- retrieving all products
- add products
- update product
- delete product
- buy a list of products
- get order details
- retrieving all products ordered by popularity
- id
- nameEn
- nameAr
- price
- quantity
- image
Provide an API for
- Create categories
- retrieving all categories
- adding products should be to a specific category
- retrieving all products per category
Provide an API for
- Create customer
- Login
- buy a list of products only if he is logged in
- get order details for his own orders only
- Limit quantity bought by any customer for specific products (i.e: any customer not allowed to buy "Samsung A52 Mobile" more than 4 times)
Provide the ability to avail product with multiple variants. for example
- T-shirt with 3 variants: S, M, L
- Toy with 3 variants: red, green, blue each variant may have a different price and quantity