| Variety is the spice of life. You might recognize some of these such as col and lwd from previous swirl
| lessons. You can always run ?par to see what they do. For now, run the command par()$pin and see what you
| get.
> par()$pin
[1] 7.3225000 0.4516667
| You are doing so well!
|============================================ | 38%
| Alternatively, you could have gotten the same result by running par("pin") or par('pin')). What do you
| think these two numbers represent?
1: Coordinates of the center of the plot window
2: A confidence interval
3: Plot dimensions in inches
4: Random numbers
Selection: par("pin")
Enter an item from the menu, or 0 to exit
Selection: 3
| Excellent work!
|============================================== | 39%
| Now, run the command par("fg") or or par('fg') or par()$fg and see what you get.
> par("fg")
[1] "black"
| You got it right!
|=============================================== | 41%
| It gave you a color, right? Since par()$fg specifies foreground color, what do you think par()$bg
| specifies?
1: Better color
2: Background color
3: Beautiful color
4: blue-green
Selection: 2
| Excellent job!
|================================================= | 42%
| Many base plotting functions share a set of parameters. We'll go through some of the more commonly used
| ones now. See if you can tell what they do from their names.
|=================================================== | 44%
| What do you think the graphical parameter pch controls?
1: point control height
2: picture characteristics
3: pc help
4: plot character
Selection: 1
| Give it another try.
| The p stands for plot.
1: pc help
2: plot character
3: point control height
4: picture characteristics
Selection: 2
| Excellent job!
|===================================================== | 45%
| The plot character default is the open circle, but it "can either be a single character or an integer code
| for one of a set of graphics symbols." Run the command par("pch") to see the integer value of the default.
| When you need to, you can use R's Documentation (?pch) to find what the other values mean.
> par("pch")
[1] 1
| Your dedication is inspiring!
|====================================================== | 47%
| So 1 is the code for the open circle. What do you think the graphical parameters lty and lwd control
| respectively?
1: line length and width
2: line slope and intercept
3: line width and type
4: line type and width
1: line slope and intercept
2: line width and type
3: line length and width
4: line type and width
Selection: 4
| Keep working like that and you'll get there!
|======================================================== | 48%
| Run the command par("lty") to see the default line type.
> par("lty")
[1] "solid"
| Excellent work!
|========================================================== | 50%
| So the default line type is solid, but it can be dashed, dotted, etc. Once again, R's ?par documentation
| will tell you what other line types are available. The line width is a positive integer; the default value
| is 1.
|============================================================ | 52%
| We've seen a lot of examples of col, the plotting color, specified as a number, string, or hex code; the
| colors() function gives you a vector of colors by name.
|============================================================== | 53%
| What do you think the graphical parameters xlab and ylab control respectively?
1: labels for the y- and x- axes
2: labels for the x- and y- axes
Selection: 2
| You are amazing!
|=============================================================== | 55%
| The par() function is used to specify global graphics parameters that affect all plots in an R session.
| (Use dev.off or plot.new to reset to the defaults.) These parameters can be overridden when specified as
| arguments to specific plotting functions. These include las (the orientation of the axis labels on the
| plot), bg (background color), mar (margin size), oma (outer margin size), mfrow and mfcol (number of plots
| per row, column).
|================================================================= | 56%
| The last two, mfrow and mfcol, both deal with multiple plots in that they specify the number of plots per
| row and column. The difference between them is the order in which they fill the plot matrix. The call mfrow
| will fill the rows first while mfcol fills the columns first.
|=================================================================== | 58%
| So to reiterate, first call a basic plotting routine. For instance, plot makes a scatterplot or other type
| of plot depending on the class of the object being plotted.
|===================================================================== | 59%
| As we've seen, R provides several annotating functions. Which of the following is NOT one of them?
1: hist
2: title
3: lines
4: points
5: text
Selection: 1
| All that practice is paying off!
|====================================================================== | 61%
| So you can add text, title, points, and lines to an existing plot. To add lines, you give a vector of x
| values and a corresponding vector of y values (or a 2-column matrix); the function lines just connects the
| dots. The function text adds text labels to a plot using specified x, y coordinates.
|======================================================================== | 62%
| The function title adds annotations. These include x- and y- axis labels, title, subtitle, and outer
| margin. Two other annotating functions are mtext which adds arbitrary text to either the outer or inner
| margins of the plot and axis which adds axis ticks and labels. Another useful function is legend which
| explains to the reader what the symbols your plot uses mean.
|========================================================================== | 64%
| Before we close, let's test your ability to make a somewhat complicated scatterplot. First run plot with 3
| arguments. airquality$Wind, airquality$Ozone, and type set equal to "n". This tells R to set up the plot
| but not to put the data in it.
> plot(airquality$Wind,airquality$Ozone,type = "n")
| Great job!
|============================================================================ | 65%
| Now for the test. (You might need to check R's documentation for some of these.) Add a title with the
| argument main set equal to the string "Wind and Ozone in NYC"
> title(main="Wind and Ozone in NYC")
| You got it!
|============================================================================= | 67%
| Now create a variable called may by subsetting airquality appropriately. (Recall that the data specifies
| months by number and May is the fifth month of the year.)
