The schema data derived from a traffic surveillance camera dataset named schema_HWY_20_AND_LOCUST-filtered.json can be downloaded here.
Regions of Interest (ROIs) covered by cameras in ESRI shapefile format (named its_4326_roi.*) can be downloaded here.
The camera parameter file (for 27 ROIs) can be downloaded here
For application background see here
Download these three data files to {cudf_home}/data and compile/run two data
preprocessing C++ programs in the folder to prepare the data files for the
C++/Python test code. In addition to its_4326_roi.* and its_camera_2.csv,
four derived SoA data files are needed for the tests: vehicle identification
), timestamp (.time
), lon/lat location
) and polygon (.ply
). The instructions to compile and run
and poly2soa.cpp
are provided at the beginning of the two
To compile, download cJSON.c and cJSON.h from the cJson website and put them in the current directory.
g++ json2soa.cpp cJSON.c -o json2soa -O3
To run:
./json2soa schema_HWY_20_AND_LOCUST-filtered.json locust -1
The three parameters for the program are: input json file name
(schema_HWY_20_AND_LOCUST-filtered.json, must follow the specific schema),
the output root file name and the number of records to be processed. A total of
five files with .time
, .objectid
, .bbox
, .location
, .coordinate
extensions will be generated and three will be used: .time
, .objectid
. The last parameter is for the desired number of locations to be
processed; -1 indicates all records but the value can be a smaller number for
easy inspection.
To compile, install a recent version of GDAL
under /usr/local
g++ -I /usr/local/include -L /usr/local/lib poly2soa.cpp -lgdal -o poly2soa
To run:
./poly2soa itsroi.ply
The first parameter is the catalog file of all Shapefiles from which to extract
polygons. Currently, the provided
has only one line which is the path
(relative or full) of the provided ROI polygon file (its_4326_roi.shp). If you
have multiple ROI shapefiles, you can list them in
file, one .shp
file name per line.
The design supports multiple polygons from multiple shapefiles and polygons in each file is considered to be a group. However, the group information is not exposed in the current implementation but this can be changed in the future if needed.