flow accounts add-contract ./cadence/contracts/Counter.cdc --network=testnet --signer=default
Contract created on the account 'ee884352e5d52524' with transaction ID a504af106fb7699204b7b17e6f21e38a877da112944866efe76dfe4ba504e417.
If you would like to fund the account with 1000 FLOW tokens for testing, visit https://testnet-faucet.onflow.org/fund-account?address=ee884352e5d52524
Address 0xee884352e5d52524
Balance 1000.00198779
Keys 1
Key 0 Public Key ba0e417ef36f3cdf7b000cf2ae4f8b9729dcbb2a0d7f43e433daac587d1fe8b6f3383536acbc20aae6aedd26000d50b7ff8f5aec8aa893728111dfd436989f0b
Weight 1000
Signature Algorithm ECDSA_P256
Hash Algorithm SHA3_256
Revoked false
Sequence Number 4
Index 0
Contracts Deployed: 2
Contract: 'Counter'
Contract: 'VotingSystem'
Contracts (hidden, use --include contracts)
flow accounts update-contract ./cadence/contracts/Counter.cdc --network=testnet --signer=default
<!-- Gen coordinator key - only need to put the public key in the json file - keep the private -->
cd packages/cli
node build/ts/index.js genMaciKeyPair
cd ../contracts
https://github.com/privacy-scaling-explorations/maci/blob/dev/packages/contracts/deploy-config-example.json#L326-L327 - set coordinator key and poll duration (duration is in seconds so 300 is 5 minutes)
cp deploy-config-example.json deploy-config.json
pnpm deploy:localhost
<!-- For each poll deploy it -->
pnpm deploy-poll:localhost
<!-- Finalization -->
pnpm merge:localhost --poll $ID
pnpm prove:localhost --poll $ID --coordinator-private-key $PRIVATE_KEY --blocks-per-batch 100000
<!-- Parse the tally.json file and you will have the results -->
market size
complicated decisions cost a huge amount of money for people
human computation
biggest segment
future roadmap
world usecase
airbnb took a lot time to hire 1st decisions
had to be an imp descisions
each param of voting hot or not
- upvote and downvote
- weighted votes
- social aspect - comments, likes
- voting loyalty
- best meme coin
- who should be your class head
- general consumer facing use case
- fun stuff that applies to a lot of people
- presentation should include
- prevention of sybil attacks
- prevention of bots