> may<-subset(airquality,Month=5)
| Try again. Getting it right on the first try is boring anyway! Or, type info() for more options.
| Type may <- subset(airquality, Month==5) at the prompt.
> may<-subset(airquality,Month==5)
| You are amazing!
|=============================================================================== | 68%
| Now use the R command points to plot May's wind and ozone (in that order) as solid blue triangles. You have
| to set the color and plot character with two separate arguments. Note we use points because we're adding to
| an existing plot.
> points(may$Wind,may$Ozone,col="blue",pch=17)
| You nailed it! Good job!
|================================================================================= | 70%
| Now create the variable notmay by subsetting airquality appropriately.
> notmay<-subset(airquality,Month!=5)
| Perseverance, that's the answer.
|=================================================================================== | 71%
| Now use the R command points to plot these notmay's wind and ozone (in that order) as red snowflakes.
> points(notmay$Wind,notmay$Ozone,col="red",pch=8)
| All that practice is paying off!
|==================================================================================== | 73%
| Now we'll use the R command legend to clarify the plot and explain what it means. The function has a lot of
| arguments, but we'll only use 4. The first will be the string "topright" to tell R where to put the legend.
| The remaining 3 arguments will each be 2-long vectors created by R's concatenate function, e.g., c(). These
| arguments are pch, col, and legend. The first is the vector (17,8), the second ("blue","red"), and the
| third ("May","Other Months"). Try it now.
legend("topright",pch=c(17,8),col=c("blue","red"),legend = c("May","Other Months"))
| You are doing so well!
|====================================================================================== | 74%
| Now add a vertical line at the median of airquality$Wind. Make it dashed (lty=2) with a width of 2.
> lines(airquality$Wind,lty=2,lwd=2)
| You almost had it, but not quite. Try again. Or, type info() for more options.
| Type abline(v=median(airquality$Wind),lty=2,lwd=2).
> abline(v=median(airquality$Wind),lty=2,lwd=2)
| You are doing so well!
|======================================================================================== | 76%
| Use par with the parameter mfrow set equal to the vector (1,2) to set up the plot window for two plots side
| by side. You won't see a result.
> par(mfrow=c(1,2))
| All that practice is paying off!
|========================================================================================== | 77%
| Now plot airquality$Wind and airquality$Ozone and use main to specify the title "Ozone and Wind".
> plot(airquality$Wind,airquality$Ozone,main = "Ozone and Wind")
| Keep up the great work!
|=========================================================================================== | 79%
| Now for the second plot.
|============================================================================================= | 80%
| Plot airquality$Ozone and airquality$Solar.R and use main to specify the title "Ozone and Solar Radiation".
> plot(airquality$Ozone,airquality$Solar.R,main = "Ozone and Solar Radiation")
| That's correct!
|=============================================================================================== | 82%
| Now for something more challenging.
|================================================================================================= | 83%
| This one with 3 plots, to illustrate inner and outer margins. First, set up the plot window by typing
| par(mfrow = c(1, 3), mar = c(4, 4, 2, 1), oma = c(0, 0, 2, 0))
> par(mfrow=c(1,3),mar=c(4,4,2,1),oma=c(0,0,2,0))
| Great job!
|================================================================================================== | 85%
| Margins are specified as 4-long vectors of integers. Each number tells how many lines of text to leave at
| each side. The numbers are assigned clockwise starting at the bottom. The default for the inner margin is
| c(5.1, 4.1, 4.1, 2.1) so you can see we reduced each of these so we'll have room for some outer text.
|==================================================================================================== | 86%
| The first plot should be familiar. Plot airquality$Wind and airquality$Ozone with the title (argument main)
| as "Ozone and Wind".
> plot(airquality$Wind,airquality$Ozone,main = "Ozone and Wind")
| You nailed it! Good job!
|====================================================================================================== | 88%
| The second plot is similar.
|======================================================================================================== | 89%
| Plot airquality$Solar.R and airquality$Ozone with the title (argument main) as "Ozone and Solar Radiation".
> plot(airquality$Solar.R, airquality$Ozone, main = "Ozone and Solar Radiation")
| Great job!
|========================================================================================================= | 91%
| Now for the final panel.
|=========================================================================================================== | 92%
| Plot airquality$Temp and airquality$Ozone with the title (argument main) as "Ozone and Temperature".
> plot(airquality$Temp,airquality$Ozone,main="Ozone and Temperature")
| All that hard work is paying off!
|============================================================================================================= | 94%
| Now we'll put in a title.
|=============================================================================================================== | 95%
| Since this is the main title, we specify it with the R command mtext. Call mtext with the string "Ozone and
| Weather in New York City" and the argument outer set equal to TRUE.
> mtext("Ozone and Weather in New York City",outer = TRUE)
| You are really on a roll!
|================================================================================================================ | 97%
| Voila! Beautiful, right?
|================================================================================================================== | 98%
| Congrats! You've weathered this lesson nicely and passed out of the No!zone.
|====================================================================================================================| 100%
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1: Yes 2: No
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